Protecting St. Boniface Heritage

Protecting St. Boniface Heritage

Hello Old St Boniface,

Recently the home at 700 St Jean Baptiste was acquired by the City of Winnipeg in a tax sale. It is to be placed on the market which could potentially prompt redevelopment in a form which would not protect the heritage value of the structure. The building, otherwise known as Maison Beliveau (Dumoulin Apartments) is listed on the City of Winnipeg’s Commemorative List of Historical Resources, but may not be fully protected there.

Today, at Riel Community Committee, I moved the below motion.

WHEREAS 700 St. Jean Baptiste Street, otherwise known as Maison Beliveau (Dumoulin Apartments), was constructed in 1906;

AND WHEREAS the property was acquired by the City of Winnipeg in a tax sale, and will be sold in accordance with Council Policy;

AND WHEREAS the building is currently on the Commemorative List under the Historical Resources By-law No. 55/2014 as the building embodies heritage values, however, no restrictions are imposed on development or demolition;

AND WHEREAS the property is currently zoned Residential Multi Family – Medium, which means that redevelopment could be permitted with the construction of structure with a larger footprint than the current structure on the property;

AND WHEREAS in accordance with section 10(1) of the Historical Resources By-law No. 55/2014, the Director of the Planning, Property and Development Department may nominate a resource for listing if: (a) the resource is owned by the City of Winnipeg; or (b) the resource is not a single family residential building;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Winnipeg Public Service be directed not to proceed with the sale of the City-owned property located at 700 St. Jean Baptiste Street until such time as the Director has made a determination regarding whether or not this resource should be nominated on the List of Historical Resources under By-law 55/2014, [and consult the community].P


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