Proper Beginning: Dynamic Warm-up
Below I list a few important notes to consider before engaging in a purposeful exercise routine:
- Begin with low intensity/low impact movement progressing heart rate slowly
- Pick up intensity and specificity relative to your routine (i.e. if your routine includes a lot of squats, you eventually have to include squats to open up your hips). Also, if your routine includes jumping, make sure that the warm-up progresses in intensity as closely related to the activities as possible.
- Light stretching after initial dynamic movement for increased range of motion (i.e. lunge with a twist or deep squat at or beyond range of motion required for the routine).
*If your routine requires a lot of strength exercises, there needs to be activation exercises specific to the intensity (i.e. core activation, lat and rotator cuff work). Refer to my article about 'activation warmup'.