Protest Do's and Don'ts
Billionaires never impressed me. This is a difficult time in America. I try to stay out of the fray. Everyone has one vote. I used it and cannot control other people's choice. Much like Brexit- some will justify it because a majority voted for it.
That made certain people richer and the job market in England- no comment. If you want to protest for any reason:
Don't Loot
Even if you break into a store or The Capitol Building, leave the merchandise alone.
Do: Present Yourself Well
Don't: Bother People Trying To Go To Work
The environmental protest where people stand together on a highway or deface a work of art do nothing except annoy the people who have to clean up the gallery or are driving on a road. If you have a point, bring it to the right person.
Do: Protest Outside a Tesla Dealership If You Don't like What Their CEO is Doing
Don't: Vandalize a Tesla
If someone purchased a car, that is their property. They might have bought it before the Twitter takeover and the overexposure of someone who bought his way into the government.
If you own a Tesla and don't like where the company is heading, drive the car you paid for. When it is time to trade it in, look into a different company. There is no reason to harass someone who bought a vehicle. If they bought one of those ridiculous looking trucks- leave them alone.
Do: Write or Contact Your Congressman
Don't: Feel Complaining on Social Media Will Change Anything
Has anyone ever responded to a political post with "I see the error of my ways."? I know a lot of people who have differing views than I have. Usually I scroll past because they have other good qualities.
Do: Lead the Best Life You Can
Don't: Watch the News
Having the same people say the same things on panel shows- you know what they will say. There is more of a chance of a surprise ending in a Scooby Doo cartoon.
Do: Find Groups You Can Join
Don't: Stand Idly By
Get involved. Civilly. Screaming does not resolve much. Don't be surprised if someone shows up with zip ties, bear spray and no badge. This too shall pass.