We are prosecuting
We are pursuing Prosecution of our Landlord Company and its contractors for:
These are serious criminal charges. We want those who decided against our safety to serve appropriate prison sentences. The Company to be fined to cover re-replacement of our doors and windows with safe, solid, regular, quality fixtures, as we had before. We want them to pay but not to arrange or to do the work as they have proved so untrustworthy. And to pay compensation for property damage, any theft, time off work to admit their contractors and any other costs to residents as a consequence of their massive dangerous fraud. We want them to be fined to repay service overcharges to all residents present and past.
We seek the Company to be banned from managing a housing estate.
We have informed the police and other public authorities. We also reported prior hidden crime from which we may all need to recover. We are grateful to those neighbours who helped us out of concussion able to recover and remember. We have been held up by still not having enough time and health to keep chasing those authorities: We were warned you do have to keep on at them. We will keep trying when we can. The above is an update 01.04.2024 and is NO April Fool.
I'm preparing to give evidence in court as a prosecution witness. These are my thoughts on some of it so far.
I was worried about the UK swearing in procedure. I cannot honestly swear on a book, or by or to any deity so I'm pleased to see we can swear to tell the truth without a god.
I can swear to tell the truth and nothing but the truth, but I'll have to check what is meant by the whole truth. If I disclose all my knowledge of the crimes in question plus associated crimes I'll be in the witness box for years. Do I presume I'm carefully assisted and limited by questioning?
I fully accept that court is not the place for us to expect to be emotionally counselled whatever the weight of the knowledge we have. There is now a place for that with a Victim Impact Statement. It is given after sentencing which is a bit late, maybe. I have already prepared a draft Victim Impact statement but it may not be acceptable as it is not all my own original words. I believe it is my duty to speak for others if they cannot do it for themselves; and it is so important for my sort to know we are not the only ones; and because those who went before me should be acknowledged even if I never knew their names. I'll write a personal statement if what I had in mind is not admissable.
I'm not going to 'out' other victims. But I'm not going to shut up.
Wake up. PLEASE wake up.
I'm not going to keep secrets. I gave those I believed to be victim-perpetrators good information and advice. I gave them clear step-by-step instructions how to remedy THEIR victims' predicament. How to get us out of danger. I'll say it again. Get us out of danger.
When will those who should have assisted stop stalling? What's wrong with doing as I advised right now? Are any of them going to do the jobs we've been paying them for?
I warned them I'd prosecute, I warned them they'd get prison sentences. Instead of doing the right thing they've resorted to cover-ups.
I must check again what happens with people like me who have Tourettes. It looks like we either have a neutral intermediary or for some hearings we can submit evidence in writing.
I had worried that I could not swear allegiance to King Charles and his family as someone with such deep misgivings about having a monarchy at all. But my main reason for wanting an end to monarchy is is out of genuine concern for the welfare of the Royal family. I cannot believe in predestiny or predetermined lives. I cannot believe in 'born to be king' any more than 'born lucky, evil, etc' I know they are not the same category but they are just as undesirable, just as wrong.
I'm quite pleased that I can say I am a true ally to the king and his family. Even though I, too, was very upset about what King Charles had to swear at the Coronation. God stuff again, and I never was a protestant.
Am I being trivial to also be upset about new doors to Westminster Abbey? The safety of people, and the safety and the security of property, private and public are, of course, all connected.
As well as people's safety I am concerned for London's heritage. And the totally unnecessary risk to people of mucking about with it. Let's not pretend it's any improvement.
When is this compulsion to replace good quality traditional with incongruous going to end? I thought we were supposed to be Green and doing repairs and restoring, not ripping out as if obsolete, or suddenly unfit for purpose. How little those making the changes seem to know about building materials and design. Why give up what's stood the test of time so well? Why pretend it hasn't? When are they going to stop making it up!
Forgive me, children, please, but to me it looks like London is being redesigned by over-indulged five year olds who empty Mummy's vegetable rack onto the kitchen floor and force in their Lego set windows upside down and inside out.
And when are we going humanely to get rid of the zoos, and that aquarium. Let those poor sea creatures go home. We are not sadistic voyeurs.
As I walk these streets alone, through a kingdom made of chrome
See them ripping up the cobbles, and tearing down our childhood homes
See the architecture changing, watch the history disappear
And the skyline rearranging into towers of veneer
Louis Dunford, The Angel (North London Forever)
And the decision-makers, are they locals? Are they Londoners? Are they going to stick around to be accountable, long-term, for the changes and the dangers and other problems they've imposed upon us? And the cost!
Why do it in the first place? Was it all legal? Was it safe? Is it safe now? Is it just theirs to muck about with? Should it be? Shall we check? Shall we investigate? Ooo-er! Guess what we found!
Who owns the Old Bailey?
Is the building safe? Does it need modernising? Is that statue any safer than all those church steeples we lost, across the country? Would it be better for new doors? New windows? All that wood! Has it "exceeded its life expectancy" sic (sick joke)? Does the whole of the Law of the Land apply? Or is it above the Law? Is it the Law itself? Are the owners local? Are they Londoners? Who are the owners, again? Are they above the Law? Above Criminal Law? Immune to conviction? What else do they do? Should they?
What else do they own? Where else are they making decisions about? Should they? Was that a leaseholder consultation? Was it? Really? Was that a public consultation? Was it really? How come almost nobody responded? Does silence give consent? Really? Did we have a say? Really? They were told what had gone wrong. Did they care?
Sympathy for 9/11, for Grenfell, for Ekinozu, for Gaziantep and too many more already...
The Constructionist?
Eclectic on matters of fact
Playing scrabble scores
With the letter of the Law
Nor shall her sword sleep in her hand
Till she has built New York, New York
Of all of England's green and pleasant land
The Allies March 2024 version
We did NOT make any disclosures about 'personal vulnerabilities' when asked by the Landlord's agents. Bad enough they'd already 'cased the joint' and handed out information and then access to ourselves and our properties. No thanks to those who persisted in advertising other people's vulnerabilities to every arsonist, every improvement fraudster, any other hostile.
Let's remember the Data Protection Act, Privacy Law and Health and Safety.
Who do they work for? Who's the boss, really? Who should be? Who's the expert? Forgive my sarcasm, please. Who is paying? HOW much?! And this on top charging, now we've woken up and done the arithmetic, is it thirty times what could possibly be justified? Oh. We must have got it all wrong.
Should the Old Bailey be refurbished? Ooh dear, always a risk, how often complete fraud, heritage gone, opportunity for looters and groomers and arsonists. And re-construction companies. Don't worry, they could always sell it, as it is, to some desert US state. Like London Bridge. At least there's nobody living in it!
How many players in this all-too-common game? How many locals? How many with genuine commitment? How many with little choice at all? Where are we/they from? It matters. Sadly, there does seem to be a grain of truth in some stereotypes. But WAIT. Of all the crimes indicated maybe, maybe the worst but least known is trafficking. Is it all a set up? Some of us have felt very much like running away. Again.
And the traffickers, those we were not supposed to notice. Sidling in alongside and behind the workers, what did we notice about them? Was it that we'd seen them before? Often, in fact. In my case, some of them since childhood. The very same who kept taking me from my mother as a baby. The very same who 'evicted' me from the family home at nineteen. The very same who drove us like an army (some of us were combat-trained) of cattle (some of us were sex-trade trained, for the cattle market). All trained and taken by criminals for the use of criminals. To be preyed upon, often by each other. A very uncivil war. The very same criminals trafficked me to this exact place (from Merseyside) when I was seven years old, I think. Were they playing "give me the child until he's seven and I will give you the man"? They are NOT all Merseysiders but it often sounds like they are.
Enormous gratitude to the others from the same places before and from London, who did the impossible. They woke me up, able to remember, able to recover.