Protecting buildings from fire hazards in high-density neighbourhoods
High Density Living in Sydney, image courtesy of the Australian Broadcasting Corporation

Protecting buildings from fire hazards in high-density neighbourhoods

Fire safety risks increase with higher density living and building proximity. According to the National Construction Code (NCC), buildings that are less than 900mm away from neighbouring properties must comply with specific fire protection requirements. As higher density living means more buildings are within 900mm of each other, the challenge of meeting these requirements is greater in densely populated areas. Fortunately, products like TBA Firefly's Titan flexible fire barrier provide a cost-effective, easy-to-install, and flexible solution to meet these requirements.

The NCC specifies that external walls of a Class 1 building, and any openings in that wall, must comply with Clause if they are less than 900mm from an allotment boundary or 1.8m from another building on the same allotment. External walls, including gables, that are required to be fire-resisting must meet specific construction requirements. These walls must have an FRL of not less than 60/60/60 when tested from the outside, or be of masonry-veneer construction in which the external masonry veneer is not less than 90mm thick, or be of masonry construction not less than 90mm thick.

TBA Firefly's Titan flexible fire barrier is a great choice for meeting these requirements for almost any lightweight cladding system. It is a cost-effective, easy-to-install, and flexible solution that provides excellent fire protection. The Titan barrier is a flexible, non-combustible and highly insulative fire barrier that can be easily installed in tight spaces and around corners, making it an ideal solution for buildings that are less than 900mm away from neighbouring properties.

Don't take any chances with fire protection in your building. Choose TBA Firefly's Titan flexible fire barrier for a cost-effective, easy-to-install, and flexible solution that meets the National Construction Code external wall fire protection requirement. Contact us today at [email protected] or 02 8004 3333 to learn more about our tested and assessed systems for passive fire protection in all building classes.

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