The Pros and Cons of Studying Abroad

The Pros and Cons of Studying Abroad

by: Raya Bryant-Young

As a college student, you may have heard a thousand times over how amazing of an experience studying abroad is. Almost everyone I know, knows someone who has studied abroad and called it a bucket list, life changing experience. However, many college students (especially pre-meds or engineers) find themselves unable to squeeze this experience into their already packed college schedule.

As I finish up my first week studying abroad in Italy, I can confidently say that while study abroad is certainly wonderful, there are a handful of pros and cons that I would definitely recommend you consider before embarking on this adventure

Pro #1: New place, new people… new YOU

If you would describe yourself as a social chameleon, studying abroad is definitely for you. Cultural immersion is simultaneously a very overwhelming and exciting experience– you are essentially building a new home for yourself for the next 4 months. When people tell you that when you go abroad you make memories and meet people that you will never forget… they aren’t exaggerating. Plus, being in a completely new environment really puts what you know about yourself to the test. Many people leave study abroad trusting themselves more and having more in-depth, newfound knowledge of themselves.

Con #1: Homesickness

Homesickness is something that almost everyone who goes abroad will experience at least once. Truthfully, it sucks. Sometimes you miss your family, a home cooked meal, or even the conveniences of certain things in your home country that you can’t find anywhere else (like Target or air conditioning). The feeling of homesickness is admittedly very unenjoyable and can be a big deterrent for people considering if study abroad is for them. My advice: if you REALLY value comfort and being close to your family, I would recommend you strongly consider how homesickness might affect your experience abroad.

Pro #2: Seizing the opportunity

Unless you plan on moving out of your home country, studying abroad is one of the only times that you will be able to so conveniently be able to conveniently live in another country for an extended period of time. Pretty much the whole point of adolescence is to get out of your comfort zone to grow and learn as much as possible. Studying abroad is an excellent facilitator of that and, again, with it being a very unique, time-dependent opportunity, it’s better to go for it than to not and regret it later.

Con #2: Money, money, money…

Before I had left for Italy, an older friend of mine had warned me that she knew she was going to be spending a lot of money abroad but didn’t expect to spend that much money. I now understand that she was very right. When you go abroad, it can be really hard to say no to things, with everything being so exciting and also fleeting. Weekend trips, meals out, and souvenirs add up really quickly, that make the experience quite pricey.

Pro #3: Super cool classes

Depending on your program, the classes that you take while studying abroad are honestly way cooler and way easier than classes you would find at your home school. Many of the classes that I am taking now abroad, I would never have had the opportunity to take while at my home school. One of my favorite classes that I am in right now is a wine tasting class (that I actually get credit for!) However, I have friends in other programs who are taking classes on the European Union, or are taking cooking classes for fun. Regardless, abroad programs tend to cater their curricula towards a more casual, “just for fun” vibe that can be a really nice break from your typical, strict schedule at home.

Con #3: Classes. While traveling.

As fun as your schedule might be while abroad, they are, after all, still classes. Homework, tests, and projects are all still aspects of study abroad which can be a pain when you get so caught up in the jet setting lifestyle. Additionally, if your credits transfer as a letter grade, as opposed to pass/fail, there is a whole other added layer of stress to consider.

All in all, studying abroad is an amazing, unique opportunity that everyone should at least consider partaking in. As most decisions have, there are a handful of pros and cons to studying abroad that should be considered before committing to going or not. With every benefit of the experience, there are certainly downsides that come with it. Ultimately, the decision lies within each individual as to whether or not they should study abroad. However, what I can say, is that if you do choose to, you certainly won’t regret it!



