Prophet Abraham (Ibrihim ) (pbuh) Part 1

Prophet Abraham (Ibrihim ) (pbuh) Part 1

O Allah, I take refuge with You from misleading or getting misled; making mistakes or being made to make mistakes; doing wrong or being made to act wrongly; and (from) acting ignorantly or being made to act with ignorance. O Allah Mighty is Your protection, Holy are Your names, Sublime are Your praises, and there is no god besides You. In the name of Allah, sufficient for me is Allah. I rely O Allah, and there is no power and strength except with Allah. O Allah, strengthen my heart and let truth appear on my tongue. We implore Allah Almighty to help us serve His cause and render our work for His Sake. I praise Allah, except whom there is none to be worshiped, who is the Ruler of the world. He is innocent and pure free from all blemishes, defects, flaws, or shortcomings. He gives refuge and sustains all.

Peace and blessings of Allah be upon
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Khatim al-Nubiyyin our beloved Prophet and Messenger and his family.
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  We again call you and your men and your army towards Allah who is worthy of all respect and esteem.

I have thus discharged again my duty of conveying His message and advice. You should accept it, May peace be on the followers of the guidance.

To all whom these presents shall come, May peace be on the followers of the guidance.

We continue to invite you to accept the obedience, sympathy, and love of Allah Who is One and Who is without an associate. You should follow his prophet’s and messengers (Peace (Salaam) on (all) the Prophets and Messengers) and should believe in the message of Allah which they have brought.

We invite you to translate and to share and send these transmissions to others insha Allah.

Prophet Abraham (Ibrihim) (pbuh) Part 1

Surah Al Baqarah 2:124

And when his Lord put Ibrahim to a test with certain Words! And he fulfilled them. He said, "I am going to make you an Imam for the people!' He said, "And from among my progeny?" He replied, My promise does not extend to the unjust." (Verse 124)

The great trials put to Ibrahim (pbuh) 

The section dealing with the story of Sayyidna Ibrahim (pbuh) begins with Verse 124. It recounts how he was tried by Allah in different ways, how he came out of these trials successfully, and how he was rewarded. It also tells us that when Allah promised to make him a great guide to men, and their chief, (by conferring prophethood on him or by giving him a huge number of followers), he prayed for this reward to be bestowed on some from among his progeny too.

Allah granted this prayer, but on one condition, which is also to serve as a general principle in this matter -- namely, that this dignity shall never be conferred on those who are disobedient and unjust, but on some of those from among his progeny who are obedient and just.

Now, Verse 124 gives rise to a number of very fundamental questions:- The purpose of a trial is to test the aptitude and worthiness of a man for a certain function, but Allah is all-knowing and knows every existent inside out. Then, what was the purpose of this trial? (2) What were the different forms of this trial? (3) What kind of success did Sayyidna Ibrahim (pbuh) attain? (4) What is the nature of the reward he received? (5) What are the various aspects of the principle which defines the conditions necessary for receiving this reward ?

As for the purpose of the trials which Sayyidna Ibrahim (pbuh)  was made to undergo, we shall point out that the Arabic word :

Rabb (Lord) occurring in this verse provides the clue to the problem. In saying that it was Allah Himself who put him through the trials, the verse chooses to employ, out of all the Divine Names, the title Rabb which indicates a specific Divine Attribute -- namely, that of making a thing attain the state of its perfection gradually and stage by stage.

In other words, the trial of Sayyidna Ibrahim (pbuh) was not the punishment for a crime, nor was it intended to uncover a hidden aptitude, but was a manifestation of this particular Divine Action, and a necessary part of the process of "nurturing" the prophet and making him reveal his inherent qualities to the world, so that he may be led, stage by stage, to assume his final station, already chosen for him by his Lord. We may note, in passing, that the Arabic text of the Verse places the object ( Ibrahim) before the subject (Rabb), thus indicating the glorious position of Sayyidna Ibrahim among the prophets (pbut).

We may also add that although it is Divine Knowledge and Will that chooses a man for prophethood, yet he is not allowed to assume this station until his aptitude and worthiness has openly shown itself for all men and angels to witness. This is just what had happened, as we have already seen in this Surah, in the case of the trial of Sayyidna Adam (pbuh) before the angels.

As for the particular form in which Sayyidna Ibrahim (pbuh) " was tried, the Holy Quran only refers to certain "things" (Kalimah -- literally, "word"). According to most of the commentators, the "things" or "words" mean certain divine injunctions. But there is some difference of views among the blessed Companions and their immediate successors as to what these injunctions were, and how many. According to some, they were ten, and, according to others, thirty. But basically there is no opposition among these views, for all the injunctions which have been mentioned in this context were, in one way or another, meant to serve as trials and tests. This is what the great commentators like Ibn Jarir and Ibn Kathir believe to be the truth of the matter. One thing is, however, quite clear. These trials were not like academic tests, nor were intended to gauge mental capacities or the grasp of mere theories; the purpose, on the other hand, was to test the readiness in obeying Allah and the steadfastness in submitting oneself to divine commandments. This helps us to see that what really has a value in the eyes of Allah is not theoretical hair-splitting, but actual deeds, within and without.

Let us now relate the story of some of the more important trials. Since Allah intended to raise Sayyidna Ibrahim (pbuh) to a specially exalted station among the prophets, and to confer on him the title of Khalilullah (the Friend of Allah), he was made to go through very severe trials. Not only his people, but his own family also was sunk deep in idol-worshiping; in opposition to their creed and customs, he was given 'Al-Din al-Hanif ', "the Pure Religion", and was asked to go out to his people, and to bring them back to the Straight Path. Unflinchingly he obeyed the divine command, and, with the courage and determination of the prophet that he was, he set out to wage a war against idol-worship and to call them to the unalloyed worship of the One God.

This obviously drew upon him the ire of his people and of their king Namrud (Nimrod), who finally decided to burn him alive In a blazing fire. Seeking, as he did, nothing but the pleasure of his Lord, he gladly let himself be thrown onto the fire. Since he had succeeded in this test. Allah commanded: 

"0 fire, be coolness and safety for Ibrahim" (21:69). As one can see, the command was given to fire as such, and not to any particular one. Consequently, all fire, wherever it was present in the world, grew cold, and the fire set ablaze by Namrud did so, too. Now, excessive cold is equally painful and killing - there is a region of extreme cold in Hell itself, called Zamharir. So, in commanding fire to grow cold, Allah in His grace added the word Salama (be safe).

The second trial was that Sayyidna Ibrahim (pbuh) was asked to leave his homeland, and to migrate to Syria along with his family. Then, he was commanded to leave even this country -- which he readily did, accompanied by his wife Hajirah (Hagar) (ra) and his infant son Sayyidnii lsma'il (Ishmael) (pbuh) and led by the archangel (Gabriel (pbuh) (Ibn Kathir)

Whenever they passed through a fertile land, Sayyidna Ibrahim (pbuh) would wish to be allowed to settle there, but the archangel would inform him that Allah did not want him to do so. Finally, when they reached the barren desert which was destined to be the site of Makkah and where the Ka'bah was to be built, he was commanded to stay there. But now began a new trial, much more difficult for man to bear. He was ordered to leave his wife and son in the desert, and to go back to Syria. "The Friend of Allah" had so annihilated his own will and desire, and was so anxious to obey his Lord that he did not allow even a moment to lapse between the command and its execution, and started on his journey without informing his wife.

When she noticed that he was going away, she called after him -- but received no reply. Not even when she demanded why he was forsaking them in such a vast and lonely desert. But she was, after all, the wife of "the Friend of Allah", and could now see for herself how the matters stood. So, she asked if he had received a divine command. Only now Sayyidna Ibrahim (pbuh) replied that it was so. Having understood the situation, she calmly remarked, "Alright go. The Lord who has commanded you to part from us shall Himself look after us, and not let us be destroyed."

And she sat back in the desert, full of trust and peace, with the infant on her lap. But as time passed, thirst, her own and specially that of her suckling son, compelled her to leave it behind and to go in search of water. She climbed up and down the hills of Safa and Marwah, but had, after seven attempts, to come back unsuccessfully.

It is to commemorate this event that running seven times between the two hills has been made an obligatory part of the rites of the Hajj. As she returned to her son, the mercy of Allah descended in the form of the archangel Jibrail (pbuh) who made a spring of fresh water spout forth from the parched ground -- the same spring which is now called Zamzam. In a day or two, the water began to draw animals towards itself, and the sight of animals brought men to the place. By and by, the provisions necessary for human life became regularly available, and the future city of Makkah began to take shape.

The infant -- who was to become Sayyidna Ismail (pbuh) began to grow up, and was soon able to take upon himself the usual functions of human life. Under divine permission, Sayyidna Ibrahim (pbuh)  came now and then to see how his wife and son were doing. It is now that Allah chose to submit him to the greatest of all possible trials. The son had grown up in such unpromising circumstances, and been deprived of constant fatherly care and affection. Now, the father received the command to slaughter his son with his own hand. Says the Holy Qur'an:

When he had reached the age of being able to help his father in his work, the latter said, 'My son, I see in a dream that I am slaughtering you. Now, say, what do you think?' He replied, 'My father, do as you have been bidden; you shall find me, if Allah so wills, one of the patient'. (37: 102)

Sayyidna Ibrihim (pbuh) took his son to the wilderness of Mina, and fulfilled, so far as he himself was concerned, the divine commandment. But Allah did not really mean to have the son slaughtered, but only to test the father. If we consider the words of the Holy Quran just cited, we shall find that in his dream, he had not seen the accomplishment of the slaughter, but only the act of slaughtering. And this much he did perform. In this respect, revelation came to him in the form of a dream, picturing the act, perhaps for this very reason that is to say, Allah did not want to give him a verbal command to sacrifice his son. Hence, Allah commended him for having

confirmed the dream" (37:105). In recompense for this total submission to divine
will, Allah sent down a ram from heaven to be sacrificed in place of Sayyidna Ismail (pbuh). Now, the annual sacrifice of sheep or goats etc. has been made a regular form of worship in commemoration of the way of Sayyidna Ibrahim (pbuh).

In addition to those rigorous trials, a number of other restrictions were imposed on him in the shape of certain injunctions, which too, he fulfilled as devotionally. Ten of these commandments are known as the characteristics of the Fitrah and are concerned with the cleanliness and purification of the body. These ten have been made permanent injunctions for all the later Ummahs (or communities of believers) too, and the Last Prophet has insistently commanded his followers to fulfil them.

Ibn Kathir has reported from the blessed Companion 'Abdullah ibn 'Abbas that thirty elements make up the whole of Islam, ten of which have been mentioned in Surah, ("Al-Bara'ah, or "Al-Tawbah"), the other ten in Surah 33 ("Al-Ahzab"), and the last ten in Surah 23 ("Al-Mu'miniin"). These two had formed a part of the trials of Sayyidna Ibrahim (pbuh), and he fulfilled these conditions with equal faithfulness.

Surah 9 lays down these ten qualities as being characteristic of true believers:

"Those who repent, those who worship (Allah), those who praise (Allah), those who keep a fast, those who bow down and prostrate themselves (before Allah), those who invite others to good deeds and forbid evil deeds, those who keep within the bounds fixed by Allah. And give good tidings to the true believers." (9:112)

And the ten qualities mentioned in Surah 23 are:

"Those true believers shall certainly prosper who show humility in their Salah, and turn away from idle activities, and are keen to purify themselves, and guard their private parts except from their wives and what their right hands own (bondswomen) - which is not blameworthy, but whoever seeks after more than that is a transgressor - and those who preserve what has been entrusted to them and also their covenant, and who are regular in performing their Salah. Those are the inheritors who shall inherit Paradise, and they shall live there forever." (23: 1-11).

And the ten qualities mentioned in Surah 33 are as follows:

"Men and women who perform what Islam enjoins upon them, men and women who are true believers, obedient men and obedient women, truthful men and truthful women, men and women who are patient, men and women who possess humility, men and women who give in charity, men who fast and women who fast, men and women who guard their private parts, men and women who remember Allah abundantly - for them Allah has prepared forgiveness and a great reward." (33:35)

A third question with regard to Verse 124 still remains to be answered - what degree of success did Sayyidna Ibrahim (pbuh) attain in these trials? The Holy Qur'an defines his accomplishment in these words:

"And Ibrahim who paid his debt in full." (53:37) As,for the reward he received, Verse 124 itself has announced it:

He (Allah) said - "I am going to make you an Imam for the people." The Arabic word Imam, which we have not translated here, lexically signifies "leader or chief or guide." Since the present verse is related to Sayyidna Ibrahim (pbuh), the word ' Imam in this context means, above all, "a prophet", though it includes the general sense of "leadership", too, as also of the title "Patriarch" which the Jews and Christians have given to him. Prophethood, let us repeat, cannot be won through personal effort; all the same, a prophet has to display his perfection in the thirty qualities we have just referred to, and even people of a lower scale must, in order to be worthy of leadership in a general sense, possess these qualities in their own degree. The Holy Qur'an makes it quite plain in another place:

And from among them We appointed some as leaders to guide men by Our command, when they were patient (in restraining themselves from disobedience), and had a sure faith in Our commandments." (32:24).

This verse gives a resume of the thirty qualities in the two words, Sabr (patience) and yaqin (sure faith, or certitude) - the second refers to the perfection of knowledge, and the first to the perfection of actual practice.

The last question pertains to the law which lays down that the station of a guide and leader would not be granted to the unjust and the disobedient. To hold this station is, in a way, to be a viceregent of Allah, and hence this rank cannot be given to a rebel. It follows from this that Muslims, insofar as they have a choice in the matter, should not appoint as their ruler or representative a man who is a rebel against Allah or disobedient to Him.

The word zalim ("unjust") also shows us - and very explicitly, too - that each and every prophet is totally sinless before becoming a prophet as much as after becoming a prophet. Certain words in the Holy Qur'an, which seem to suggest the contrary, have been employed, not in a literal or technical sense, but only metaphorically - for example, in the case of Sayyidna Adam (pbuh). To interpret such expressions in the sense of technical "sin" constitutes a very grave doctrinal error, and an insistence on such an interpretation opens the way to further errors.

So far a whole section of this Surah has been dealing directly with the conduct of the Jews in the course of their history, and their present hostility to Islam, delineating the inner motives and mainsprings of this rabid opposition. As we have seen, they were proud of being the children of Jacob and of Abraham (Sayyidna Ya'qiib and Sayyidna  Ibrahim (pbuh)), and believed that, being the chosen people of God, they had the exclusive privilege of being the leaders of humanity, and hence the station of prophethood could not be conferred on anyone who did not belong to their race.

Now, the Holy Qur'an proceeds, in the present section of the Surah, to refute this line of thought in an indirect manner, by telling the story of Sayyidna Ibrahim (pbuh),and of his elder son Sayyidna Isma'il (Ishmael (pbuh)). This section is going to suggest some essential considerations in answer to the denial of the Holy Prophet on the part of the Jews:-

(1) He alone can be a guide to humanity who is not unjust and not a transgressor, and has successfully gone through the trial imposed on him by Allah -- and these qualifications the Jews do not fulfill. (2) The Ka'bah, towards which the Muslims turn in Salah and which is not acceptable to the Jews, had actually been built by Sayyidna Ibrahim ,(pbuh) , and hence the orientation (Qiblah) of the Muslims is the same as was his. (3) The way of Islam is the Way of Ibrahim (pbuh) , and the Muslims alone are his real followers. (4) It was Sayyidna Ibrahim (pbuh) himself who had prayed for the Last Prophet to be sent down to humanity, and hence one who at all wishes to follow his way cannot but affirm the Holy Prophet  (pbuh) and accept Islam. (5) It is wrong of the Jews to deny the Holy Prophet (pbuh) merely on account of his not belonging to their race, for Sayyidna Ibrahim (pbuh) had two sons, Sayyidna Isma'il and Sayyidna Ishaq (Ishmael and Isaac (pbut)), and he had prayed for divine grace to descend on both of them (Genesis, ch. 171, so that the superiority enjoyed by the children of Isaac (pbuh) in their own time had now been transferred to the children of Ismail (pbuh). What these indications aim at is to show the Jews that if they wish to have a share in the grace of Allah, they had better acknowledge the Holy Prophet (pbuh) and accept Islam, the last and now the only valid form of the Abrahamic Way -- Translator.

We may add a few words for the benefit of those who are anxious to adopt unquestioningly the literary and philosophical mores of the West. Since the Second World War, the writings of the Danish marl of letters and thinker, Kierkegaard (who was a dilettante in theology too), have been casting a sort of paralyzing fascination over the men of sensibility in the West. Particularly his book "Fear and Trembling", which deals with the trial of Sayyidna Ibrahim (pbuh) avowedly in the manner of a psychological novel, is supposed to have triggered into action a number of Existentialist philosophies, and even to have furnished the point of departure for all modernistic Christian theology, specially of the Protestant persuasion.

Now, Sayyidna Ibrahim (pbuh)  was, even according to the admission of Jews and Christians, a prophet, and not "l'homme moyen sensuel" which is the subject matter of the novel, of psychology, and, not the least, of the theology of the Dane.

Secondly, he did not merely have to go through emotional stress and strain, or through a problem of the conscience, or through a "crisis of identity" - the fear and the trembling, as the philosopher maintains -, but was equally tried in the matter of faithfully observing divine injunctions.

Thirdly, when he knew that Allah had chosen him to be a prophet, he did not grow silent and secretive and lonely - as the fancy of our literary artist would have us believe -, but proclaimed the fact to others. Without such a proclamation, he would not at all have been able to perform the function of a prophet. In fact, it has been said that "the Friend of Allah" would not take his daily meals until he had found a guest to share it with him. In short all we wish to point out is that the nature of prophethood is a degree of reality which we can understand only partially, and that too only with the help of Divine Books, and hence it is not a sphere in which human fantasy may be allowed to roam at its sweet will.

Please go to Prophet Abraham (Ibrihim) (pbuh) Part 2 Insha Allah
The time has come to choose will you not fear Allah and obey Him? Insha Allah you will pick the correct side.

I have thus discharged again my duty of conveying His message and advice.

If you like what you hear may you accept it and if not you can disregard it.
Allah Knows Best

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                               May He, for whom you have loved me, love you.

Barakal-lahu feekum

Unto Allah I commend thy faith, Thy trust and the consequence of thy work,


Allah Hafiz

Allah’s Property Mujaddid

Mahmoud Muhammad Ibrihim
(Of Sinai Peninsula )



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