Prosopographia of Terrorism

Prosopographia of Terrorism


This article is a national prevention against terrorism. It is primarily written to encourage and enable community members to be responsible for protecting their communities and citizens with insight and effectiveness, when it is possible to identify and report suspicious fact, that is known to be associated with?terrorists activities. These arrangements mostly evolve to report particularly suspicious persons, or activities that are opposed to law enforcement for further investigation in terms of effective and assertive crime prevention policies. We 're promoting and claiming for the establishment of new bodies that will facilitate our vigilance on terrorism by the quality of citizens life and the safety of community.

After the attacks of September 11th in the U.S., so many are those who speak of the war against terrorism without questioning the root and the exact meaning of terrorism. Indeed, what is terror? It is an abstract concept, because it appears difficult to quantify. It is not objective and measurable either, because it is difficult to be identified in a concrete sense, but only by antecedent, and antecedent act always precedes its potency, before having a specific conclusion. Logically, when you wage war on an abstraction fact, you don't see where you are going by facing an abstraction implemented by professional terrorists. However, the intelligentsia that motivates the pattern of terrorism is more dangerous than its realization.To fight terrorism it is necessary to know its origin, history, past, faith, situation, and ideology which otherwise define its objective and mentality that make it possible at priori.

Understand Terrorism Mentality?

This not a mentality we can comprehend, but it is a mentality the based on hate, false belief or pride. It is primarily a question of culture and social belonging. For example, Islamic terrorist believes in the transmigration of the souls. In this sense, his/her conception of death is clearly different from that of Westerners.

After The Iranian Revolution, also called the Islamic Revolution from January 7, 1978 to February 11, 1979, is the revolution that transformed Iran into a republic.?Sayyid Ruhollah Musavi Khomeini also known as Ayatollah Khomeini, was an Iranian political and religious leader who served as the first supreme leader of Iran, lost in the great furious madness, and did not intend to bury the tomahawk of war, which is an expression perhaps originating from a symbolic tradition, more certainly from a metaphorical expression of the American Indians, meaning to cease hostilities to make peace, but he rather asked the Islamic Arabs to face the West, which he would consider as the satanic empire on earth. Consequently, Ayatollah even declared by committing a kamikaze action, which symbolized a so-called heroic death, because according to him one dies as a hero and?will find oneself directly on the left of Allah, so that this one can be reincarnated on earth for other mission. Such behavior would not mean like a stupid and blind mentality? Please note, the Islamic religion should not be confused with Islamic terrorism.

In other words, terrorism is a system of warfare established to sow terror in every developped country to destabilize local State, and to disrupt the functioning of human living peacefully in community.

Terrorism Warfare

Terrorism is now emerging on the international scene, as a phenomenon of major political and social violence, to which the police and the state army are trying to oppose. However, what is immediately striking is the disproportion of the forces involved in. Indeed, while the terrorists are only a few hundred (or even a few dozen), poorly equipped, the government troops are numerous and equipped with ever more precise, more complex and more elaborate technology. Though, recent conflicts, some of which are still going on almost everywhere continent of the world (America, Europe, Africa and?Asia,), clearly show the embarrassment due to terrorism acts, and not to say the inability of the most technologically advanced, and therefore of the most powerful armies in terms of striking force and modernization of armaments to stop terrorist threats, and to also settle the conflicts in which they are engaged and to defeat an enemy infinitely less well equipped.

It is thus obvious that the balance of armaments alone does not succeed in imposing a decision, and we even observe, in a considerable number of cases, that the significant imbalance between adversaries may, against all expectations, not turn out to be advantage of the strongest technologically speaking. This is a paradox that needs to be questioned. We therefore propose to try to understand how, for example, bands of poorly armed mountaineers succeeded in driving out the powerful Soviet battalions from Afghanistan or how a few dozen urban guerrillas so called talibans group, can still, at the present time, hold out the American forces from Iraq to Afghnistan, which have been abandoned the idea of a victory, only dream of an honorable disengagement and withdrawal. Since the answer does not seem to lie in the simple differential study of the respective firepowers, we think that it must be sought elsewhere, particularly in psychology, since, both terrorism appears, as a psychological weapon intended to a psychological action, capable not only of counterbalancing a certain physical inferiority, but also of taking a decisive advantage.

Psychological Structure

Terrorism makes war, but it is not war. it is just a terror psychosis. The phenomenon of war presents itself in various and varied aspects, both in terms of its forms and extensions. Without going into details, it is possible to list some of its main types. Thus, alongside primitive wars, a simple form characterized by seasonal plundering expeditions and a mode of combat derived from hunting methods, we recognize colonial warfare, conducted by an allogeneic expeditionary force with a view to conquest. Cold war for pacification, so this is a classic war between nations, with a level of technological and scientific development, based on a kind of duel between political and diplomatic actors by ideological and strategic means. We also recognize the revolutionary war waged by groups of activists in struggle against a power, designated as illegitimate in the perspective of national freedom. But we do not recognize terrorism as a war considered as social and historical phenomena.

We can say that terrorism appears as a form of war when it is mixed with guerrillas. It is with this last form of war that terrorism is associated, and it is moreover often very difficult to disentangle what properly belongs to one another, which maintains the most numerous relations and the narrower. And it would not be an exaggeration, in this case to consider it, as the main means in the service of this end. In this context, terrorism appears as a mode of combat with specific characteristics, that make it preferable in many situations to any other modality. It is because of it has specific properties in fact, which make it a privileged instrument, in particular when it is no longer a question of neutralizing the greatest possible quantity of military equipment (tanks , fighter planes, warships) or combat units than to conquer popular assignment, in this case, we call it domestic terrorism, that is evolved to carry out a psychological war to defend political interest, or to defend local interests of oligarchs, and maybe a lobbyists group.

Anti-Terrorist Procedures

After several attacks, the Western hyperpowers have decided to set up anti-terrorist procedures, in order to prevent and protect their population from terrorist threats, and so we've been witnessed of the Symposium on the implementation of the Global Counter Terrorism Strategy of United Nations held at Vienna International Center Austria May 17 and 18, 2007. The Symposium has been carried out on a document of 223 pages. To Start here is what said, the General Secretary of the United Nations.

Introduction of Mr. Ban Ki-moon, General secretary of the United Nations in these terms:

Terrorism is one of the most serious threats to international peace and security of our century. No country can believe itself safe from its dangers and no society can be uninterested in the efforts to combat it.

The adoption by the General Assembly last year of the United Nations Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy represented a breakthrough in the initiatives taken by the international community to eliminate this threat. The Strategy reflects an unprecedented consensus on the framework fundamental in which collective action must take place; for the first time, Member States of the United Nations have agreed on a series of concrete measures aimed at preventing and to combat terrorism.

Our task now is to translate these commitments into action. Member States should implement all elements of the Strategy without delay, and the United Nations is ready to provide them with assistance to that end. I urge governments to take take full advantage of the resources and skills that the organizations of the system can offer them of the United Nations in their efforts to combat terrorism.

There is a need to widely publicize and promote the Strategy and its application. The Symposium on implementation of the United Nations Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy, has greatly contributed to this effort. I thank the Austrian Government for taking the initiative to convene this Symposium and to host it, and also my Cabinet, which chairs the Team Counter-Terrorism Task Force, as well as the United Nations Office on Drugs and crime.

The publication of the proceedings of the Symposium will help to advance the examination of this question and will enable a wide range of individuals, institutions and governments to apply the lessons learned from it. The diversity of views reflected in this document, as well as the richness of the debates, will help to give new impetus to the movement undertaken so that the Strategy can translate into concrete results on the ground.

The aim of the Symposium was to raise awareness of the Strategy, which containsmore than 50 recommendations and concrete provisions, as well as to promote its implementation and identify measures that could be adopted to assist Member States in implementing it, including by mobilizing increased support for the work of the Task Force on against terrorism, which brings together representatives of a wide range of organizations of the United Nations and associated entities working on various aspects of the fight against terrorism. This publication is structured like the Symposium, whose discussions focused on six themes different.

Theme 1: The United Nations Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy: An Integrated Approach to Counter-Terrorism against terrorism.

Topic 2: Application of measures to eliminate conditions that encourage the spread terrorism.

Theme 3: Strengthening measures to prevent and combat terrorism

Theme 4: Strengthening the capacities of States to prevent and combat terrorism and Strengthening the Role of the United Nations System: Lessons from technical assistance provided by UNODC.

Theme 5: Respect for human rights for all and the rule of law, fundamental bases of fight against terrorism.

Theme 6: The way forward to promote the implementation of the Strategy.


Beyond informations and law enforcement given by States, it is essential that citizens have access to quality of prevention, protection and State measures to stop terrorism nation wide.

Despite the development of freedom of the press and the multiplication of sources of informations, approaches, procedures, tools, multi-agencies and disciplines, so the concept of community safety always refers to the broadest range of issues that need to be addressed to promote safer cities and communities with outcomes that bring benefits beyond the absence of crime, namely the reduction of costs of criminal justice systems and also the reduction of social costs known as State responsibility and priority. The terrorism system is an abstract agency of bloodthirsty created by criminals who are sometimes people of means, it is an invisible crime machine that has tremendous interests behind to sow fears and tears. It is no where concretely, but it is phisically everywhere to destroy peace, and this is our responsibility to stop it or to eradicate terrorism as a global threat that causes social evil. School, public and private space are not spared with guns mass shooting, bombs etc...which still leaves pain and psychological terror, that keeps affecting families in every continent of the world. We all are concerned and we all unexceptionally are in the fight to make it cease and give place to social harmony and freedom. We can win by common agreement to save lives in our communities.

~Pencheli Preval


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