Protecting children matters...
Janis James MBE
Chief Executive of Good Egg Safety. A non-profit Community Interest Company. Passionate about social justice and uncompromising about keeping children, young adults and their families, safe from harm. Views my own.
Good Egg Safety is dedicated to helping tens of thousands of children in the UK reclaim their childhood and be freed from the intolerable burden of having to ‘choose’ which parent to love when their parents' relationship breaks down.
Children always want both their parents unless there are severe safeguarding issues which should rightly prevent it.
Parental separation is one of the key identified adverse childhood experiences (ACEs). Yet children can and do adapt to a post separation landscape when it is carefully supported and their parents and wider families continue to actively nurture, love and protect them.
Tragically for many children in the UK, when their parents’ relationship ends, this doesn’t happen
In the turmoil of relationship breakdown, some parents’ own emotional or psychological state blinds them to their children’s needs. A parent’s need for validation or revenge overrides their focus on the ongoing healthy needs of their children.
The psychological manipulation of a child by one parent (either intentionally or unintentionally) which can ultimately, and quickly, lead to the outright rejection of a previously warm loving relationship with their other parent; fractures a vital attachment bond and creates an emotional vortex many children never fully recover from.
Children who are denied love without justification. Children who are taught to fear one of their own parents. Children who are encouraged to dismiss and reject a parent and wider family. Children indoctrinated with hatred
This causes them extreme anxiety and psychological harm. It is a criminal offence in several countries.
As coercive control and psychological abuse are key features, we believe this is a form of domestic abuse and should be covered by existing domestic abuse legislation and we will campaign hard for this.
We are currently working unfunded and with leading experts in the field, across the UK and world, who are also unfunded. Because this issue matters.
Protecting children matters…
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