PROPHECY -Pastor John. W. Matutis
28 April 2011 at 19:16
May Father God bless you and open your heart as you read these words.
Pastor John. W. Matutis, (Berlin/Germany)
While I was praying this morning, God gave me a vision. He showed me a great, world-wide mobilization; I saw myself strolling along a beach.
Suddenly, there sounded a loud boom, which became stronger and more massive. It was not the noise of the sea or of the wind. It was completely still outside. The sea water was as smooth as glass. The deep booming sound which was like the sound of the mountains about to cave in, a banging sound which I had up till now never heard in my whole life, came from the other side of the ocean, from far away. It became so strong and mighty, that the earth began to quake and shake. It sounded like the blasting of a deep bass trumpet. I had never heard this sort and depth of bass sound before now. The whole air vibrated. I holed myself up in the dunes of the embankment, face down, and waited to see what would come out of this natural spectacle.
When the booming refused to stop, and instead became stronger, I saw myself begin to pray in the vision, and to speak with my God. Then I heard a Voice saying, My child, fear not. That is My mobilization call, a signal from the Other World. I am calling My people out from all peoples. I Myself am shaking the earth and the sea. The sinners and godless will pass away for fear and the fearful expectation of the things which are to come. Understand, My child, that all these have been initiated by the financial crises.
That was just the beginning of ruin. The foundation of today's society will be so shaken that the people will lose all that they have acquired, and saved up till now.
Every infrastructure and welfare will collapse with time. Life will be very difficult for very many people. The general security will get out of control and there will be a proliferation of crime such that life on earth will be massively threatened. But you, who fear My Name will I save from ruin. I am holding My arm of protection over you. Although not even a silent wind blew, and not even a small wave was seen on the sea, the booming was so mighty, that my heart threatened to stop beating.
Then I thought to myself, I will now also die. And then the Lord said to me, My child, do not fear. You are to live and continue to declare My works. Arise, go home and tell your loved ones. Let them know that the coming of My Son is very close at hand, at the doorstep. I am setting everything in motion in order to take My people home, and I am now stripping them of everything that is holding them back, or blocking them.
As I stood up to obey God's voice, starting to make my way homewards, I saw very many people, lying in the dunes. They had come out from their houses, racing towards the sea to see and experience this extraordinary natural spectacle. They lay on their faces as if paralyzed, exactly as I had lain a few minutes before now. As I passed by them on my way home, despite the continuous distant booming sound, these people called to me saying you are crazy; you cannot make it home in this situation. It is too dangerous. They then buried their heads even further in the dunes, because they feared what would happen next. They no longer wanted to hear or know of anything.
And then the Lord said to me:
For you, My children, who fear My Name, this is the day of My mobilization. for you My Son of Salvation; arises, with which I gather my true children, and bring them together. Go, my son, and tell this to everyone you can reach. Then I asked the Lord what shall I tell them? Tell My children, The Lord said, they are no longer to occupy themselves with
perishable things, but rather, much more with the immortal, the eternal things. They are to seek Me and study My Word. They should forgive one another, so long as there is still time, and make peace with one another. They should stop being envious of, and pointing fingers at one another. They should neither accuse nor suspect one another. Everyone should do what he is supposed to, and can do. Tell them to free themselves of every unnecessary thing, and to stop fighting spasmodically (intermittently) for their rights. From now on, I will ensure your rights, and provide justice for you.
Great changes are about to occur all over the world, in every area of life. Adjust yourselves therefore and be prepared. Nothing is going to be as it has been before now.
The further I moved away from the beach, the less of the booming sound I heard, even though I was of the opinion that the sound had become stronger and even more massive. I felt as if I had been secured in a glass case. Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying.
I will bring My children into safety in My own way. You will see everything I will do in the world, which will experience all the plagues of Egypt; before I withdraw My children unto Myself, before Pharaoh releases you forever. My people hold together! Stay with one another, encourage one another. Soon, you would have made it!”
That was the last thing I took with me from this vision. As I thought about all that I had seen, and what I should do with it, the Lord spoke to me saying ; spread this revelation I have given you this morning about My mobilization overall further to My children, and encourage them to do likewise, for I am at the door (I am coming soon). And tell them, especially My people, that they should be serious about their relationship with Me (God), before it is too late....;
For the Spirit of the Lord says these words:
I am no longer near…. I am here. I do not stand at the door any longer…..I'm knocking. The turbulence of the events of this world will now escalate at a rapid pace so much so that there will not be time for recovery. For this world will no longer be able to rely on one another any longer or to look to man to provide for their recovery. Recover they shall not for it is I who bring these things, and things of more to come, preparing My coming and My rapture. Long enough had this world scoffed at Me, rejected Me and mocked Me. Many of my servants have been killed but their blood is on their (this world) hands and I have not forgotten this. My rage and wrath they will suffer soon but it is my remnant I'm coming for, that they may enter My rest, as long been foretold by Me and My prophets.
Many will die in this hour but woe to those who will even descend to the abyss where there is a wining and gnashing of teeth – they'll discover too late that the lake of fire and brimstone is a reality where they will burn and be tormented for an eternity.
In this final hour many will call out to Me and I will hear them and be kind and loving towards them to save them…..more however will still deny Me in this hour for My works of salvation will still be scoffed at. Do they not know how I've wept for them? More so now they don't realize that there is not another chance for when I said It is done; it WAS. I can not die again for My work is complete – they want to crucify Me again but their blindness and hatred towards Me is so great that they want to hammer the nails into Me themselves – have I not but loved them, spared them, forgave them and waited long enough for their repentance?
This world will be in turmoil and governments will now start to fall. The platform has been set and time for the Anti-christ to reveal himself shall surface soon. Help and peace will surface from a corner of much surprise for many, but I have elected it so that many who counted themselves wise would be shamed.
Oh My church, I'm crying for you for you have rejected me and I stand as of old on the Mount of olives; and weep……. for they have made My temple a mockery and have not stopped. The very ones chosen to bring My gospel to the dead; are the fornicators and idolaters – so few are righteous and holy. Open your eyes and know that My church is in your heart and that your body is only My temple if I reside there.
Get rid of the habitual sins and reject the temptations of the world for great agony is that place of the dead. I shed tears aplenty for this world and much is now to come…more will be My tears for many will reject Me even in their dark hour, their final hour. The suffering of the saints have not escaped Me and nor will it ever……for My remnant I will now move from within and set them apart as in the days of old….You shall be a modern day Goshen where the plagues I'm about to bring shall harm you not.
My countenance shall rest over you and My Spirit shall protect you. You will see things differently because I've chosen it and you have heeded to My still and quiet voice.
I say to you on this day – the accuser of the brethren has stepped up his attempts at your downfall and torture. But My Word is true and it is all you should heed to - for My promises lie in history, for the present, that they may have an eternal future. See you not oh man that I have never changed and neither My promises? For they overcame him (Satan) by the Blood of the Lamb, by the word of their testimony and because they did not love their lives so much that they were afraid to die - I give you this Scripture as promise but also as warning….. where you'll find this Scripture in My Word is an indication of the hour where this world find itself in.
It is time for My Holy people to once again plead the Blood of the Lamb over their lives, their belongings, loved ones and possessions for they will now move into ; Goshen that I may bring to this world which I've spoken of in days gone by.
Despair not oh loved one of Mine – for I've counted you righteous and will neither leave you nor forsake you. Get ready, be prepared……for the final hour has long gone and I must come to do my Father's will. (fear not, for 1 day is as a thousand years and a thousand years as 1 day).
Watch the fire, shakings and the blasphemy to come – especially in the church. I say THE church for MY church are My elect in whose hearts I reside. The chaff will be separated now for the final hour of the appearance of that evil one is to commence.
But YOU….look upwards, increase your time in prayer and be on your knees for Me. You are so precious my dear child that My love for you, you will find almost overwhelming. I long to come and gather you and have been looking forward to this day for so long. I want you to be with Me forever and wipe away all your tears, fill you with My unlimited love and kindness. Soon you will be with me My bride and that day will be one like no other. Has My father not chosen you? Did He not call you by name? Do you not know that when you sleep I look unto you as jealous as a mother over her newborn child. Have I not kept you from harm's way that you may draw near to me? Is it not my angels who hover over your life at My Father's command to fight the unseen for your sake? Is it not I who valued your soul over My Body? Remain patient with me a little longer my child for I'm coming to fetch you My BELOVED!!!
For thus says the Lord !