3 John 2:2 Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.
So, I recently heard a pastor proudly proclaim to his congregation that his church (denomination) did not believe in prosperity. I hope he misspoke, or I didn’t understand his Spanish, but I had heard him say the same kind of thing various times before. That concerned me. John, the apostle that Jesus loved (in fact he was nicknamed the apostle of love) referred to prosperity, health and salvation in the same breath. John reflected the love and concern of our Heavenly Father, as we all should. I don’t know about other fathers, but I know I want my kids to be well off. I want them healthy. I want them saved. As a father I don’t want my kids broke, sick, or spiritually lost. Any good father wants the same thing. Actually 99.999% of all fathers, including bad fathers want their kids wealthy, healthy and saved. I am pretty sure our Heavenly Father is a much better and loving Father than we are.
So I checked the word ‘Prosper’ in the dictionary, concordance and in the original languages.
Prosper means to flourish financially, physically, mentally and spiritually. Or a ‘successful journey’ (literal translation)
Prosperity in turn means the state of being prosperous.
Yep! That's what I thought!! Nothing wrong, or unscriptual about it. That’s what I want for my kids. That’s also what I want for my spiritual kids here as well as for me and Winnie. I have hundreds of people who have prayed with me to accept Jesus in their hearts, maybe thousands. I want all of them to experience the abundant life on this earth that God now offers them, as well as eternal life. That’s what I want for my spiritual children as well as for all of us.
When I pray about the Corona Virus, God gives me perfect peace, BUT I feel He is showing me that we are in for a huge world-wide economic and political challenge after all the initial fear of the virus goes away. I want all of us to be prepared and prosperred for those uncertain times as well.
Prosperity has nothing to do with finances. It has to do with mind set and faith. God never changes (one of the many attributes that only He has). Our faith in Him does though, depending on fear. Fear changes our faith by bullying it into remission or it makes our faith to grow like a wildfire. Even if this fear of the corona virus causes famine, lawlessness, disorder and fanancial strife, we can still believe everything that the Bible says, IF WE HAVE FAITH! We will be prosperred by God, even in trying situations.
Psalm 37:25 I was young and now I am old, yet I have never seen the righteous forsaken or their children begging bread.
If you have faith, you are righteous. You’re righteousness, if you really have it, will make you live and want to serve (help) others. Not just bludgeon them to death with the Bible or repeat things that sound holy that you heard your pastor say. You will lovingly share the little you have with others in need, IF you have a saving faith in God. Not only in teaching the Word, but in action and in self denial. If you give in faith secretly, God will reward you openly. You give, not to get, but out of love and mercy. God shows mercy to the merciful and is generous to the generous.
We live in Nicaragua. Even when we THINK we ran out of money, we are always prosperred. Poor families ALWAYS brought us food, people pitch in and volunteer from time to time, or give us things or services. We are always bountiful in provisions and help! Almost daily God performs a miracle here. We help others as guided by God and in turn, others help us. THAT is God’s prosperity. We have been living by faith for almost a decade now. I am sure we can only say that because we give and help every way we can, whoever we can, as long as God guides us. God makes sure we have more than enough to get by, even if it doesn't seem like that.
When I got saved I had my retirement fund and a generous donation from my uncle Jim. I spent it on 2 churches, 2 orphanages and 2 schools in Nicaragua, most of which exist to this day. That was less than 100k. If God prospered me with a million, or a billion, I would do exactly the same thing, only on a much larger scale. (And with A LOT more wisdom). We always live hand to mouth down, no savings, no safety net, no insurance and most importantly, no regrets.
To want to be prospered by God has NOTHING to do with wanting to be rich. Only short sighted people think that. Usually it's a reflexion on what's going on inside of them personally. The fact is, prosperity is good. While we are on the subject or riches, money is a part of prosperity. Money’s great, there’s nothing wrong with it. There is nothing wrong with wanting the Lord to bless you with it in a way that is right and honorable. Money means you can actually fullfill God's will where you are. We could do so much more with more staff for example (our staff is a mission field in itself, more than 60 people are taken care of by our salaries to 9 people).Money is a great servant, but a ruthless god. Having Money isn’t wrong. Hoarding it and coveting it is.
1 Timothy 6:10 to be: For the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil
My goal at the end of every day is to have spent everything thing I have, as directed by the Lord. All I have, financially, spiritually emotionally and physically I want to be used for the Kingdom of God before lying down at night. That way if I die before I wake, I know I haven’t kept anything back. I want to have left it all on the field before turning in. God always restores everything before the next morning. He is a good Father. My prosperity is that God always provides.
I am prospered in order to help others and to advance God’s Kingdom, all for God’s glory. Satan hates prosperous, healthy and saved Christians. Ok, prosperous you get. Prosperity, as in money if you will, helps get the Word (thoughts) of God out. But health? Yes! Bad health makes Christians weak, selfish and lazy. Also salvation. Security of salvation makes a believer doubt. Doubt is DOUBle/mindedness. How can you convice someone if you are doubting?
I am not exaggerating when I say that since I have been really studying this verse, for the past two years, I haven’t been sick, not even a sniffle that I can remember. Sure, someday I am going to die, when it’s my time, but God has miraculously prevented me from even having a common cold for the past two years. I know it is so I can have the energy to do His work. (I’m 62, colds and headaches used to put me down and or make me crabby). Also, Since I started tithing regularly (once I started getting my own small social Security retirement check), I have not spent one sleepless night worrying about finances. (Another miracle). I don't question my salvation, I know I am saved, because Jesus died for me. I can boldly proclaim that Faith in Jesus is the only way to have eternal life. Since I talk and act like I know that God is prospering me as He has prospered my soul, I have that kind of confidence. So yes, I can say I believe in the prosperity, health and salvation that only comes from obeying and trusting Jesus. I truly hope that my own kids, you, and our PureHeart kids do so too.
Psalm 107:2 Let the redeemed of the LORD say so, whom he hath redeemed from the hand of the enemy;
A SPECIAL REQUEST, I HAVE BEEN WRITING A BOOK, I'D lIKE YOUR OPINION;So for the past two years, I have been writing a book about what IF Jesus was born say 10 years from now.... only based loosely on the book of Matthew... how would we react, would we know him? Would we follow him? I have never written before anything of substance,,,, just getting to the part of Him beginning His ministry. About 200 pages long... so i would love any input
Feel free to read this VERY ROUGH Draft and give me input
Would love an editor too, press the following linke and tell me what you think.
Dean and Winnie Peters
Joyfully serving the 'least of these' in Nicaragua for the glory of God
Facebook = Dean andWinnie Peters
3 John2 Amado, deseo sobre todas las cosas que puedas prosperar y tener salud, así como tu alma prospere.
Recientemente escuché a un pastor proclamar que su iglesia (denominación) no creía en la prosperidad. Espero que haya hablado mal, o no entendí su espa?ol, pero le había escuchado decir cosas parecidas varias veces antes y me preocupaba.
Juan, el apóstol quien Jesús amaba (de hecho fue apodado el apóstol del amor) se refería a la prosperidad, la salud y la salvación al mismo tiempo. Juan reflejó el amor de nuestro buen padre celestial, como deberíamos todos los que crean en El. No sé sobre otros padres, pero sé que quiero que mis hijos estén bien económicamente. Los quiero saludables. Quiero que están salvos. Como padre, no quiero que mis hijos estén quebrados, enfermos o espiritualmente perdidos. Cualquier buen padre quiere lo mismo. En La realidad, el 99.999% de todos los padres, incluidos los padres malos, quieren que sus hijos sean ricos, saludables y salvos.
Así que revisé la palabra Prosperar en el diccionario.
Prosperar significa prosperar financiera, física, mental y espiritualmente.
La prosperidad significa el estado de ser próspero. ?Sí! Eso es lo que quiero para mis hijos. Eso es lo que quiero para mis hijos espirituales. También eso es lo que quiero para Winnie y para mí.
La prosperidad no tiene nada que ver con el dinero. Cuando me salvé tenía un ahorro de mi jubilo y una donación de mi tío Jim. Con este dinero edifico 2 iglesias, 2 orfanatos y 2 escuelas, la mayoría de los cuales existen hasta el día de hoy. Esos fueron hechos con menos de 100k dolares. Si Dios me prosperase con un millón o mil millones, haría exactamente lo mismo, solo de una mayor escala. (Y MUCHA más sabiduría). Vivimos mano a boca, sin ahorros, sin seguro y, lo más importante, sin arrepentimientos.
Querer ser prosperado por Dios no tiene nada que ver con el dinero. El dinero es excelente, no tiene nada de malo. Es un gran sirviente, pero un dios despiadado. Tener dinero no está mal. Acaparando y codiciando es.
1 Timoteo 6:10 para ser: Porque el amor al dinero es la raíz de todo tipo de maldad
Mi objetivo al final de cada día es haber gastado todo lo que tengo, financiera, espiritual, emocional y físicamente para el Reino de Dios antes de acostarme. De esa manera, si muero antes de despertar, sé que no he guardado nada. Quiero haberlo dejado todo en el campo antes de entregarme. Dios siempre restaura todo antes de la ma?ana siguiente. Es un buen buen padre. Mi prosperidad es eso. Soy próspero para ayudar a otros y para avanzar el Reino de Dios, todo para la gloria de Dios. Satanás odia a los cristianos prósperos, sanos y salvos. Ok, próspero entendemos. El dinero ayuda a difundir la Palabra de Dios (una palabra contiene un pensamiento). ?Pero salud? ?Si! La mala salud hace que los cristianos sean débiles, egoístas y vagos.
No exagero cuando digo que, dado que realmente he estado estudiando esto, durante los últimos dos a?os, no he estado enfermo. Claro, algún día voy a morir, cuando sea mi momento, pero Dios milagrosamente me ha impedido tener ni un resfriado común durante los últimos dos a?os, por lo que puedo tener la energía para hacer su trabajo (tengo 62 a?os). Los resfriados y los dolores de cabeza solían desanimarme y me hicieron malhumorado, pero ya no. Desde que comencé a diezmar regularmente (una vez que comencé a recibir mi propio cheque de jubilación del Seguro Social), no he pasado ni una noche sin dormir preocupándome por las finanzas. (Otro milagro).
Como hablo y actúo como si supiera que Dios me está prosperando a medida que ha prosperado mi alma, tengo más seguridad en mi propia salvación. Entonces, sí, puedo decir que creo en la prosperidad, la salud y la salvación que solo proviene de obedecer a Jesús y realmente espero que mis propios hijos, usted y nuestros hijos de PureHeart también lo hagan.
Salmo 107: 2 Díganlo los redimidos de Jehová, a quienes redimió de la mano del enemigo;
Joyfully serving the 'least of these' in Nicaragua for the glory of God
Facebook = Dean andWinnie Peters