Protecting Those That Protect Us!
I have heard many people say, "God will not give you more than you can handle" and they often say it with good intentions to try and comfort someone walking through difficulty or suffering. I am certain that you have said it and even I have said it many times myself. For me, I genuinely believe that God WILL GIVE you more than you can handle.
There will always be things that come into our lives that we can’t handle. Things such as suffering, pain, and darkness. I know people in my community who have lost a spouse or a young child. There are people who have been betrayed by a business partner, a close friend, or a spouse. Others who watch their babies born nearly three months too early or walk with their elderly parents as they come to the end. And hardly any of them ever saw it coming.
I am a survivor of this only because of GOD. Over the years, God has strategically placed key people in my life to guide me down my journey. God placed my mother in the lives of my Sister and I at time of dier need. GOD placed Sandra Whitesell Carter in the lives of two small children that had just lost their mother and we're on a certain path to poverty. After taking us in, she adopted us both and provided a life that otherwise would have never been obtainable.
The struggles would only continue throughout my life leading up to the birth of my first born Son Colby. Colby's diagnosis of microcephaly has forced him to overcome challenges that for a parent is earth shattering bc you are truly helpless. Aside from the mental and physical struggles, this also caused many financial struggles. Now let's add into the equation, 12 years of law enforcement.
Serving my community and giving a voice to those who felt they couldn't speak for themselves, has always and continues to be a passion of mine. being a cop was never about the glory nor was it about the authority that comes with the badge and had absolutely nothing to do with race. Unfortunately, throughout my career I experienced things that quite honestly no human being should ever have to witness or be a part of.
The struggles that face the men and women serving Within law enforcement are very real and almost always overlooked. How can someone that dedicates their life to fixing the problems of others find themselves in a position of not being able to fix their own problems? Please do not put much thought into this question because I am a prime example of what this can do to someone.
After many years of battling addiction and being an alcoholic, I made a decision to turn my life around and seek out help which I did and when I say it was the best decision of my life, that is an understatement! The decision to step out of law enforcement was without a doubt the hardest decision I ever had to make. After being diagnosed with depression, anxiety, ADHD and PTSD, I based my decision upon what was most beneficial to my family and my health.
I don't share my story in hopes of gaining sympathy, I share my story to lay the foundation of how God is now working in my life. I may no longer wear the badge but I will forever Bleed Blue. After 12 years of serving in Law Enforcement, I acquired many character traits. Most of them good but admittedly some we're bad. The traits that were instilled in me, will forever be put into practice throughout my journey in life.
Bringing us to the present, I have been afforded an amazing opportunity through the Summit Advisory Group, that will allow me to continue serving within this industry. Instead of protecting the community I will be working to protect those that protect me! I speak the language and I know what your pain points are as a first responder.
The associates through my firm bring to the table knowledge only held by the 1%. It is their goal and vision to bring this knowledge to the 99% in hopes that they can transition into the 1%. They have put into place tailor-made strategies specifically designed to accomplish this. I have been brought into the firm to help put into place a business model which was built around servicing the needs of those serving in the first responder industry.
This new business model is officially being rolled out August 23rd. JD Financial (my new firm) has been given an amazing opportunity to service the men and women of the Charlotte Mecklenburg Police Department. during this rollout, we will hold a conversation at which time we will show them how to reinvest and protect their 401k and provide strategies on how turn your supplement retirement income, into a guaranteed tax-free income for life! Retirement planning is one of many services provided by this firm.
My Hope is to eventually have an opportunity to service every local law enforcement agency not only in NC but Nationwide. If you need a better understanding of what it is I bring to the table, ask yourself one question. What keeps you up at night? Your pain point is what keeps you up, your pain point is something that makes you uncomfortable but it's something that needs to be addressed and I can provide solutions to how you can effectively address each and every pain point. Specifically pertaining to retirement, the only thing that should keep you up at night, is when you're trying to decide on where to travel next!
You really have no idea what tomorrow will hold. Where do you see yourself after retirement? Can you even see yourself retiring? What type of Lifestyle do you currently have? What number do you need to Simply maintain your current lifestyle? those of you that wish to better your lifestyle after retirement, what's that number look like? Now ask yourself this, what strategies do you currently have in place to protect that lifestyle? That's where I can help and that's where I can truly be a game-changer in how you live out the rest of your life.
David writes in Psalm 61 that his heart has grown faint. He is experiencing far more than he can handle psychologically, emotionally, and physically. Where does he go when he is at his end?These are the two statements that now drive my passion to serve and they are as follows;
God gives you more than you can handle so that you can realize you can’t handle it on your own! He gives it to you so that it would drive you to Him. It's been through my experience that after giving that control to God it is then, he always finds a way to guide you through to the other side and I hope to be instrumental with being placed in the lives of those that I can personally help guide to the other side. For those that took the time to read I am truly grateful and I hope everyone has a fantastic day! I am asking for all my brothers and sisters serving as a first responder to reach out and have this conversation with me. For those of you that are ready to take control of your future, send me a message with your contact info & email. I will send you some information along with a survey that I will need for you to fill out. Once this information is returned, My associates will seek out solutions for any gaps that may see and I will then reach out to schedule your complimentary consult at which time you will be provided with strategies on how to accomplish every area of concern keeping you up at night!
God Bless Each and Everyone of You!
Jason Loye
JD Financial Group
(Member of Summit Advisory Group)
(336) 447-9764
Parole Opposition specialist
6 年I wish we were close enough to do Coffee. I would like to shake your hand and thank you for your service and see if there is any way I can aid your services to my blue Heroes. I do have to say one thing and I have said and been said to make?god will not put any more than you can handle. I would have to ponder a bit your feeling he will put more on us you may be right but I have to say one thing If he brings us to it, He will see us thru it.
Parole Opposition specialist
6 年God bless you Jason?