Protease You Don’t Know (1): Degradation of Soybean Antinutritional Factors by Enzyme Preparation
Soybean (soybean meal) contains many anti-nutritional factors. Among them, soybean antigen proteins (glycinin, β-conglycinin), oligosaccharides (raffinose, stachyose, etc.), trypsin inhibitors, soybean lectins, etc. are the main ones.
Among them, it is divided into heat-stable antigenic protein, oligosaccharide, phytic acid, etc., heat-sensitive trypsin inhibitor, soybean lectin, urease, etc.
Although the feed has to go through high-temperature pelleting process, it is difficult to completely degrade heat-sensitive anti-nutritional factors at the general pelleting temperature (about 80°C).
To completely remove soybean anti-nutritional factors, it is usually necessary to take multiple measures, such as microbial fermentation, heat treatment, chemical treatment, etc. Many literature reports have confirmed that these methods can indeed degrade anti-nutritional factors to a certain extent.
But the disadvantages of using these methods are equally prominent: the cost is high. The price of puffed soybeans (heat treatment) and fermented soybean meal (microbial fermentation) is often 1500~2000 yuan/t higher than that of ordinary soybean meal.
So is there a method that is less expensive and can reduce anti-nutritional factors at the same time?
One, low cost: Generally, the cost of enzyme preparation is less than 10 yuan, or even less than 5 yuan per ton of livestock and poultry compound feed.
Second, obvious effect: After the diet enters the digestive tract, the enzyme preparation will play a role in degrading the anti-nutritional factors in the diet effectively.
Several enzyme preparations that can degrade anti-nutritional factors in soybean meal are introduced below.
01 Protease
The protease secreted by animals cannot decompose protein anti-nutritional factors in soybean meal, such as glycinin, β-conglycinin, and trypsin inhibitors.
The proteases that have been specially screened and fermented by microorganisms can effectively decompose these protease anti-nutritional factors.
Challenge Group Protease, can degrade more than 82% of antigenic protein, which is significantly better than similar products.
Of course, not all proteases derived from microorganisms can effectively degrade antigenic proteins. We have evaluated many similar products at home and abroad, and some of them can hardly degrade effectively.
02 α-galactosidase
It can specificall30open the α-galactoside bond in raffinose and stachyose, hydrolyze the two, release the anti-nutritional effect,digest and utilize them.
03 Phytase
It can hydrolyze phytic acid, reduce the anti-nutritional effect of phytic acid, improve the utilization rate of phosphorus, reduce the use of calcium hydrogen phosphate, and reduce the cost of feed.