A Proven Solution For Increasing Brand Sales!

A Proven Solution For Increasing Brand Sales!

Imagine - you are looking for a product you really need and you start your quest with a Google search.

Clicking through a few sites you check out the about pages, store pages, product pages etc. You think of a couple of brands who might have what you need and look them up too. However, nothing grabs you, or meets your needs. You end your search with no purchase made.

You feel a bit frustrated and decide to try again soon when you have more time.

During this period, your need for the product you want is getting stronger. You need it sooner rather than later!

A few days pass and you repeat the process, keen to find the product that’s going to solve your problem and meet your needs.

This time, you land on a website, scroll down, and start watching a two-minute video that explains the company’s brand story, its values and the type of products you are interested in.

You are captivated by the video and keen to find out more about the company’s products and head to their store page.

Here, you find product videos with 360-views of each product and real customer testimonials.

The product and testimonial videos are informative and together with the impressive company video you viewed earlier, you feel confident in your decision to make a purchase.

You don’t hesitate as you really need to have this product in your hot little hands.

You are excited to make the purchase and click the buy button.

A buyer’s journey

What I’ve just painted is a typical buyer’s journey that most of us do in our daily lives.

Marketing and brand managers know that consumers go through a buying journey.

Hubspot?explains this well with the three stages comprising of:

  1. The awareness stage:?a buyer becomes aware they have a problem.
  2. The consideration stage:?a buyer defines their problem and considers options to solve it.
  3. The decision stage:?A buyer evaluates and decides on the provider who has the right solution to meet their needs.

With the power of video, a buyer’s journey can be sped up to generate quicker actions between stages two and three, resulting in more sales in a shorter time frame.

According to?WordStream?people are watching an average of 16 hours of online video per week.

This equates to a staggering 52% increase during the last two years.

More and more consumers are becoming comfortable with purchasing online.

Video is a proven solution to generating sales and is the superior choice for marketers in 2021 and in the future.

If you need more convincing, check out what?Brid.TV?says about the shift from traditional media towards online content.

Let’s dig a little deeper now to discover what really makes a consumer go from steps two to three to expedite sales.

Personalising video is the solution!

Let’s replay the above scenario of scrolling through the website and finding the company video that resonated with you.

What was it about this company and it’s products that really took hold of you and made you want to purchase?

“People like people” and for this reason, consumers form a stronger connection with a brand in a quicker time-frame through personalised video.

Here at?PURE, we are experts at story-telling. We bring brands to life through personalised video.

Video that awakens the consumer, evokes emotion, drives response and sales.

We are able to capture the human element of brands which builds trust and creates instant connection with every one of their customers.

The bottom line to sales success: if you want to increase your brand sales ensure you create personalised brand videos in your marketing!

Have a lot on your plate? You need a video marketing company that makes life easier for you and gets you results! Here at PURE we are masters at producing quality video marketing solutions for ambitious brands and businesses.

Get in touch with me today about your project.


