Prose on Love, Kindness, and Openness of Heart
In the quietude of your words, there lies a profound truth, a gentle whisper amidst the cacophony of the mundane. You speak of weariness, a soul’s lament at the masquerade that dances around the essence of our being. Yet, in this confession, there is a plea, a yearning for the genuine, the pure, the heartfelt.
“I’m sorry if my responses sound silly to you at times,�you say, and in this apology, there is an innocence, a disarming honesty that beckons one closer. For what is silliness, but the joyous laughter of a spirit unburdened by pretense, a mind liberated from the shackles of conformity?
But oh, how the world adorns itself in facades, a gallery of masks painted with the hues of deception.?“I’ve become increasingly bored with how fake things are,�you declare, and it resonates, a chord struck in the symphony of seekers who wander in search of authenticity. The counterfeit smiles, the hollow words, they weigh heavy on the heart that craves for meaning, for connection that transcends the superficial.
In your invitation, there is a revelation, a path unveiled to the sanctum of your soul.?“If you want to see my serious side, if you want to witness my eyes gleaming with enthusiasm,�you offer, and it is an opening of doors to a realm where passions burn bright, where the fervor of life’s essence dances in the gaze of one who has known love.
“Ask me about love instead.�Love, the eternal muse, the architect of universes, the silent language spoken by every beating heart. It is the canvas whereupon the colors of our experiences blend into the masterpiece of our existence.
“Ask me about kindness and tenderness.�In these virtues, we find the balm for our wounds, the soft touch that heals, the hands that hold the world together in a gentle embrace.
“Ask me about openness of heart and compassion for all.�Herein lies the key to the treasure chest of humanity, the wellspring of hope that quenches the thirst of a parched world.
So let us converse not in the idle chatter that fills the void, but in the profound discourse of souls that recognize each other through the veils. Let us speak of love, of kindness, of the tenderness that softens the hardest of barriers. Let us be open-hearted, compassionate, and in doing so, may we find the authenticity we seek, reflected in the mirror of our shared humanity.
Copyright ? Beatriz Esmer