Proposed Changes from the new Government
Mary Hill (MA MCIPD) - HR Consultant
Tailored HR for SMEs | Pragmatic employment law advice | Down to earth and approachable | Peace of mind with retained or ad-hoc support | Bespoke contracts and policies | Employee Relations
Post-election special
Last month, the country voted in a new Labour government and it is looking like the employment law landscape may change and here are some key legislation updates that small businesses will need to watch out for in the coming months:
While these changes are fairly substantial, Labour does recognise that some parts of their New Deal for Working People will take time to review and implement and have promised full consultation so that new rules are effective.
LEGAL UPDATES – recent cases
Employee who was part of a ‘pool of one’ redundancy was unfairly dismissed
The Employment Appeal Tribunal (EAT) tribunal found that an employee was unfairly dismissed due the employer’s failure to consult on the decision to place them in a pool of one. In this case, three other employees also performed similar roles across the UK, but the claimant was placed at risk of redundancy in a pool of one. Following a consultation process, the claimant was made redundant however, while the tribunal accepted the employer’s belief that there was a pool of one and that the role was unique, it found that the business had failed to explain these reasons to the claimant during the employee’s consultation process.
It is very tempting to operate pools of one, in an attempt to avoid dragging other employees into a stressful process, but this case highlights the very important need to consult not just on the need for redundancy, but also on the decision to operate a pool of one.
An Apple employee was unfairly dismissed for taking photos of a female colleague
An employee hired by Apple Retail UK, was found to have been unfairly dismissed after taking and sharing photos of a female colleague without her knowledge. In this case, after the employee had taken photos of a female colleague in the staff canteen and shared them in a group chat, another colleague flagged this as a concern. The employee was then dismissed for sexual harassment.
Despite Apple having policies relating to business conduct and harassment and bullying, the tribunal found the harassment policy was ‘vague and did not contain a clear definition of harassment’. The tribunal also ruled that the female colleague was unlikely to have been aware the photo was taken, and his behaviour would therefore not have impacted her. While the judge ruled that this case was a ‘stupid form of engagement’ of a ‘teenage-style crush’, the claimant’s actions did not constitute serious misconduct.
Whilst this type of behaviour may feel like an obvious fair dismissal, this case shows the importance of ensuring any harassment policies clearly define what is classified as harassment, to avoid a risk of a similar finding by a later tribunal.
I am pleased to share that I have been warmly welcomed by the local business community at various networking events this month. Meeting such wonderful people has been inspiring, and I am excited about the potential for collaborative work. I am also delighted to have provided practical employment law advice, helping businesses swiftly address and resolve issues. Additionally, I have assisted others in ensuring their contracts and HR policies are legally compliant and have supported ad-hoc projects to ensure they are fit for purpose and set up for future success.
On a personal note, I have enjoyed volunteering at a National Under 25 Amateur Golf Competition. It was great fun and a fantastic opportunity to witness emerging talent. I have also been attending puppy training classes with my new Cavapoochon (aka Toy Poodle, Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and Bichon Frise cross), Bella who has been doing exceptionally well!
I hope you are all having a great summer so far. I look forward to catching up with some of you soon. Please do not hesitate to reach out if you would like to have an initial chat about any HR matters.
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