Maria Elisa Mesquita
Architect and Urbanist | Architect and Owner MOI Estúdio Criativo (MOI) | Architect Eletrobras | Associate Architect Dkore
With the growth of the population in cities due to migration from rural areas at the end of the 20th century, there was an increase in the search for housing in urban centers. In Recife in the mid-2000s, land located in the central areas of the city began to be treated as a commodity and, due to the high prices charged for it, the poorer population began to occupy peripheral areas. With the lack of suitable land to build their homes on the outskirts, families began to occupy hillsides and the banks of rivers and canals, degrading and reducing the supply of outdoor living areas for the population. As part of this scenario, the land occupied by the Miguel Arraes community until 2021 was neglected and with precariously built housing, where its residents lived among garbage, mud and open sewage, just a few meters from the stretch of the Beberibe River, making it difficult to clean it. Through a study of the region's needs and the basic principles of urban regeneration, this proposal sought to set up a linear park on the banks of the Beberibe River to provide leisure, culture and sports facilities and to reserve an area for the construction of housing units, preferably in mixed-use buildings, for the residents to be relocated from the area and to improve Dalva de Oliveira Street by creating a tree-lined central median. Drawing mainly on information from the UNIBASE and zoning maps provided by Recife City Hall, the project for the linear park and central median was designed to serve the surrounding residents and drivers who use the road to access Avenida Beberibe and Avenida Presidente Kennedy, enabling social, environmental and economic development and improving traffic in the area, making it an attractive area.
KEY WORDS: Miguel Arraes Community, Beberibe River and Social Interest Housing.
The culture of living in the countryside that predominated in Brazil until the 19th century, the rural exodus marked the second half of the 20th century (GOBBI, 2017). The implementation of capitalist relations in agricultural production, where the economic model favoured large landowners and the intense mechanization of rural activities (AUGUSTO; RIBEIRO, 2005), drove small producers out of the countryside, causing the population to move predominantly to the big cities.
In Pernambuco, this process of migration to the state's metropolitan cities has become increasingly significant. Droughts, which affect the lives of approximately 1.2 million people living in 130 municipalities in the sert?o (G1, 2013)[1], are a frequent issue in urban policy debates in the state and a determining factor in this process.
Between the 1920s and 1940s, Recife's population grew by 40% (MARTINS, 2017)[2]. This population growth led to an acceleration in the region's urbanization process, without proper planning and causing many infrastructural, environmental and social problems, such as rising unemployment, degradation of rivers, canals and forests, the growth of slums and the marginalization of these people.
In the mid-2000s, Recife's dynamics began to be expressed through large real estate developments (SOUZA, BITOUN, 2015), mostly gated communities. The city began to be fragmented and its spaces treated as a commodity (VAZ, 2015), causing the high land values to push the poorest population to the outskirts.
According to Galdo and Daflon (2012), families excluded from the metropolis often began to live in homes on the edge of watercourses and under threat of pollution and flooding, often building their houses with pieces of wood and seeing rivers of sewage and garbage in front of their doors, subjecting themselves to subhuman living conditions. This type of occupation began to cause problems for the public administration, as it was an area unsuitable for housing and unplanned, making it difficult to supply the area with basic services and compromising the quality of the water that supplies the city as a whole and the recovery of water sources.
This was the reality of the area occupied until 2021 by the Miguel Arraes community, in the Porto da Madeira neighborhood of Recife. Its residents lived in homes just a few centimeters from the putrid water of the river and, in the middle of their homes, a corridor opened onto the canal very close to where pipes dumped more sewage into the river. The families huddled in precarious homes, built in the area at random, which narrowed and made access to Beberibe-Rio Street difficult and, consequently, made it impossible to clean up that stretch of the river.
Through an analysis of the community and its surroundings, this work sought to understand the region's needs, to then propose a preliminary urban requalification project for the area, which would meet the demands for open-air leisure, sports and cultural areas, improving traffic on Dalva de Oliveira Street and also providing areas to meet the housing needs of the region's residents.
The idea of intervening on the land where the Miguel Arraes community was located was presented in December 2018 and came about through an adjacent view of the community since, living near the area at the time, I was able to observe the lack of leisure and sports areas in the area, as well as the precarious conditions in which this stretch of the Beberibe River is located. Seeking the social, environmental and economic development of the area, this proposal emerged as an alternative for urban requalification and as an attempt to reintegrate the area into the neighborhood, improving the flow of transport around it, recovering the bed of the Beberibe River and making it possible to offer services.
The initial aim of this proposal was to set up a linear park on the banks of the Beberibe River, occupied until 2021 by the Miguel Arraes community, while also reserving, as a suggestion, areas for the construction of mixed-use buildings to meet the housing demands of the families removed from the area.
The first stage of the proposal was to collect information such as UNIBASE and zoning maps made available by Recife City Hall, with the aim of identifying the width of the river branch, so that it would be possible to locate the necessary urban equipment, reserve the areas that would be used for the construction of mixed-use buildings and to size the roads and the central median of Dalva de Oliveira Street. On-site visits and interviews with residents were also carried out in order to understand the real local needs.
Once the data collection was complete, the second stage of the research began: analysis of the legislation, the morphology of the neighborhood and the data collected, as well as the preparation of ventilation, insolation, gauge, road and land use studies.
Location: RPA: 2 - NORTH, Microregion: 2.2
Territorial Area (hectare)2: 48
Resident Population: 7,713 inhabitants
Geometric Average Annual Population Growth Rate (2000/2010): 0.09 %
Population density (inhabitants/hectare): 161.35
Households (no.): 2,334
Average number of residents per household (inhabitant/household): 3.3
Proportion of Women Responsible for the Household (%): 52.84
Average Nominal Monthly Household Income6: R$1,977.89
Special Zones of Social Interest located in the neighborhood (Zeis): Casa Amarela (part) (PREFEITURA DO RECIFE, 2018).
The most recent law establishes actions concerning the structuring of urban space, where according to its guidelines and those of the other laws in force in the municipality, the sustainable development of the Political-Administrative regions is aimed at.
According to Annex 4 of the Recife Use and Occupation Law (LUOS), the municipality's zoning boundaries are presented, where it is possible to identify that the land chosen for the development of the Linear Park and the construction of the central tree-lined median is in the Casa Amarela Special Zone of Social Interest (ZEIS).
The urban planning parameters for the Casa Amarela Special Zone of Social Interest (ZEIS), an area that has not yet been consolidated, should follow the rules laid down in Law No. 16.113/95, the PREZEIS, where Chapter III, Article 7, states that:
A specific urban plan must be drawn up for each ZEIS, which will detail the parceling and rules for the use, occupation and exploitation of urban land in the area.
§ Paragraph 1 Urban plans must take into account both the physical-morphological conditions and the land situation of the respective housing settlements.
§ 2 Urban plans shall be drawn up according to the types of ZEIS to which they apply.
§ Paragraph 3 The specific urban plans for each area must respect the principles set out in Article 3 of this Law.
§ Paragraph 4 The aforementioned urban plans may indicate urban parameters other than those defined in the Land Use and Occupation Law, as long as they take into account the densification and infrastructure conditions of the areas (PREFEITURA DO RECIFE, 1995, art. 7).
PREZEIS also states that the maximum size to be considered for housing purposes is 250m2 and the minimum is 18m2.
According to PREZEIS, only the 20% rate of Virgin Treated Soil with vegetation is considered.
According to Federal Law No. 766/79, Chapter II, Art. 4, the subdivision of municipal land along current and dormant waters must respect a non-buildable strip of 15 (fifteen) meters on each side.
On the other hand, Federal Law No. 12.651/12, known as the Forest Code, defines permanent preservation areas (APPs) with the aim of preserving in the environment certain particularities and combinations of factors that are fundamental to the ecological balance of the region and its watersheds.
Article 2 of this law establishes the following as permanent preservation areas:
I - the marginal strips of any natural perennial and intermittent watercourse, excluding ephemeral ones, from the edge of the regular bed channel, at a minimum width of:
a) 30 (thirty) meters, for watercourses less than 10 (ten) meters wide;
b) 50 (fifty) meters, for watercourses between 10 (ten) and 50 (fifty) meters wide (BRASIL, 2012);
Federal Law No. 11.977/09, which regulates land regularization in permanent preservation areas, allows land regularization in the social interest of irregular settlements that are within the urban perimeter of consolidated occupation and that, according to it, construction under these circumstances can only be allowed in cases where:
1. the occupation of the APP is prior to December 31, 2007;
2. the settlement is part of a consolidated urban area;
3. a technical study proves that the planned intervention will lead to an improvement in environmental conditions in relation to the previous situation of irregular occupation (BRASIL, 2009).
Therefore, applying the aforementioned urban planning parameters and Forest Code rules to the area where the project will be developed, I obtained the following values:
·??????? Marginal non-buildable strip to be respected, according to Federal Law 766/79: 15m;
·??????? Total land area: 19,943.00m2
·??????? Area to be built: 13,520.00 m2;
·??????? Area set aside for green reserves and the installation of leisure, culture and sports facilities: 6,423m2;
·??????? Area of natural soil: 2,704.00m2;
·??????? Number of families to be removed from the area and its immediate surroundings: 200;
·??????? Number of families to be relocated to the buildings: 200;
The identification of solar incidence and wind direction helped in the distribution of urban equipment and the positioning of areas reserved for housing construction. For example, for 9 months of the year the winds come from the southeast and for 3 months of the year from the northeast.
The map shows that the predominant uses are housing in the area and its surroundings. It is also possible to identify other types of use, such as Avenida Presidente Kennedy, which had small commercial and service establishments, schools and churches, as well as the AmBev factory.
On Avenida Cidade de Monteiro, commercial and service establishments were more present, and it was one of the accesses to the Jo?o Paulo II Condominium, known as INOCOP. Even though Rua Dalva de Oliveira is predominantly residential, there are few shops and services along its length. On the stretch closest to the intervention area, Avenida Beberibe, the educational and service buildings were more evident, and this is the main access to the Jo?o Paulo II Condominium.
The road and flow map were used to identify the functions of the roads associated with the mobility and accessibility conditions offered to vehicles and pedestrians. The hierarchical classification of urban roads was based on the maximum speed stipulated by the Recife Urban Traffic and Transport Authority (CTTU), and they are divided into arterial, collector and local roads, as shown in the table below.
Ground floor and duplex buildings predominate in the area, with the exception of the Jo?o Paulo II Condominium, which still has four-storey coffin buildings.
Based on the inflow and outflow map, I identified that the intervention area and its immediate surroundings are quite densely populated by irregular housing on the riverbanks.
The vegetation and Permanent Preservation Area (APP) map helped me to identify the performance of the afforestation present at the time, such as creating shade for pedestrians and vehicles, protection from the wind, reducing noise pollution, among other factors. However, in the surroundings of the intervention area, from an aerial view, I observed the deficiency in the presence of vegetation, which in fact did not favor the quality of use of the area by citizens.
According to Casarotto (2018), SWOT analysis, or F.O.F.A. Matrix, is a classic management methodology widely used in the strategic planning of companies or new projects, as it consists of carrying out a complete diagnosis of the business and its surrounding environment.
According to Gon?alves (2014), this analysis "makes it possible to diagnose the potential and problems of a territory or sector and, at the same time, to focus the development strategy on these fundamental aspects".
Applying this analysis to the proposed urban redevelopment of the Miguel Arraes Community, I concluded that:
This chapter is the product of the analysis made of the chosen site, taking into account the stretch of the Beberibe River that runs through the site and the existing vegetation, so that, from there, the choice of vegetation to be inserted in the site and the program of need could be made.
The site had medium and large trees, with the subtle presence of undergrowth due to the concentration of irregular housing in the area. Among these trees, it is possible to note the predominant presence of coconut palms, banana trees, pau brasil, blackheart trees and papaya trees.
The choice of the new tree species to be incorporated into the linear park project was based on an analysis of species compatible with the local climate, taking into account their flowering periods, size and flower colors. Based on this data, a table was drawn up in which it is possible to observe the color palette of the linear park and central flowerbed throughout the year.
The preliminary design of the linear park in the area occupied by the Miguel Arraes community until 2021, and the creation of a central tree-lined median on Dalva de Oliveira Street, started with the use of materials that provide easy absorption into the floor and do not absorb temperature, in order to make the ground cover as natural and sustainable as possible. These points led the project to achieve its effectiveness and resistance, taking into account the aesthetic, the component that enhances the space.
The large linear park was designed for the population of the neighborhood and the surrounding area, with a view to offering a green space for leisure, culture and sport amid the constant growth of housing occupation in the area.
The site, with a total area of 327,320 m2, consists of a stretch of the Beberibe River, an extensive circulation area, a craft market, a gym, sports courts, a playground, an area for events, rest areas and a food park. Among these spaces, efficient afforestation was considered, offering not only aesthetics but also shade.
On the park's promenade, resin drainage flooring was used to drain rainwater, allowing liquids to flow into the ground, avoiding serious problems such as its accumulation.
In the Food Park area, plastic wood was used, a material made from plastic waste, which is 100% ecological. In the rest area, the grass remains, with a view to thermal comfort due to the floor not absorbing temperature. In the gym, playground and multi-sports courts, rubberized interlocking flooring was used in a variety of colors, selected for its resistance, durability, design and versatility.
Wooden pergolas were installed in the rest area to ensure shade and temperature control. The bike lane will be painted using a method called "hot paint", which guarantees the durability of the application.
This urban and landscape requalification proposal, presented in December 2018, considered the comfort and well-being of the site and its surroundings, with the aim of bringing a positive effect to the region for the population that will enjoy it, and promoting benefits such as thermal, sound and visual control in the area, as well as increasing the supply of social areas for the population.
On the other hand, the works that began in 2021 as part of the PAC Beberibe program, which aimed to reorganize the urban area, including the requalification of the river banks, the construction of roads and urban facilities, improvements to drainage and sewage systems and the resettlement of families who were living inappropriately, have turned the large plot of land into a place with little trees and which is used exclusively for the circulation of vehicles, since the precarious lighting has made the place unsafe for pedestrian traffic.
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