PROPEL #GlobalGoals
#GlobalGoals #Gandhi #MLK #Peace #Love

PROPEL #GlobalGoals

September 21st is 'The United Nations International Day of Peace' and today is special since it is the 42nd Anniversary (1981-2023). I wish you a memorable day to have more hope and vision for the future. Will you ACT and do something, or anything special? Hope so...

Sometimes, as individuals, we can feel powerless to be a part of global movements because we allow ourselves to think: "What can I do, as one person, to make the future better for all?" This limited-level of thinking is often made worse when we feel we are too young, too old, too poor, or not educated enough, or we may feel segregated from the proven leaders who have the ability to help but they ignore us, or we have been victims of violence, or we have been disenfranchised by institutional classism - sexism - racism - religionism - nationalism, etc. YOU are powerful though! Consider this little boy --- still transforming the world from his simple little photograph...


Please remember that whoever you are, or whatever, or wherever your position in life is --- YOU are valuable and worthy enough to PROPEL #GlobalGoals --- even if it is only in small ways. Develop your vision. Please remember these GREAT quotes by Mahatma, Martin, and Mother (Teresa)...


There are many hard and difficult experiences that life can hand us. Each of us has a list of harsh experiences -- "But we're still standing and still strong!" Back in the day, 'baby doctors' used a practice of holding you upside down and smacking you on the butt when you were born. Their theory was that crying cleared the lungs. What a shocking way to begin life outside of your mother's warm and protective womb! Life can be painful and hard!


In my opinion, one of the worst things a person can experience is having the genuine interest to give back & serve, but because they are struggling to survive themselves, they feel helpless and unable to do anything. Little service acts do count though! Remember, every good little thing you do is important for improving the future for ALL of us --- "Our Global Family; ONE Tribe!" May I challenge you to see the little things you do each day as a POWERFUL way to PROPEL #GlobalGoals and improve the future for everyone!?

FEEL the POWER of saying a simple and kind word to a stranger at the grocery store. Or watch a child for your niece or sister and learn from that child's joy and innocence that you may have lost. Go to a local animal shelter and rescue a dog or cat from euthanasia. Pick up trash on your morning walks and show irresponsible citizens the way to care for the Beloved Community.

Did you know that heavy rains can make earthworms wiggle out of the dirt so they do not drown? Sometimes, they will crawl into the road and not know how to get back into the lawn. FEEL the POWER of saving this little earthworm from a car's tire, and pick them up and put them back in the grass, or take them to your garden.

YES, even the little things and little acts like htese are VERY POWERFUL because we are connected: "I am you and you are me and we are all together" as one famous song goes. The environmental movement is a little over 40 years old. I am grateful to the leaders in my life who have helped me to create quotes like this:

Mother Earth: Our Home

Her Children: Our Family


VIDEO: "All Life is Interconnected" by Dr. Ashok Gangadean

In addition to September 21st being the 42nd Anniversary of the UN Intl Day of Peace (#dayofpeace), the Year 2023 also marks the 75th anniversaries of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Genocide. Their site says: "IDP 2023 encourages all youth to be ambitious in their engagement as positive and constructive social agents, to join the movement to reach the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and contribute to building sustainable peace. Together we can help to lead our world towards a greener, more equitable, just, and secure future for all."

#GlobalGoals #Gandhi #MLK #Peace #Love

Did you know there are more than 1000 peace organizations worldwide? Atlanta: City of Peace, Inc. (ACP) is only one of them. We have a dream to transform and formalize Dr. King's birthplace into a Global Nexus, Beacon, Mecca and Capital of Peace --- as a gift to our Global Family; ONE Tribe. Serve with us?

Two of our projects are to establish "The Library of Peace" inside "The Global Peace Academy". You may know authors who have written books that inspire hope, vision, and transformation for the future. We are developing our Library of Peace - Founding Collection and welcome autographed books by positive authors (see website for our shipping address).

It is exciting that there are innumerable reasons, worldwide, to celebrate the future. Some call this period 'the new era of transformation' and others call it 'the Peace Millennium', a new 1000-year period of human history that all of us can shape & define with our hope and vision for a brighter future.

"THREE CHEERS" to the GREAT memories & and legacies of Gandhi & Dr. King, two of history's most globally respected and accomplished peace builders.

#GlobalGoals #Gandhi #MLK #Peace #Love #ATLpeace
#GlobalGoals #Gandhi #MLK #Peace #Love #ATLpeace


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