Property Wholesalers Just Wont Stop
As Realtors, we get about 75 to 100 calls/texts a day - but on most days only 20 to 30 of these calls/text are actually legitimate. Why? Because our phone numbers are publicly visible all over the place. Whether it be your Facebook page, your brokerage page, your website, your signage; one thing is abundantly clear, our telephones are a target for property wholesalers and the like.
Lately, I have been receiving no less than three texts a day from property wholesalers and I have come up with a superb canned response:
"Hi Sam, thank you for your text. I work with property wholesalers under the following conditions: 1) We sign a Buyer's Broker Agreement that guarantees the Buyer pay a commission of 3% to the Buyer's Agent upon completion of the transaction. In the event the Seller is offering to pay the Buyer's Agent commission (generally 2 to 2.5%), we require the Buyer to make up the difference. 2) Because of our unique relationships with a large number of Sellers and Agents, we require all earnest money deposits (EMD) to be completed within 24 hours - weekends withstanding. If these terms are agreeable to you, please let me know."
This one-hundred-eight word response has done wonders to qualify all the wholesalers looking to make a quick buck outside of escrow. And yes, you are more than welcome to copy and paste it for your own replies.
Hope this helps vet all the fly-by-night wholesalers bombarding your phones.