Protect your business: How to secure short term revenue during the Corona Virus (COVID-19) Crisis
I wanted to put together a quick little piece of content for you to help you secure some short term revenue during this time of this Corona Virus pandemic.

Protect your business: How to secure short term revenue during the Corona Virus (COVID-19) Crisis

Hey, what’s up guys? So I wanted to put together a quick little piece of content for you to help you secure some short term revenue during this time of this Corona Virus pandemic. A lot of people are freaking out and worrying and stressed and the anxiety is at an all time high. I’m going to be transitioning some of my content. I have a lot of content that has been scheduled but I am pulling it back a little bit and pausing some of the stuff that was scheduled to go out to put in some of this more relevant content because I think this is the content that you need right now, that’s going to help you immediately. So I want to deliver to you guys a couple of ways to potentially secure some short term revenue for you guys to get through some of this turbulence.

Reach Out To Your Current Clients

One of the first things I want you to do is reach out to all of your clients, send them a text message or send them an email and open up that line of communication and ask them what’s going on. Put the relationship before the revenue. This is not the time to be hounding people for payments and things like that. I would go out there, and I did this yesterday and say, “Hey, I know times are getting a little crazy out there. I just want to let you know that I’m here for you. If there’s anything that you’re stuck with when it comes to branding or digital marketing or anything like that, do not hesitate to reach out to me. If there’s anything personal you’d like to discuss, I’m here for you as well. So hang in there, do the best you can, take precautionary actions and we shall get through this together.”

So just a simple text message will go a long way in their hearts and in their minds. You want to be top of mind at all times and you want to be as anticipatory for their needs as much as possible. Create that relationship and make that phone call, send that email and continue to have that communication with them. That’s number one.

Be Flexible With Your Terms Of Service

Number two, I want you to look at your terms of service and see if there is some leverage points here. Now, for good clients, they may need a little bit of flexibility with the terms. So could it be possible that you make a little bit more of favorable terms for them? Maybe stretch out the payments and extra two months or one month, whatever feels comfortable to you, but they may just need a little bit of slack. Again, this is completely up to you. I’m not saying this is gospel, but it could potentially help them and help you with cash flow because that’s what everybody’s really worried about right now, right? 

So look at your terms and see if you can make them a little bit more favorable at this time. Make that very clear to them that this is not to be done over and over and over again. “Because of this specific circumstance, I am willing to do X for you as I’m sensitive to the issue.”Actually put that in your contracts, if you decide to do this, so that they know that this is a one-time offer. It’s just good to be super, super clear with your communication. 

Give Full Payment Incentives

 The next thing I want you guys to potentially look at is there may be some clients out there of yours or potential prospects out there that this is not a big deal for them. They’ve prepared for times like this and they’re looking for opportunities to grow and excel and buy and really level up or whatever it is.

So perhaps in order to land that business, you give them a slight discount for paying in advance. You could say, “If you pay this upfront, I’m willing to give you a 10% discount.” It’s worth a shot. That may be the little tipping point that makes them say, “You know what? Let’s do this. Now is the time we’re going to make this happen. I appreciate the offer and we’re going to move forward.”

So those are some ways that we could potentially secure some short term revenues to help our businesses through this particular time. I’ll leave you with that, guys. I hope this was helpful. 

If you have any suggestions or topics that you would like me to address that are relevant to this time, you know how to get me. Send me an email at [email protected] or send me a DM on Instagram @thebranddoctor. Shoot me over some topics and I’d be happy to explore them and create some more content to help you get the help you need right now. I’m here to help you guys. I’m here to get us through this. This is going to pass. Our clients need us now more than ever. Our audience needs us now more than ever. We got to step up and lead. Take care.

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