A Proud Moment

It is a proud moment when a parent sees one of their children follow in their footsteps. My own experience was to work for others for about 15 years before getting the entrepreneurial bug and deciding to start my own business.

My daughter Amy Gomez has now done the same thing and left the comfort and security of a regular paycheck to seek her fortune in the world of business.

She has started a company called AG Grant Development where she prepares grant development applications and provides writing services for Canadian Charities and not-for-profits. She did the same thing as an employee of the YMCA but now does it on her own.

Five months later she is excelling in the private sector and loving the independence and thrill of self-accomplishment. Just as her dad did 37 years ago. There is nothing like it--the hours are longer and the pay may be less but the satisfaction of doing something positive on one's own is priceless.

If you know of a group that may need her services, encourage them to contact her at [email protected], through her website https://aggrantdevelopment.ca/ or through her Linked-in page.


