Proof That Pizza Is Healthy!
Regan Phillips
Helping Group Training Gyms Gain & Retain Members Through Advertising, Marketing & Retention Systems
Mistakes are hard to admit.
Back when I was a teenager, I used to believe every little thing I read
Be it the lies from supplement companies, the bullsh*t in the "news", all of it
I would live it like it's gospel.
And when I discovered my OWN truths (that I realized later in life, were wrong) it would take me even longer to get out of that truth and admit to everyone I was wrong
And that truth, was that pizza is healthy.
I remember it clearly, going to the freezer and reaching for the frozen pizza packet
(Come on, I didn't know how to cook back then)
It's like I wanted to convince myself that I was ALLOWED to have that pizza?
So here's where the rationale came from
1. There were vegetables on the pizza - vegetables are good
2. There was meat on the pizza - meat is good?
3. The nutritional values were fine - Just 515 calories, 70g carbs, 25g protein, 15g fat
I lived by this for a loooooooong time
Telling all my friends and family, trying to correct everyone who told me "Pizza is unhealthy"
It was only until I ate the same frozen pizza a couple of months later and wanted to reaffirm my decision
So I did some more research on frozen pizzas and how healthy they are... and my mind was completely changed
I found out that:
1. Vegetables on a pizza are such a tiny percentage of the ingredients, and are usually packed with preservatives and junk
2. The "meat" is probably the furthest possible thing from meat, and should be avoided at all costs
3. The nutritional values I read were PER SERVING (One quarter of the whole pizza)!!!?As I re-read the nutritional values I was shocked
That means the whole pizza that I was of course demolishing had 2060 calories, 280g carbs, 100g protein and 60g fat
Hardly a healthy meal!
I had to tell everyone I was wrong and go back on what I was telling everyone
So, why am I telling you this long winded story?
Because you may be going through the same thing
Health FACTS that you are sure are real, and that you live your life by, might in fact be completely wrong
You might be basing your eating and training decisions on out dated or just false information
So whenever you are supporting something that you "just know" is right?
Have a re-think, and maybe do some updated research?
That might be the key thing where you've been going wrong all this time
Oh, and just so you know, you still can eat pizza if you like
It just needs to be seen as a treat, and you need to have earned it with a solid week of eating and training well!
And at least make it a good pizza, and not some frozen rubbish!
Have a great day