Proposal to amended Swedish interest deduction limitation rules - may have major effects on Swedish companies
Sofia Almén and Marcus Rask, authorized tax advisors at Grant Thornton.

Proposal to amended Swedish interest deduction limitation rules - may have major effects on Swedish companies

Sweden introduced general interest deduction limitation rules in 2019, limiting the deduction of net interest expenses to 30% of tax EBITDA. The Ministry of Finance has appointed a government committee to evaluate the rules. On 31 May 2024, the government committee presented its conclusions, with several proposals for amendments of the existing rules.?

Grant Thornton's tax experts have reviewed the proposal and summarize the most important changes:?

  • Increase the safe harbour rule from SEK 5 million to SEK 25 million.?
  • Eliminate the time limit on deducting net interest expenses carried forward from previous years.?
  • Amend the rules so activities carried out by a corporate group are, as far as possible, treated the same way as activities carried out in a single company. The proposal entails that a calculation unit, consisting of companies with group contribution rights, should make a joint calculation of net interest expenses and the deduction base (tax EBITDA).?
  • The targeted interest deduction limitation rules should be amended to align with the judgment in case C-484/19 Lexel

Our experts welcome the proposals?

Sofia Almén and Marcus Rask , authorized tax advisors at Grant Thornton Sweden, have reviewed the government committees' final report in its entirety, and are positive about most of the proposed changes that have been presented.?

- One of the major changes in the proposal is that the right to deduct interest will be tested at group level instead of in each company respectively. What the effects in practice will entail need to be further analyzed. Another important change is increasing the safe harbour rule to SEK 25 million. This would be a great improvement, not least considering the increased interest rates, which would lead to more companies not having to apply the complex EBITDA regime, says Sofia Almén.?

Proposed to enter into force in 2026?

It is proposed that the amended rules should enter into force on 1 January 2026.??

Grant Thornton will follow developments closely until a sharp proposal is possibly presented.?


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