To Protest or not, To protest in not the question!!!
Today doesn't quite feel like a top of the weekend kinda day! Does it? It’s in times like these, I can hear my grandmother say “We need Jesus”!
Our 2020 vision has us looking intently at our flaws. As we try and understand the true nature of things.
How do you view the world along political, cultural and racial lines? Do you know the difference between right and wrong?
Actually, “What is right”? According to the dictionary, its conforming to the law of morality and justice executed fairly, accurately and correctly!
It’s also conservative party slogan, a direction, a legal claim, the hand of fellowship and it’s a privilege! Did I hit any of your top of the mind thoughts?
It is not a right to riot! However you do have the “right” to protest injustice! You do not have the constitutional “right” to storm into a court house armed with assault rifles to demand the changing of a law. That “right” is called legal recourse. Two wrongs don’t make that a “right” either.
Today the George Floyd encounter has few people are talking about the pandemic. Actually couple of us still think it’s a hoax. One hundred thousand lives and their families, in the United States know its real! Doctors predict we could see another One hundred thousand by Labor day! It’s the greatest health crisis of our world!
Add to that, some 40 million Americans out of work. Did you forget we are on the verge of the Greatest Depression of all time! This frustration has force all of us into making questionable decisions. When you rely on your own understanding!
You can't get into this much mess by ourself. We had help!
While I’m addressing the wrongs of this day. How about all those conspiracies? The earth is flat. Really? We still give idiots like this news time. Some are not so funny! The sub-conscious bias on all blacks steal, all hispanics are here illegally, the holocaust didn’t happen and all white people can’t jump or dance! Okay that’s debatable.
When your belief system is politically driven. Depending on the circumstances can actually make you appear uninformed. When you use it as a frame of reference to judge human beings.
For instance, here’s the latest conspiracy I’ve heard. We are being tricked into a race war!
It all began in June of 2015. Remember that kid Dylann Roof, the self proclaimed American white supremacist. He murdered 9 members of a Charleston South Carolina church. Why? He admitted the goal was to start a race war.
Could former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin have the same goal? He was very deliberate even overt in committing this heinous act in front of an audience. Chauvin seemed to enjoy being filmed. Now follow the timeline.
Ahmaud Arbery, 25, was shot and killed Feb. 23 as he was jogging through the Satilla Shores, Georgia. It took a month for arrests and charges to be filed. Did you notice that a 2 or 3 year old film, of Arbery being in trouble with the law. Just happen to surface a few days after the arrest of his killers.
How about the Central Park doggie caper. Mr Christian Cooper, a black bird watcher, simply requested a woman put her dog on a leash. She made a false claim to the police knowing she’s being recorded. However that didn’t turn out as she expected. Then video of the George Floyd encounter. That’s a lot to happen in 10 days!
No wonder every bad cop memory came back! Personally, I remembered looking at four (4) small town police officer’s guns aimed at me. It was 3am in the morning about an hour out of Houston on Highway 45. My car kinda (the officer’s actual word) fit the description of bank robbers get away car.
Then the joke, I was DWB driving while black. I went Richard Pryor “I am reaching into my pocket for my license”. That was my joke because they don’t shoot cars!
Again most Police officers are NOT bad! Those who are give the department a bad name. Just like those who chose to loot and steal.
I will close with this dough-nugget, Dr King’s once said “The good neighbor looks beyond the external accidents and discerns those inner qualities that make all men human and therefore brothers”. This country honored his philosophy with a national holiday.