A proposal is worth your attention-read.

Growing importance and demand for electronic gadgets like smartphones & tablets and equipment. With an increase in electronic gadgets, the use of capacitors is expected to increase, thereby promoting the growth of the global tantalum capacitors market.

With the introduction of high-purity powders, automated assembly, and real-time control systems, the base reliability of tantalum capacitors has been increasing steadily in recent years. The global tantalum capacitors market is slated to expand at a CAGR of around 6% over the forecast period (2021-2031), with demand being high for wet tantalum capacitors and surface mount capacitors.

Also, the material finds its use, extensively, in aviation and land-based gas turbine, and the demand from this sector is expected to rise at a brisk pace in the near future because of high growth in the aviation and aerospace industries. However, it is important to note that a majority of the world’s tantalum elements are located in the African continent and a ban on mining in the continent will lead to a demand-supply gap, which in return will raise the price of the capacitors, thereby increasing the overall cost for the product. The opportunity for the market lies in the fact that the mining methods have been improved over time and this will ensure uninterrupted supply for the market. How will Technological Advancements Impact Demand for Tantalum Capacitors? Increasing investment in equipment development, new technological know-how in the production of vehicles, as well as high-purity powder materials for the introduction of an entirely new generation of passive devices, are driving down prices while maintaining reliability.

The acceptability of the anode is determined, in reliability tests TC, in which the anode is one of the components of the construction TC. In the case of a failure of the TC due to DCL, it is difficult to establish how much the problem is related to the construction of the anode or capacitor, due to the lack of an independent estimate of the stability of the anode design, on the stage of its production. Often the solution to the problem is perceived on the basis of personal experience responsible for the quality control of the final product. Observed instability or failures due to DCL, in tests for the reliability of the TC, indicate the presence of a problem, but its cause is not clear

Today, the acceptability of the anode for its use is determined by the correspondence of the CAP and DCL values established by the developer and obtained in the WC test. The WC test is a good indicator of total anode capacitance (CAP)- depends on porosity but is insufficient to accurately predict DC leakage stability (DCL), which depends on the neck. The problem is that today anode quality can only be assessed using the WC test. In the case of an anode failure according to DCL, the WC test does not allow to establish at what stage of its production problem. WC test does not allow one to control either change in the neck size or internal stresses, which are the center of their concentration, on which the behavior of the DSL depends.

In particular, the WC test does not allow to control/assessment:

???????? ? neck size and internal stresses in a sintered pellet.

???????????????????The control, which is currently based on shrinkage

????????????????????measurements have their limitations.

???????????????? influence of the technological process anodization on internal stresses in the anode

????????????????? risk of development of aging processes

?To understand the cause of the problem with DCL, consider the anode, how a porous product of powder metallurgy and its acceptable electrical properties, both capacitance, and DCL depend on achieving a combination of pore and neck sizes. ?This combination is achieved through a multi-step technological process, the result of which is influenced by: the size, shape, and distribution of the primary powder particles, the density of the pressed pellet, the sintering temperature and time, the anodization voltage and current, the temperature and conductivity of the electrolyte, as well as the stability of the equipment. Deviations in one of the technological processes are reflected in the structure and, accordingly, in the properties.

Note:?Vendor powder does not provide change data in the average neck size, at deviations in size, shape, and distribution of the primary powder particles. Methods control the structure of porous materials and the possibility of determining the size of pores, necks, and their stability under various external influences (temperature and various types of force fields) are successfully used in materials science. The detection of these deviations in the early stages of production will allow predicting its acceptability, for further continuation of the process, which will avoid the "domino" effect.

The developed method based on mechanical measurements, presented in my works, allows you to evaluate the effect of internal stresses on the risk development of the anode aging process, before the reliability test. The proposed method, based on mechanical tests, will allow controlling the structure at each stage of anode production, which will significantly reduce the time, cost, defects in its manufacture, and the risk of failures at the consumer of the TC.


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