Prospecting Your Biggest Challenge
Tim "Hoss" O'Leary
Senior Business Solutions Consultant | Helping Clients Reach Their Business Goals for More Than 30years
What is the biggest challenge you face in the world of prospecting. What is it about your current prospecting process the make you tense up the minute you even think about prospecting? I have heard all of them, "the gatekeeper, don't return voicemail's, happy with current vendor, or just email me some information."
The gatekeeper is the number one I hear from my team and other peers. How do you get passed a gatekeeper. We have all dealt with them. Right? The reason a gatekeeper is good is due to hearing the fear coming from your voice. It is called a "tell." A tell is a trigger the gatekeeper listens for to determine if you should move forward to the person you are looking for.
In the age of LinkedIn, Facebook, Google, D&B, Hoovers, Avention, and other forms for searches you now know who you need to ask for. First don't be lazy and ask the gatekeeper who does the purchasing for ??????.. That is a tell. Know who you are asking for.
Most sales people are incapable of relaxing and being themselves during a prospecting call...and that mean they lose countless opportunities needlessly. Being your self is, believe it or not, the biggest prospecting challenge of them all, and the one that, at the end of the day, you're not going to be able to avoid. Practice practice practice your pitch.
Here is a demonstration of someone who has their pitch ready...;
If you practice the pitch and master the art of prospecting no gatekeeper will stop you from going after your target.