Prototype design pattern

Prototype design pattern

The Prototype design pattern is a creational design pattern that allows you to create new objects by copying an existing object, known as the prototype, rather than creating new instances from scratch. This pattern involves creating clone objects, thereby reducing the need for subclassing. It is useful when the construction of a new object is more efficient by copying an existing object rather than creating it anew.

Key Components:

  1. Prototype: This is the interface or abstract class that declares the method for cloning itself. It typically includes a clone() method.
  2. Concrete Prototype: These are the concrete implementations of the prototype interface. They implement the clone() method to create a new object by copying itself.
  3. Client: This is the class or module that creates new objects by cloning existing prototypes.

Advantages of Prototype Pattern:

  • Reduces the need for subclassing.
  • Allows adding or removing objects at runtime.
  • Avoids costly creation using the 'new' keyword.

Disadvantages of Prototype Pattern:

  • Cloning complex objects with deep hierarchies may be difficult.
  • It may require implementing a custom cloning mechanism.

Real-Life Example:

Consider a scenario where you have a graphic design tool like Adobe Illustrator. When creating a new graphic object (e.g., a shape, a text box), instead of starting from scratch and defining all properties and attributes, you can clone an existing object that closely resembles the one you want to create. For instance, if you have a circle with specific attributes (e.g., radius, color, position), you can clone it to create another circle with similar attributes but perhaps a different color or position.


from copy import deepcopy

class GraphicObject:
    def clone(self):

class Circle(GraphicObject):
    def __init__(self, x, y, radius, color):
        self.x = x
        self.y = y
        self.radius = radius
        self.color = color

    def clone(self):
        # Use deepcopy to create a deep copy of the object
        return deepcopy(self)

class Textbox(GraphicObject):
    def __init__(self, x, y, width, height, text):
        self.x = x
        self.y = y
        self.width = width
        self.height = height
        self.text = text

    def clone(self):
        # Use deepcopy to create a deep copy of the object
        return deepcopy(self)

# Client
if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Create prototype instances
    circle_prototype = Circle(100, 100, 50, "blue")
    textbox_prototype = Textbox(200, 200, 100, 50, "Hello")

    # Clone circle
    cloned_circle = circle_prototype.clone()
    print("Cloned Circle - x:", cloned_circle.x, "y:", cloned_circle.y, "radius:", cloned_circle.radius, "color:", cloned_circle.color)

    # Clone textbox
    cloned_textbox = textbox_prototype.clone()
    print("Cloned Textbox - x:", cloned_textbox.x, "y:", cloned_textbox.y, "width:", cloned_textbox.width, "height:", cloned_textbox.height, "text:", cloned_textbox.text)

In this example:

  • The GraphicObject class defines the interface for cloning objects. It declares the clone() method, which will be implemented by concrete prototypes.
  • Circle and Textbox are concrete prototype classes that implement the clone() method. They use deepcopy from the copy module to create a deep copy of the object, ensuring that all attributes are copied recursively.
  • In the client code, prototype instances (e.g., circle_prototype, textbox_prototype) are created. These prototypes serve as templates for creating new objects.
  • The client creates new objects (cloned_circle, cloned_textbox) by cloning the prototype instances. The clone() method is called on the prototype, which returns a new instance with the same attributes as the prototype.

This real-life example demonstrates how the Prototype pattern can be used in a graphic design tool to create new graphic objects by cloning existing ones, thereby reducing the need for defining all attributes from scratch.


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