Prophetic Word
Prophet Adrian Ddungu wwwsupernaturalkingdomministriesorg
Annihilating the Spirit of Cancer
A Word by Kathy DeGraw
There is a spirit of infirmity, called cancer, running rampant across the land. I’ve seen an increase in cancer diagnosis’ and concerns recently. We cannot be ignorant of the enemy’s devices, and we know he comes to steal, kill, and destroy (John 10:10). Cancer can manifest as a result of the foods we eat and the chemicals and packaging that is added to and comes in contact with our food. We can also be impacted through the environment, pollution and chemicals. However, cancer can also have a spiritual correlation.
What can we do as Christians to come against this spirit of infirmity attacking the body of Christ? How can we help those diagnosed with the disease receive their healing? How can we make sure cancer doesn’t inflict us? I believe there is an urgency to pray.
Familiar spirits, spirits that create the same familiar infirmity and afflictions are in heightened activation in this season. As we approach November and December, this is typically a season in which I have seen the most familiar spirits activate. However, at the same time, it is a season I have seen the greatest deliverances manifest. Therefore, I know if we can come together as believers and attack this malady in the spiritual realm through prayer we can defeat it. However, we need to be praying offensively and not only defensively.
I recently went all out against Halloween and wrote articles, taught podcasts, and did television and radio interviews. I made it my job to abolish the spiritual warfare and educate people on the dangers of celebrating Halloween and the spiritual implication. When I was in prayer the other day, I heard the Lord say, “Annihilate the forces of darkness against cancer. Take that same energy and stamina and attack the spirit of cancer.” He went on to say, “We need to have that same passion about everything we want to attack and expose.” Friends, I need you to help me attack the spirit of cancer that is being released across the nations.
The following is a plan of action the Holy Spirit downloaded to me regarding cancer. Use these guidelines whether you have cancer, to pray offensively against cancer or to assist another person to receive their healing from cancer.
Steps to attacking and annihilating the spirit of cancer:
1. Pray offensively. Speak and declare and decree out loud (See my book, Speak Out–Releasing the Power of Declaring Prayer) against the spirit of cancer. Bind and restrict the spirit of cancer from attacking your friends, family, and those you love.
Simple statements of declarations could include:
· I bind and restrict a spirit of cancer and infirmity from attacking, in Jesus’ name.”
· I speak and declare my t-cells destroy any cancer attempting to invade my body, in Jesus’ name.
· I speak and decree that I live in divine health. My body functions properly, and growths, tumors, blood disorders, and anything related to cancer or any other sickness and disease cannot infiltrate my physical being. My bone marrow is strong and healthy. I am brought and paid for by the blood of Christ.
2. Repent of any unforgiveness, offense, bitterness, or resentment. These four emotions that can become demonic strongholds in our lives, if not dealt with through repentance, inner healing and deliverance can lead to physical afflictions and spirits of infirmities.
A simple, heartfelt prayer spoken out loud to deactivate the demonic realm could include:
“I forgive everyone who I am holding unforgiveness, offense, bitterness, and resentment feelings towards. Jesus, I acknowledge you came to forgive my sins, and therefore, I forgive the sins and inadequacies of others. I repent of holding myself in bondage because I couldn’t release forgiveness and release my offenders from their offenses. I choose this day, and moving forward to walk in the freedom of forgiveness I have received and release it to others, in Jesus’ name.”
3. Self-forgiveness can be one of the hardest things to release. In order to be delivered, I have found the most powerful confession to make out loud is, “I forgive myself.” You need to hear yourself say it and experience the accompanying emotion.
Speak out and declare audibly.
“I forgive myself.”
Keep saying it until you mean it, feel a spiritual shift, feel a demonic release, or have peace. You may need to come back in the following days and say it again until you fully receive it.
4. Examine yourself for any sin or disobedience in your life, which are an open doorway to the enemy. The Bible says, “Give no place to the devil” (Ephesians 4:27). Allow the Holy Spirit to come in and create in you a clean heart (Psalm 51:10) and allow Him to search your heart (Psalm 139:23).
5. Repent, renounce, and rebuke generational curses. The spirit of cancer can be generational. We do not have to receive that report. We have been bought and paid for with a price (1 Corinthians 6:20); therefore, we do not have to receive a cancer diagnosis.
Break agreement with a spirit of cancer in your generational line by praying and declaring out:
“I break agreement with a spirit of cancer and infirmity in my generational line. I thank you, Jesus, that you redeemed me from the curse. I destroy every disease agent trying to come against me right now. Spirit of infirmity attacking my body, I release and remove you of your familiar assignment now, in Jesus’ name. I break agreement with any unforgiveness in my life, and I close all demonic entry points and legal rights in my life. I speak and decree I am made whole and healed, in Jesus’ name.”
6. Search for and expose any ungodly soul ties. Being a deliverance minister, I have seen many times where cancer enters as a result of a soul tie.
Break agreement with soul ties
· Repent of any ungodly relationships.
· Repent of any words you have spoken negatively about another’s cancer diagnosis.
· Remove any idolization of people in your life.
Speak out and decree:
“I renounce and repent of the sin of idolatry and any ungodly relationships and feelings I’ve had towards another. I rebuke the devourer against my life. I take authority over sickness and disease and command it will have no hold on me, in the name of Jesus.”
Scripture speaks of having health, healing, and wholeness. It is God’s will for us to be healed. Let’s collectively pray and stand together to defeat cancer in the spirit realm, eradicate cancer for a person’s life, and prophetically war on the offense from this attack coming on those we love. Together we can release the angelic realm to operate and move on our behalf. We can bind and restrict the enemy and continue the work Jesus did on the cross to defeat the devil. We have power and authority, but we need to take that power and authority to overcome the strongholds in our lives and the lives of others. There is a demonic realm that is out to steal, kill, and destroy, but Jesus said that He comes to give us life and give us abundant living (John 10:10). Let’s make sure we and those we love walk-in abundant whole living.