Protecting Patient Choice—The Ardelyx Lawsuit Against CMS and the Fight For Innovation Beyond The Bundle
Ardelyx, a Massachusetts-based biopharma company, has filed a lawsuit against the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) to prevent the inclusion of oral phosphate-lowering therapies (PLTs) in the End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) Prospective Payment System (PPS) bundle. The company partnered with the American Association of Kidney Patients (AAKP) and the National Minority Quality Forum (NMQF) to argue that this CMS decision limits patient choice and access to new, effective treatments for hyperphosphatemia, a condition characterized by high phosphate levels in the blood commonly seen in patients with kidney failure.
If you’re like me, you might be thinking: wait, why would including these drugs in the CMS bundle be a bad thing for patients? On the surface, bundling seems beneficial, and potentially reduces costs. And yet, doing so might stifle innovation and restrict access to cutting-edge treatments by lumping them into a fixed payment system.*
Stay with me. This lawsuit is just the latest chapter in a long, harrowing story about the inclusion of these types of drugs in the dialysis bundle, as well as one company’s resilience in the face of a roiling regulatory rollercoaster. In typical Signals fashion, today we’ll talk about what’s happening, why it matters, what’s at stake, and where we go from here.
*Author's note: Find all sources, data, and commentary on the Signals website .
First, I want to thank those who joined our Signals Live audio event on Friday morning. It's clear to me this format is a great way to stay connected with one another, learn about the space, ask questions and hear different perspectives on what's happening around the kidney world. Going forward, we'll be hosting these once per month in a panel + Q&A format. We'll cover a new topic each month, so please leave a comment and let us know who or what you'd like to learn from. Thank you Terry Litchfield , Qasim Butt, MD , Madeleine Warren , Michael / Christina Gilchrist , Justin Hobgood, BSN, RN , and jeff P. for sharing your expertise and feedback on this format.
Second, I'm excited to announce that we're expanding access to Signals as part of our mission to accelerate innovation in kidney care. If you're looking to grow your brand, attract top talent, or access capital, we invite you to fill out this short sponsor application .
Resilience, Inc.
In October 2023, following two painful years marked by multiple surprise rejections and deep layoffs, the FDA approved Ardelyx's drug Xphozah for treating high phosphate levels in adults with chronic kidney disease. A month later, Xphozah was granted Orphan Drug Designation for treating pediatrics, a significant step forward in expanding treatment options for younger patients. Last quarter, Ardelyx reported $37 million in sales for Xphozah— nearly doubling its 1Q 2024 revenues as it continues to pour resources into commercialization to meet market demand. Considering hyperphosphatemia affects 50% to 74% of kidney failure patients, that’s a lot of demand.
This phoenix-rising background sets the stage for understanding the lawsuit's implications on the broader regulatory landscape.
Regulatory Landscape
The CMS decision to include oral PLTs like Xphozah in the ESRD PPS bundle has been contentious to say the least. Here’s how it works: Patients experiencing kidney failure rely on dialysis and other treatments for life-sustaining care. CMS pays dialysis organizations for this care with a bundled payment that includes dialysis, certain drugs, and other costs like lab work. Currently, oral drugs are not part of the bundle. CMS plans to add them in 2025 , which may require dialysis organizations to expand their capacity to dispense high volumes of the drugs. Ultimately, CMS plans to assess whether the bundled payment adequately covers the cost of phosphate binders.
Congress has previously intervened numerous times on behalf of the kidney community to delay the inclusion of oral drugs until 2025— and legislation has been introduced to further delay this inclusion until 2033. CMS sees things differently, sharing:
“We expect that incorporation of oral-only drugs and biological products into the ESRD PPS will increase access to these drugs, as we have seen previously that incorporating Medicare Part D drugs into the ESRD PPS has had a significant positive effect on expanding access to such drugs for beneficiaries who do not have Medicare Part D coverage, with significant positive health equity impacts.”
Why It Matters
This decision is significant because it affects not only the financial landscape for dialysis providers but also the accessibility of innovative treatments for patients with chronic kidney disease.
Bigger Picture
This lawsuit and the ongoing legislative efforts underscore the broader challenges in balancing cost-containment strategies with the need for innovation in healthcare.
What To Watch
The progress of this lawsuit will be crucial in determining the future of how oral drugs are handled within the ESRD payment structure. Keep an eye on congressional efforts to delay the inclusion of oral drugs in the bundle until 2033.
Feedback from the kidney community (and people like you!) will indicate and inform broader impact of these regulatory changes on patient care.
This lawsuit opens up a broader conversation about the role of regulatory bodies in healthcare and the balance between cost control and patient access.
In our first Signals Live audio event , both Terry Litchfield and Anthony Rodriguez highlighted the challenges of reimbursement in the innovation equation. They also made a clear case for joining AAKP as one of our best available actions for elevating these causes to reach the policymakers and regulators who can take action.
Thank you for being here. If this conversation resonates, or if you have a story or point of view to share, we’d love to hear from you in the comments below.
Keep exploring,
— Tim
Find the full article with sources, data, and commentary on Signals here .
This article will reach thousands of kidney care stakeholders and decision makers. We have some exciting updates coming your way. If your company wants to partner with Signals to support this community and increase access to the Kidneyverse, we have a few spots left to apply for sponsorships.
This story highlights the challenges with #healthcare #innovation, whether #pharma, #medtech or therapeutic approaches as mentioned by Christine Logar MD FASN in the comments here. What does #CMS expect when they say they will pay the same whether or not a service is performed? If you told you mechanic you will pay them one flat rate with or without an oil change, would you expect fresh oil in the car when you leave the shop?
Physician executive leading clinical transformation + person centered care for medically complex patients
3 个月Beth Shanaman If you had $1000 ( or $3000) a month per patient, how much do you think your team could lower phosphate with just dietary interventions?
CEO at IKONA - Advancing Kidney Innovation
3 个月Find the full article, data, sources, and discussion on the Signals website here. How do you think about this balance?