Protect your people from some of the most commonplace workplace injuries

Protect your people from some of the most commonplace workplace injuries

NEBOSH & HSE has launched a new qualification to boost?knowledge on manual handling

Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) accounted for 8.9million lost working days in Great Britain in 2019/20 with manual handling estimated to be the main cause. 0.5 million workers suffered from a work-related musculoskeletal disorder in 2020/21, with a cost to organisations and to the UK economy.

This is a global problem; the World Health Organization estimates 1.71 billion people experience musculoskeletal conditions worldwide, three in five workers in Europe report MSD complaints, more than half of US adults experience an MSD and it’s estimated that they cost countries between 0.5-2% of Gross National Product.

We’re committed to reducing these statistics and that’s why we’re delivering the NEBOSH HSE Certificate in Manual Handling Risk Assessment.

For more information about this qualification, visit

The HSE are focussing heavily on Manual Handling when carrying out their inspections so make sure your workplace and site is fully training on correct manual handling.


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