Prototyping guide: Figure 4
What is Figure 4?
3D printing technology Figure 4, is ideal for functional prototyping and very low volume production. It delivers an ultra-high print speed along with quality and accuracy meaning prototype parts can be printed quickly without affecting quality and accuracy.
Did you know? Because Figure 4 parts can be printed so quickly, Prototype Projects can sometimes deliver same day dispatch (depending on the part).
How does Figure 4 work?
Prototype parts printed using SLA, SLS, FDM and PolyJet are printed from the printing bed downwards (-Z direction). In contrast, Figure 4 parts are printed in a reverse; they are drawn upwards (+Z direction) from the resin bed. This has two main benefits. Firstly, the amount of resin required to sit within the bed is very small, so cost of running is reduced. Secondly, the DLP (digital light projector) image is of the whole sliced layer, so the speed of print of each layer is dramatically increased over other print methods.
When should Figure 4 be used?
A range of materials is available for Figure 4 making it a versatile 3D printing solution.
It is ideal for:
- Functional prototyping and concept models
- Investment casting jewellery patterns
- End-use durable plastic parts
- Jigs and fixtures
- Moulds and master patterns
What are the benefits of Figure 4?
As well as being ideal for low volume production, Figure 4 offers:
- Fast printing times
- Elimination of tooling
- Range of materials
Figure 4 materials
There are a number of materials available for Figure 4. Prototype Projects stocks the following materials:
- ELAST-BLK 10: a rubber-like material for accelerated designing and prototyping of elastomeric products
- FLEX-BLK 10: a flexible material for the production of exceptionally durable polypropylene-like black parts
- RGD-GRY 10: a rigid material which is grey in colour, with a high build speed
- RGD-GRY 15: a durable and rigid grey material
Figure 4 texturing
As with SLS and SLA prototype parts, it is possible to apply surface texturing to Figure 4 at the time of printing.
Figure 4 in action...
Find out more..
To find out more about Figure 4, please contact me on 01763 249760.