Protests never work that is truth
Each Protest is Different - but everyone has the same reason for being on the protest

Protests never work that is truth

I am bored, I tired of fighting, I have had enough, I want to bring change, nut not sure how, protesting never works because there is divide, it is caused to keep people from coming together

Truth everyone across the United Kingdom has had enough, everyday there are protests from every side of life, they all have one thing in common, they have had enough of being put down, feel unheard and unseen by this UK Government. Most of all they are all branded with labels, divided and controlled by outside influences.

When you look at the people working in the emergency services, do you honestly think their happy with their pay and working conditions, but they are governed to follow orders, which they do. Remember, they are struggling to pay bills, they are struggling with this austerity and living crisis, it is just a job

As I sit here watching the news, interacting with social media as the events unfold across the world, I just feel Groundhog Day, every day.

Lot of people in the United Kingdom are unhappy with this government, it is not just this government it is the previous governments going back a few decades. Watching the events and listening to social media channels, majority of the news channels controlled by government, only sharing the narrative they want, feeding miss information, while anyone with a point of view gets branded and labialised, if your words are too strong you will face being arrested and prosecuted.

We have become a country of people who easily get hurt by words, the government will tell you it is orchestrating terrorism

Who would have thought 21st century, the United Kingdom would be become a dictatorship that has eroded the freedoms of speech and freedoms to express oneself, UK is the modern-day equivalent to what our grandfathers fought in WWII. We have become the new United Kingdom of Modern Communism

Fact is majority of the people protesting have had enough,

  • they have no certainty in life,
  • they are in fear for the future,
  • they are struggling to understand how the immigrants are placed before their needs
  • immigrants come to our shores, they are placed in accommodation, given food / water, money to live, even offered a better future prospects than those who live in the country.

People protesting on the streets, are struggling to understand, how they can be treated as 3rd class citizen in their country, some are struggling to find work, struggling financially, while they watch the government give free passes (money) to others. Cost of living continues to rise, many live by paying the bills on a need basis, while putting of other bills.

Their frustrated by the lack of services from the local and emergency services, the deterioration of the health service, all while the government continue to give away the taxpayer’s money freely, to immigration, bailouts corporations, proxy wars, MP’s pay rises, Senior Civil Servants Gold Pensions, foreign aid etc

People who talk out or protest are classified as FAR Right & Racist – labels of brand so easily given out.

Are these Protestors “Far Right”, come on are they all FAR Right – truth there are some infiltrators in the protests that have this ideology, but you cannot brand everyone as the same that is narrow minded

Unfortunately, there will be these people with these ideologies, they are there, be extreme Nazism or Islamic Faith they will be there adding fuel, it is for the individuals and police to take responsibility and identify these people and remove, as our fathers and forefathers fought to give us freedoms from this evil

Route cause of these protests is money and power,

Root cause of the government failing to take control of the economy is financial, lack

This government we elected, or you elected over a month ago.

Fact they have no say in the running of this country, they have no say at all, they promise to bring change at the elections through their manifestos – but have no control over the operation of the country once they take office

We are governed by a corporation of Senior Civil Servants, who give their puppets directions to follow, Keir Starmer maybe the UK Prime Minister but he has no power, it must be passed and approved by the Senior Civil Servants and Economists that advise.

Truth everyone across the United Kingdom has had enough, everyday there are protests from every side of life, they all have one thing in common, they have had enough of being put down, feel unheard and unseen by this UK Government. Most of all they are all branded with labels, divided and controlled by outside influences.

We have experts from different walks of life, invited on to social media to discuss the protests, but majority babble crap, to bring an end to the protest, you need to get to the root cause – people feel like 3rd class citizens, feel unheard, unseen, they struggle to see a certainty in the future for their kids, they are worried, filled with fear, they feel the austerity measures taken by the government – just had enough – by protesting they feel connection, love, significant as they are with likeminded people, they have plenty of uncertainty so this gives them a feeling of certainty, because they feel they can bring change – but truth is, they are not bigger enough to bring change, everyone, all walks of life need to come together.

If you want to change it is the only way, to bring everyone together

Unfortunately, there are too many people that follow others like sheep, follow their words or preaching, which they do to keep their power and living standards ??

This is seen in all walks of life, people need to stop and take responsibility, what reason do you want change, stand by your convictions and bring everyone together by talking openly with love, being divided as everyone is, will just continue to play into the hands of the government

Violence does not work as it is met by violence ????


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