Protectors, This Is All On You

Protectors, This Is All On You

Read Time: 2:30

A critical piece of information to remember is, when it comes to one’s success, it falls on them. All of it. And while most times that is realized, it is not taken the whole way.

In the protection industry, much of the focus is on the hard skills. Getting to the range, gym, driving school, dojo and so on. And let’s be clear, skills learned, polished and maintained from these places are wildly important. But realize the chances that someone will have to be first out of the holster or do a j-turn or go “Jason Bourne” on someone are probably less than 1% of the time on detail, at least in the US.

Another skill that is focused on, and rightly so, is medical. One may never have to resuscitate a protectee or member of the entourage. However, that doesn’t mean a bandaid will never have to be administered. Or giving someone an ice pack. But it may also mean a protector will have to splint an arm. One never knows.

With that said, those skills are critical when that time comes. But what is the occurrence rate on any of that? 1%? 2% of the time on detail? Those numbers might be high.

Which brings to our attention the other 98-99% of time on detail. What is a protector doing? Waiting? Sure. But what else COULD they be doing? Advancing, running routes, etc.? Yes. But that’s not happening all the time either.

Tony Robbins has an acronym he uses, NET, meaning “No Extra Time”. With what minimal “extra” time we have as protectors, on or OFF detail, couldn’t they be using it constructively? Couldn’t they take 20-30 minutes a WEEK and learn a new skill, read a book on the protectee’s business, etc.?

This is especially true for those who don’t have the job they want yet but continuously do the same training over and over. It’s time to add new skills or do SOMETHING different to improve chances and stand above the competition for landing the job they’ve always wanted.

If what is being done isn’t working, don’t change the goal, change the approach. Do something different. If that doesn’t work, do something else. If THAT doesn’t work, do something else. Go the whole way!

A protector is 100% in charge of their own success. If they are exactly where they want to be, great! They are living the dream. If not, it’s time for something new. It’s up to them. All of it.

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Always keep learning and challenging oneself. A great reminder and a great article, Craig.


A theory that can be applied in most work environments, never stop learning and progressing...thank you for the post!


Craig McKim, Founder, Co-Founder, Producer的更多文章

