Prospects Don’t Want Your “Solution” Unless it solves THIS Problem

Prospects Don’t Want Your “Solution” Unless it solves THIS Problem

Its business-building 101: Find a market, solve a problem for them, scale the business, then sell it and retire to your island.

Of course the whole island-buying thing is predicated on one small but important factor: The Problem

And there’s a problem with problems.

You see, there are way too many companies out there solving problems that aren’t really problems.

Sure, your app that tells people how bad their farts smell, or your consulting service that shows people how to arrange the contents of their fridge may perform a function, but they don’t solve a real problem.

And that is why your “solution” isn’t selling…because there can only be a solution AFTER there is problem.

So how do these non-problem-solving products and services come into existence?

Well human beings are idea machines. That is one of our greatest abilities; we are always coming up with new ideas.

However, especially in today’s age of technology and entrepreneurialism, humans are becoming less critical of their own ideas and more motivated to turn them into a business, even if that business has no business being a business.

(OK Erik, you can stop using the same word multiple times in a sentence. It’s getting redundant J)

And it’s only after they have bled their friends and family dry, found some would-be VC who hands them $1,000,000 check and depleted every dime on marketing their bright-shiny object that these would be Zuckerbergs stop and look at the damage.

And it finally occurs to them: Maybe this was a dumb idea!

So how can you avoid this fate? How can you assure that there is a market for what you sell and that people will buy it?

Simple: Solve a REAL problem.

So how can you tell if you are solving a REAL problem? It must meet 3 criteria – without exception.

First, your target market must actually have the problem.

One of the biggest mistakes would-be zillionaires make is that they assume everyone in the world has the same problems that they do or even thinks that the situation they label “problem” is a problem.

Sadly, I often have to tell people that they have fallen in love with their own idea, and that love has blinded them to the fact their idea is only cool to them and no one else.

So they aren’t addressing a problem that anyone else actually has.

They are imaging that the world will think their widget is as cool as they do…and it doesn’t.

Second, your target market must already know that it has the problem.

Often I will have initial calls with people and they tell me they think they need to “do some more educating of their market.”

That is code for: “Nobody cares when we tell them what we sell.”

You see even if you do solve a REAL problem, if your target market isn’t already aware of it, they won’t take the time for you to “educate” them about it.

People have way too many activities, responsibilities and distractions already.

“Learning about a new problem” is not something anyone does willingly.

Third, your target market must already want to solve the problem.

Unless your target market is already looking for a solution to their problem, you’re in for a long, painful and expensive slog that leads to few sales.

People can have hundreds or even thousands of problems that they could, should, would solve in a perfect world.

But in our world, human minds only have the bandwidth to care about 2 or 3 big problems at a time.

Any problem that has been “back-burnered” or is even less important than that will not be considered worth the time and attention necessary to learn about your offer for solving it, let alone buying it.

You’ve been warned.

So now, armed with these criteria, take a new look at the “problem” your product or service solves and ask yourself if you’re on track for millions of dollars in sales or headed to the poor house.




The truth is that even though you now know the 3 criteria for a REAL problem, you may still have trouble looking at your product/service objectively, and honestly being able to tell whether or not it will succeed.

And without really knowing the viability of your solution you could be in for a world of hurt.

Would you like an objective opinion on your solution and the problem it solves?

Would you like to know if you can salvage your sales revenue easily or if you need a real overhaul?

Would you like to know, once and for all, why things aren’t working or how they can work even better?

If so, then let me help.

I’m offering a limited number of REAL Problem Evaluation Sessions.

  • It’s a simple 15 to 30 minute call.
  • We’ll review the problem your product/service solves against the 3 criteria.
  • We’ll discuss options for changing your Target Market, Positioning, Messaging or Sales process if needed.
  • And you’ll walk away confident that you know what to do next with your business.

If the session sounds appealing to you, simply CLICK HERE and choose some times on the calendar that work for you.

Be sure to put REAL PROBLEM as the Subject for the call, and please put the URL of your website in the Note section.

Again, there are only a limited number of slots, but we will let you know, either way, if we can have the session with you.

Thanks, and I hope to speak with you soon.

Good luck!


Erik Luhrs, MNLP的更多文章

