Protect Israel, our Holy Land
The mission at I AM ISRAEL is to bring the Land of the Bible to YOU. That's why, after releasing their first film, their began work on their next major creative endeavor.
The creation of a way for Followers of Jesus to see the true beauty of the Land of Israel, and see visual proof of Bible prophecy being fulfilled in our time.
I AM ISRAEL: The Believer's Guide to the the Rebirth of the Promised Land is the culmination of that work.
This stunning, 262-page hardcover coffee table book will take you on a visual journey through the Land of the Bible and unveil the inspiring story of Israel in a way that will make your spirit soar!
Here's an excerpt I think you'll enjoy, plus some beautiful photographs of the greatest city on earth...
In all of the world, there is but one city where the God of the Bible declared His eyes and His heart will always be...
“My eyes and My heart will be there at all times.”
The Bible describes Jerusalem as the epicenter of the earth. It was here that God led Abraham, told him to offer up his son, Isaac, and provided a ram in his place. First conquered by King David in 1004 BC, Jerusalem has been home to the Jewish people and the capital of Israel for more than 3,000 years. Solomon built the first Temple here, still memorialized as one of the most beautiful elements of architectures in human history.
The Second Temple, built by Ezra and Nehemiah, and enlarged and beautified by King Herod, drew worshipers from all over the world until its destruction by the Romans in 70 AD. Since then, Jerusalem has been the site of conquests, crusades and wars.
The Old City and modern city of Jerusalem still draws millions of people to its streets every year during holidays, celebrations and pilgrimages of faith.
If you consider yourself a part of the Abrahamic faith, Jerusalem holds the key to your past, present and future. When dedicating the first Temple, Solomon asked God to answer the prayers of both Jew and Gentile if they would only stand and face their prayers toward Jerusalem. God appeared to Solomon in a dream and granted his request.
Jerusalem is a place where those who believe in the ancient Scriptures can find spiritual growth, blessing in God’s covenant to Abraham and fulfillment in engaging with the holiest place on earth.
The Wailing Wall, Western Wall, or in Hebrew, the Kotel is the only retaining wall left from the destruction of the 2nd Temple in Jerusalem. The Romans laid siege to Jerusalem’s walls, and after months fighting, the Temple was the last fortress standing. Legend has it that when Titus saw the beauty of the Temple courts, he strove to keep his soldiers from destroying it. However, a Roman soldier threw a torch into the sanctuary, the Temple went up in a blaze. Roman soldiers tore down the walls, and threw the stones to Jerusalem’s streets below. The Western Wall was an outer retaining wall for the Temple Mount which escaped the Roman army’s destruction.
Today, it attracts pilgrims from all over the world who come to place their hands on the ancient stones and slip prayer notes into the cracks of the wall. Jewish, Christian, secular, and religious—the Wailing Wall attracts people from all walks of life.
The Temple Mount is one of the most hotly contested pieces of real estate in the world. The foundation stone, believed to be the place where Abraham nearly sacrificed Isaac, lays underneath the Dome of the Rock. The Scriptures record that David purchased this site for 50 shekels of silver. Also known as Mount Moriah, this is one of several sites in Israel where the Bible records a land purchase for a specific amount of money.
Ironically, Jews and Christians are not allowed to openly pray when visiting the Temple Mount. Entrance for non-Muslims is only allowed through one out of twelve gates, and visits are only allowed during very short hours on certain days of the week.
This ancient and sacred place is where the 1st and 2nd Temples stood, and where the House of God will one day be rebuilt. Yeshua quoted Isaiah when He declared...
“My house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations”
MARK 11:17
The Eastern gate of Jerusalem is also known as the Golden gate, and in Hebrew - the Gate of Mercy. It is the only one out of the eight entrances to Jerusalem that is sealed.
According to Jewish tradition, the Shekinah (Divine Presence) would appear through this gate and will again appear when the Messiah arrives in Jerusalem. Jewish tradition also holds that it is through this gate that the Messiah will enter, led in by the prophet Elijah. This is based on the prophecy of Ezekiel 44:1–3.
To prevent the Jewish Messiah from entering the Temple Mount through this gate, Arabs in the 16th century created a cemetery around the gate. According to Torah, a priest may not come near dead bodies. However, this law applies to those of the Tribe of Levi.
Yeshua is the Son of David of the Tribe of Judah, and is not bound by this law. For centuries, Christians have held to the belief that one future day, Yeshua will walk through this very gate, crush the enemies of Israel and rule as King.