Protection of one's assets...
Offering online resources of any kind in many sectors can (and usually are) patched to make an issue go away, however such activities are very disruptive, especially felt in education and after a few too many pivots and re-assessing the problems it comes as no surprise how quickly the customers revolt, resulting in them shifting their allegiance elsewhere. More importantly to those who are in the formative stages of a business in this sector, it also effects the attitude and trust toward current and new EdTech providers.
In the US last year, K-12 Schools spent short of $13billion on EdTech, now there is a dearth of articles and reports written about the inexplicable waste of resources on products that are now destined to clutter up LMSs and VLEs in every institute. It beggars the question, how do schools, colleges and universities on either side of the Atlantic find the right fit and can openly see value in a product and service that grows, rather than disappears once you get used to implementing it?
It is very frustrating for both parties.
Amazon to shut down TenMarks and its Digital Mathematics and Writing Tools
But not all is doom and gloom at Amazon today, as one door closes, another opens as they say...According to EdSurge report this morning, Amazon are back to supporting K-12 EdTech