Doug MacLellan
President and CEO at Canada ProsperUnity Corporation (CPUC). | | APEGA Life Member
New Public Partnerships for Energy
The August NEB hearings in Montreal have illustrated a strong point; the energy business needs to reach out farther and communicate better. It may be that the message is being appreciated but it also may be that the messenger is not liked and not trusted. Somehow, educating the public as to the facts has become more important but we need to ensure that the "facts" are just that and not our perception. Where there is a difference of interpretation, our industry needs to listen and see what we can learn. Sometimes we are just going to have to agree to disagree, but we need to always be taking the high road.
What is safe, needs to be defined better. Risk has to be clearly understood. Also. we need to explain to the public and society at large what it is that oil and gas are being produced and utilized for. What level of comfort, health and lifestyle does the broad public want.
Alternative energies are said to be around the corner or here. Let us clearly explain how immediate those alternate solutions will be and at what cost and to what segment of the population will they serve. From what I read, we are still a couple of decades away from seeing a major impact by alternative energy sources. When I discuss hydrocarbons with people I do not get a sense that most people understand how thorough hydrocarbons are embedded into our lifestyles. Whether it is in the manufacture of plastics, artificial fabrics, dyes, paint, lubrication of gears and engines and motors and coverings on medicines, petrochemicals are everywhere. Our vast infrastructure is based on the use of hydrocarbons. Can we change? I expect so, but can society and the public afford the cost? The solution is just not an academic one. If society wants to cut down the use of hydrocarbons it needs to understand all the factors involved and the risks and rewards.
I do not think that vilent protests in Montreal accomplish anything. The people protesting obviously do not want people discussing issues at a hearing. Those few people have decided for us. Funny how our democracy works. The right to protest is inalienable and immutable but along with that right to protest should be a demand to show respect for ideas and discussion and for society through its forums, hearings and governments to make decisions for all of us. The protesters do not occupy any higher ground of integrity and value than those presenting at the hearings. I believe thos e that protest should have a forum for their thoughts and ideas at the hearing and they should also be available for questioning and they should present their case along with the pipeline companies and the NEB staff.
The energy business needs to fund with government an independent resource organization that is given a mission to collect and distribute "facts". That organization should offer reading rooms, computer access and a library where any group can obtain resource materials or just learn about any thing associated with hydrocarbons and the energy business and any and all alternative energies.
I have lots of questions as well but I believe collaboration and understanding other points of view is imperative.