Protection for Indonesian’s Children.
Protection for Indonesian’s Children.
Children supposed to have wonderful life and also they have the rights to obtain good education, health insurance coverage, security and conveniences with protection from their family and country. Indonesia acknowledges those matters by stating from the UUD (Nation Basic Laws) article no. 28-b, verse no.2 says: “ensuring every children in Indonesia have the rights upon better life, growing healthily and given maximum protection against violence and discrimination.”
However, unfortunately not all of the children given their basic rights properly. In big cities such as: Jakarta, Jogjakarta, Bandung, Bogor, Semarang, Solo, Surabaya, Medan, Padang, Palembang, Pontianak, Banjarmasin, Balikpapan, Denpasar, Lombok, Makassar, and other metropolis in Indonesia nowadays, the phenomenon of street children and abandon children is easily found in the corner of the streets. Various factors caused the emerging of this “social problem” like; broken home, poverty, bad neighborhood, hostile environment and violence from the adults. The same situation is also happened to the children live in the rural areas especially those who live near the mountainous regions (forest and jungle). For these kids of the mountain area, things such as education (schools), medication (health) and transportation are luxurious items which are “untouchables” for them.
Looking at this “social problem” of our beloved Indonesian Children, all of us, the Government, the National Conglomerates, the State Enterprises, the Local Business Owners, Private Sectors, Teachers, Parents and all of the elements who care about children in this emerging society need to work together and unite themselves in one solid union that produce fruitful outcomes to the security and prosperity our lovely kiddy. The outcomes that we made should be implemented into concrete actions such as; free education both formal and informal for children from the poor family, free medication by providing better clinics in every county for the sick children and also “productive – fund” (they can pay it in instalment) in the forms of soft loans or rental small shops given to the family of the poor children so that their parents can sell certain items in the market and give them daily, weekly and monthly revenue to make them earn a basic standard of living in our country.
As a conclusion, we might say that the concern toward the future of our beloved Indonesian Children is not only the responsibility of the Executives (the Governments), but also all of the Indonesians. It’s our duty to give not the best, but the very best education, medication and protection so that they will grow as the Next Generation of Indonesian Leaders with Creative Mind, Smart and Wise Thinking with Down to Earth Attitude!!!
Wednesday, May 3, 2017 at 14.44 pm
After attending the one decade of two years of KAIROS’s Birthday in The East Tower, 38th floor, Yellow Giant Zone, South Jakarta, INDONESIA (The Country of the Brave!!!)