Prove to your prospects you ARE good!
Steve Bridson -.
Would you like to understand how to reduce your business challenges but not pay through the nose? BBA is a support and training platform for small business owners to create the life and business they desire |
As a nation we Brits are generally not very good at blowing our own trumpets and sometimes struggle with talking positively about ourselves. If we do, we worry that we may be coming across as arrogant or cocky. How can we prove that we achieve the results we say and we are bloody good at what we do (without sounding arrogant)?
It's quite simple, we get others to do it for us. Client #testimonials are a phenomenally powerful #salestool and there are a number of real benefits
Ultimately they can improve your #conversionrate!
Where can you use them?
The simple answer is you really can use them anywhere! For example, I have a testimonials page on my website, you can add them to bottom of your email signature, you can add them to your quotes, you can post them on your social media.....the list goes on. Essentially they are a great tool that is available to all of us and you should use them wherever you are likely to get any kind of visibility, AND they don't cost you anything!
So, if you don't have any, go and ask your best clients to see if they would mind helping you out - you will get more people agreeing to help than not!?
If you are looking to grow your business, why not book a call with me here?
"Steve makes business planning seem so easy. I enter the room with confusion and uncertainty and a few hours later leave with confidence and clarity.."
- Sarah H. Creative Agency