Protecting Benefits for Disabled Veterans Act of 2019
Anyone who is a veteran, spouse/significant other, family member, or friend of veterans should be concerned the vast majority of our politicians at the state and national level could care less about us. Unless of course, they are posing with us for pictures during veteran holidays or reelections!
As just one example, H.R. 5028 "Protecting Benefits for Disabled Veterans Act of 2019", sponsored by Congresswoman Maxine Waters of California on November 8th of 2019, has only 12 cosponsors thus far. None of those Congressmen or Congresswomen are from Pennsylvania!
There is no cost to this legislation, it simply codifies regulations on IU (Individual Unemployability) into law and protects IU benefits from "cost-saving measures" by our bean counters in Washington. I'm referring to the CBO (Congressional Budget Office) and GAO (Government Accounting Office).
The fact that virtually every year these groups try to reduce the budget (they make recommendations) at the expense of disabled veterans and their families is pathetic!
All veterans need to support one another because there are also attempts to reduce retired veterans benefits as well.
Our government constantly sends our young men and women into wars or areas throughout the world where they are in danger of being injured or made ill. They could be your children or grandchildren! We just had 11 of our current military personnel injured by Iran.
Please get involved in helping to make sure our veterans are properly taken care of. For those of you who do---thank you!
"Bad things happen when good people do nothing!"