Protect Business Confidentiality-A W.O.W Must!
It's black and white. Protecting confidentiality should be at the frontal lobe of your brain whether you are on your computer, making a purchase, or speaking with a valued professional member of the community or your referral sources and while networking. We talk to thousands of people, sometimes hundreds on a single day. Our social media platforms can launch you into the homes and offices of a large number of associates and followers. Your mind is full of personal and/or professional information with others you speak with. HIPPA protects your rights as a patient and your doctor agrees to the HIPPATIC Oath as a healthcare professional. HIPAA
When speaking with others, your confidentiality is equally important. In the banking, investments, and mortgage industry the Federal Regulators take your sensitive data seriously. The FTC Federal Trade Commission created numerous privacy protections in the 1970's to protect your rights to privacy. The Privacy Act of 1974 was one of them. Protecting the privacy of information is becoming more challenging. A VPN - virtual private network - connects your computer to other sources. Receiving an error message when trying to get on a bank website to view your account information may prohibit you from connecting with them. My IT specialist recommended turning off the VPN in my security software to make a connection for banking and immediately turning the VPN back on after logging out of your account as these and other highly-sensitive sites. You may want to contact your banking or credit card company to obtain facts about secure connections. Fraud abounds and subscription software protection is available from companies like McAfee.
You can also use AI (Artificial Intelligence) sources and create a disclaimer/notification on your email signature. It's easy enough to add a notification by going into the settings of your emails, clicking on the gear icon, and adding it. Some industries and corporations create specific verbiage used for all employees when sending emails to help control the release of documentation or uploading sensitive personal information to their platforms.
Regardless of your profession or line of business, confidentiality is important enough to stress it in our W.O.W meetings, presentations, and when scheduling meetings with referring partners. Others may not understand the importance of privacy. They may not care about what is spoken or who is within earshot. An eavesdropper may be the sister of the person you are talking about. When building rapport and developing relationships, we may not realize it but, it is our responsibility to protect others from unnecessary harm. While speaking either virtually or in person remind one another of the importance of information sensitivity.
With decades of experience in consulting with others about finances, investment opportunities, banking, and real estate my background provides the culmination of knowledge about various industries and entrepreneurship to help professional businesswomen build a better career or occupation. Visit us at W.O.W
We look forward to the pleasure of your company!