The Pros & Cons Of Employee Boomerangs
Eric Swenson
Leadership & Workforce Strategist | CEO, Symmetry HR Solutions & Swenson Leadership Development
We don’t have a single client that doesn’t have a hiring or retention issue right now. EVERYONE is desperate to find and retain employees.
Given this atmosphere, there's a mandate for out-of-the-box thinking. Or (at least) to stop binding your future to "this is the way we've always done it."
A boomerang is an employee who leaves your company, but then later returns to work for you again.
Many companies have a written “no re-hire” policy. This is small-time thinking in today’s workforce. I find that many of those executives use that policy as an excuse to not re-hire bad former employees. (That’s a good example of leadership cowardice).
But the no-hire policy is a classic example of "One Size Fits All" thinking. What happens if you have a great, valued employee whose partner gets transferred out of state? A couple of years later they return. Are you telling me you wouldn't want that employee back in your company?
Don't bind yourself with a policy that can prevent you from hiring the best possible person.
For those coward leaders: just tell a bad former employee that re-hire is not an option.
Why wouldn’t you give an open position to a former employee who was great?
Here are some pros, cons and tips on boomerangs:
Things to consider:
Don’t close your mind when it comes to rehires. They can be valuable during a talent crunch.
It's a 'one size fits one' world out there. Don’t limit yourself by enacting sweeping policies.
Instead, make your decisions on a case-by-case basis.