To protect the Old, we need new!
Paritosh Singh
Reinsurance, Insurance, Data Protection, Consultant, Strategy, Design Thinking, Agile, Healthtech, Insurtech, P&C, L&H
Just when we thought that life expectancy is going to create new world records year after year, BAM!!! We have the COVID-19 strain of the Corona virus, whose main intention, so far, looks like is to eliminate the older generation from the Earth. With the efficacy of the already existing flu vaccine, which is noted to be around 40-60%, the vaccine for COVID-19 cannot be expected to deliver magical results.
With the price to create a modified organism being cheaper than that to create a computer virus, I see more COVID-19 type strains than a protection from them.
But what if an effective treatment for Corona virus or similar diseases, are not found and the average age slows down?
I feel social distancing is going to be the norm along with a slow dismantle of the cities and the megacities. I believe that below changes will follow soon and governments should be wise enough to facilitate them already, together with the businesses:
Working place:
- Working from home and working from smaller and regional clusters should be promoted by the corporates.
- #1 will promote movement of people out of the cities. This could pave way to rise of farmhouses and will bring jobs to the local community along with greenery and surplus food.
- Telecom sector should be given more horns and perks to increase their broadband capacity out of the cities.
Education system:
- Education system might move to a more experience based teaching system unlike the assembly line employee production systems that we have today.
- It's a long known fact, which only become more apparent in a classroom study system that no two kids are alike in the mental or physical capabilities/abilities. To change this, appetite-based education system has to be brought in and given priority. Tailor-made study material with suiting each kid's need will and should be the norm.
- By combining the lecture and experience with the help of the latest technology & through tools presently used in gaming e.g. PS4, Virtual Reality, Xbox and more, the best education can be delivered to the kids, right at home school or in cluster schools.
There is more where it is coming from, so stay tuned and stay safely away from each other!