Protect you and your business from Cyber Threats
If you missed our recent Cyber Security event at The Clubhouse, here are some top tips to protect you and your business from cyber-attacks. Unfortunately the attacks are becoming both more frequent and sophisticated; targeting large and small businesses, government organisations, the NHS, schools and charities, as well as individuals, so it pays to be informed when it comes to your cyber security.
Don’t use the same password for all your online accounts. Proper security requires that you use a strong and unique password for every website, and change those passwords regularly. Research suggests that we have the capacity to memorise complex passwords, yet we saw that the most common password in 2015 was 123456! You could consider using a password manager to help you remember different passwords. Finally, don’t allow sharing of passwords within organisations.
Two Factor Authentication
Two factor authentication involves adding an extra step to your basic log-in procedures. Instead of a single password, an additional credential is required; this could be a personal identification number or information sent to another device you own, such as a mobile phone or fob. Many social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram allow users to use two factor authentication, as well as email providers such as Gmail.
Do not respond instantly to emails requesting personal details or transfer of money, even if this is requested from someone within your organisation. Hackers have been known to pose as senior management in organisations, in order to trick employees into transferring money. Curiosity is a human condition so think before opening or acting on emails.
Device Default Passwords
Change default passwords on devices which are linked to the internet. In a recent web attack, hackers were able to access devices linked to the internet where the default passwords had not been changed. They could then remotely control these devices which included home webcams, to block access to popular websites such as Reddit, Twitter, Spotify. Attackers can also extort cash from organisations or individuals to restore services.
Assess Risks
Arrange for an independent audit to monitor which internet sites are being accessed through your network and by whom. The resulting audit report is useful both in terms of demonstrating the performance of your network, as well as highlighting vulnerability to cyber-attacks. It enables an accurate risk assessment and therefore a targeted security solution.
If you would like to discuss anything in this article, email [email protected].
One of the biggest culprits for default passwords is your home router ..... fyi look at for a scary list