Property Wrappers in Swift

Property Wrappers in Swift

By Vinodh Kumar G, Senior iOS Developer at Evangelist Apps Limited.

What is a `Property Wrapper`?

From the?Swift Programming language guide,?a Property Wrapper is defined as below:

A property wrapper adds a layer of separation between the code that manages how a property is stored and the code that defines a property.

As the name implies, a property wrapper is a type that wraps a property into the new logic. In simpler terms, a property wrapper is a swift language feature that allows to define a custom type to implement behaviour from `getter` and `setter` method and reuse it.

It is used to decorate properties in your class, struct or enum. It helps to reduce boilerplate code and improves readability.

When should you use Property Wrapper?

Lets take an below example of struct?Student?that returns and prints out the name in all caps.

struct Student {
    var firstName: String
    var lastName: String

Instead of applying the?uppercased()?wherever we need to convert it. There are a couple of effective ways we can achieve it in Swift. They are as follows:

  1. Property Observers
  2. Computed Properties

Using Property Observers to capitalize the names

struct Student {
    var firstName: String {
        didSet {
            firstName = firstName.uppercased()
    var lastName: String {
        didSet {
            lastName = lastName.uppercased()
    init(firstName: String, lastName: String) {
        self.firstName = firstName.uppercased()
        self.lastName = lastName.uppercased()

Using Computed Properties to capitalize the names

struct Student {
    private var _firstName: String = ""
    var firstName: String {
        set {
            _firstName = newValue.uppercased()
        get {
            return _firstName
    private var _lastName: String = ""
    var lastName: String {
        set {
            _lastName = newValue.uppercased()
        get {
            return _lastName
    init(firstName: String, lastName: String) {
        self.firstName = firstName
        self.lastName = lastName

In both of these approaches we have some drawbacks i.e if there are `N` number of variables in the struct to be capitalized, this would lead to applying the logic to all the variables resulting in a lot of redundant code. This is where?Property Wrapper?comes for a rescue and a perfect place to avoid the redundant/ boilerplate code.

How to create a custom property wrapper?

To define a property wrapper, we have to decorate the class, struct or enum type with the?@PropertyWrapper?keyword and then have to implement a property called the?wrappedValue?in it.

Common, lets create a new type called?AllCaps?property observer to always return the name in capitalized.

Property Observers Approach:

struct AllCaps {
    var wrappedValue: String {
        didSet {
            wrappedValue = wrappedValue.uppercased()
    init(wrappedValue: String) {
        self.wrappedValue = wrappedValue.uppercased()

We added the?@PropertyObserver?in front of the struct AllCaps and added a wrappedValue property in it. On the wrappedValue, we added the property observer to apply the capitalized logic.

On the property declaration, we have to decorate the property with the?@AllCaps?keyword which is a property observer. We just need to add the @AllCaps keyword to the properties that return the property in capitalized letters.

@AllCaps var name: String = "Steve Jobs"        

Now when we try to access the property it will always return the string in capitalized letters.

In this property observer approach, we have to apply the logic in?init?because?didSet?observers are not called when the property is first initialized so we have to add the logic in?init.

So we are going to use an alternate approach to computed property in the property wrapper.

Computed Property Approach:

In this approach, we are applying the logic only in the getter instead of applying it twice like the property observer approach.

Example 1:

struct AllCaps {
    private var name: String
    var wrappedValue: String {
        set {
            name = newValue
        get {
            return name.uppercased()
    init(wrappedValue: String) { = wrappedValue

// usage

struct Student {
    @AllCaps var firstName: String
    @AllCaps var lastName: String

var student = Student(firstName: "Steve", lastName: "Jobs")
print("Hello \(student.firstName) \(student.lastName)")

// output:

Hello STEVE JOBS        

Example 2:

Let's add another property in student called score which is always in the range between 0 to 100. So we are going to create another property wrapper called?InRange?which will allow the property to be in between the range 0 to 100.

@propertyWrapper struct InRange {
    private var mark: Int
    var wrappedValue: Int {
        set {
            mark = newValue
        get {
            return max(0, min(mark, 100))
    init(wrappedValue: Int) {
        mark = wrappedValue

struct Student {
    @InRange var mark: Int

let student1 = Student(mark: 75)

// output:

let student2 = Student(mark: 110)

// output:

let student3 = Student(mark: -20)

// output:

Here we added the logic in the getter that when the mark is less than 0 means we are setting it to 0 and when the mark is greater than 100 means we will set it to 100.

There are numerous places we can use a property wrapper to avoid the duplicate like?User Defaults, Threading, Orientation Change, Lazy variables?etc.,

In the next article, we will discuss another property in the Property Wrapper called?Projected Value.

Thanks for reading!

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