The Prophetic Word - August 2017
Prophetic Word- August 2017
Welcome to August 2017 the eight month of the year reputable for new beginnings. August 2017 is your month for “New Shine” A shine from the heaven above patterning the earth beneath. The former shine shall be overhauled and overwhelmed by the glory of the new shine. It is your swell time to walk upon the high places by divine enablement. Transfiguration is transportation plus figuration. A descent is coming upon you in the month of August to relocate and reposition your configuration for good…taking away the old garment and overwhelming the effect on your person.
August 2017 Imperatives for New shine- Matthew 17:1-9
· It is a glorious time for divine step ups….prepare for an invitation to mount up to the higher place
· It would also offer you a priceless opportunity to step out….you will be distinct and demarcated
· There is a coming radiance of a glory present changing your face and impacting on your raiment.
· Preapare, you are securing a walk into a deeper dimension. By Heaven’s invite for a rounded appearance.
· Well, thank God for the old! The new has come. There shall be no mix up anywhere. As glory manifest, there shall be no muddling of manifestation
· There shall be an interplay of 2 glories. The former and the latter glory. The former glory shall be a template for the present in manifestation..a necessary confirmation and consolidation of the new things starting in your life by the shine!
7 things to happen as you take charge in your new shine
· 1.In the new encounter, you shall receive definite instructions
· . It is not going to be private personal decision in absolute terms but a relative one where you will understand the cloud over you as against the crowd around you
· There shall be a specific voice from the cloud of your appearing.
· You shall be given as a fresh word…a necessary baton for your new runs without the ruins!
· In your new revelation, shun the path of fear and trepidation; that new revelation is certainly not for your damnation but posting a next level of revolution in your new destination
· You will enjoy the glorious touch of impartation, lifting you up from the harem and harassment of fear to the lucid place accomplishment.
· It is a prophetic invite to a change of perspective; He is bringing you to a place where you stop seeing man but Jesus only. The great Apostle Paul said, “For I determined not to know anything among you save Jesus Christ and him crucified” 1 Cor 2:3
· You will understand the place of appropriate timing. There are issues for keep and others for share as your deep begins to call upon His deep!
Happy New month.
Yours in the Shine!
James Komolafe…CBT .. Team Strategy Network…(TSN) Leading men and the nations to destiny through the weapons of discovery.
Participate in the monthly prophetic all night titled “ A Night of Prophetic Impartation (ANOPI). An all comers affairs imparting the body of Christ to relevance and impact. Venue: The Prophetic Place, Fatima Plaza, beside First Bank Plc, Mambolo Street, Wuse Zone 2, Abuja. Every First Friday of the month. 4th August 2017
Time: 10;00pm till dawn
Abuja Prophetic Weekly Vibration!!!!!!!!
Serving the nations, individuals, organizations and the body of Christ through critical connection to the prophetic and strategic solutions to the society