Proof of a Global Flood Part 5 – Where did the Water Go and the Age of All This

Proof of a Global Flood Part 5 – Where did the Water Go and the Age of All This


This Broadcast examines how the water drained off the continents and explains how the massive damage to the planet resulted in the Core of the Earth overheating and expanding forcing the continents apart. We then examine the age of this and conclude that this happened about 4,500 years ago.


Caution – this article has NOT been Proofread so there may be minor transcription errors.



Good day!


The Almighty Creator Desires a Deep Personal Relationship with You!


If you don’t believe there is a Creator, then the Almighty has said regarding you, "Why would I want someone to spend Eternity with me when they do not believe I exist?" So if you're just going along in life without belief thinking something nice is going to happen to you when you die, I have got bad news for you, you're going to end up as an Ancestor Spirit or Demon; very unpleasant!


If you're a believer at some limited level but you don’t have a real relationship with the Almighty, He has said concerning you, "Why would I want someone to be close to me in Heaven, which inherently means I will give them great prestige and authority if they do not have a Deep Personal Relationship with me, and have not proven to me that they can be trusted in this life?"


So if you're a nominal believer and you're pottering along thinking that you're going to go to Heaven and have a nice time when you die, you might be in for a nasty shock, you could end up in the Trash Heap of Heaven or in the Outer Darkness, cold, dark, black, unpleasant. If you don’t believe you might want to decide to believe tonight and if you do believe that you've really done nothing about it, you might want to decide to up you again.


The Global Flood that Changed the World -- Part 5

How the Geology and Topography of our Planet were formed

Based on a set of presentations created in 2010

Tonight's topic is the global flood that changed the world, we're looking at Part 5 -- How the geology and topography of our planet were formed. This is based on a set of presentations that were created in 2010, which are available on the internet on my website and also on YouTube and CloudShare.


In the context of this, the Almighty has said "I created Human beings, this planet and this universe for men and women to be my Friends, my companions, to explore and learn and develop together. My greatest grief is that almost no person understands this let alone seeks such a relationship with me!"


The Global Flood that Changed the World -- Part 5 -- Overview

This Chapter reviews the explanations given earlier with regard to the source of the water and where it went.


We will speak about the reality of Ice Comets and the reality of an Ice Comet Impact Crater on Mars.


We will note that this crater would have a sizeable footprint on Earth and that such a Comet would submerge the Earth to a depth of 11.75 kilometres when melted.


We will recognize that the entire surface of the Earth indicates massive impact damage.


It will be stated that this impact gave rise to fracturing of the Crust of the Earth.


And it will be postulated that the axis of the Earth swivelled and the Orbit of the Earth was deflected and this led to massive forces acting on the Earth.


It is surmised that when this rotation of the Earth occurred the Core lagged behind resulting in massive dragging forces which gave rise to shear on the base of the Crust.


It will be asserted that once the continental plates started to move massive impacts would result when they struck one another and that this would give rise to the mountain ranges all over the Earth.


This continental separation was associated with expansion of the Crust leading to rapid, high speed drainage of water off the continents with massive erosion.


It will be postulated that the Earth expanded by approximately 25%.


It will be asserted that there is a Nuclear Fusion Reaction taking place in the Core of the Earth heating the core.


It will be asserted that this is the best available theory.


An explanation will then be given with regard to establishing the date of the Flood.



Who am I? – James Robertson. I have a Doctorate in Engineering. I was a Strategic Management Consultant in South Africa for 25 years and I am now a Business Executive in the UK. I have over 26 years' experience of actively seeking to draw close to the Almighty following a dramatic encounter with Him on 12th March 1993 when He spoke to me audibly in a locked room.


What is "End Time Issue Ministries?" It's the organizational vehicle that I use for delivering my message through Email Articles, Websites, this Radio Programme and physical books.


What is this Program? – "The Creator Desires a Deep Personal Relationship with You!" – it represents the essence of my message.


See the Website for more information.


Questions from Last Week's Programme

Tasha: "Did God use the flood as a lesson?"


I am not really sure it was a lesson; it was a judgement. I think there are lessons to be learnt from it, but I don’t think He did it in order to teach us a lesson. May be He did. I think He did this to get rid of a whole lot of people who were really out of line and were an offence to Him and I think that’s it.


John asked: "Do you think that God uses Natural Disasters to wake up mankind?"


He can, but I don’t think that most natural disasters are from Him. The world is physically mashed up as we're seeing during this series and so the natural disasters are just the natural consequence of the instability that we've on Earth today as a consequence of the global tectonic event that we call the flood.


Lynn asked: "Can you tell the difference between manmade and God made?"


I am not quite sure what you're referring to here. If we look at creation, if we look at everything in front of us, if you keep up a piece of fruit, if you pick up a flower, if you pick up your pet cat or dog, if you just look around you, you can see any number of things that are created by the Almighty, made by the Almighty. Man-made things are different. Man-made things are clearly man-made, machines and cakes and buildings and roads and car and all of those things, clearly man-made. I am not sure that I am answering your question, you know, if you want me to go in more detail, I'll try to answer more clearly in the next programme.


Marie: "When will the next flood happen again?"


Father promised Noah that there would never be another global flood, you read about that in Genesis.


Body of the Article

The Global Flood that Changed the World Foreword – recap

This Broadcast is the culmination of a number of years of observation and research coupled to formal training in Geography, Geology, Science, Mathematics and, most importantly, Engineering.


The Broadcast seeks to make visible key aspects of the topography and geology of our planet that are obvious and in plain sight once one is sensitised to them.


These observations evidence that the entire planet was submerged under water at some time in the past and that associated with this the surface of the Earth was radically transformed and subject to massive tectonic (ground movement) events.


All of this took place around 4,500 years ago such that there are very few archaeological finds that are older than this and the entire surface of the Earth dates back to this event. Theories of much older dates for the formation of the surface of the Earth and older datings of archaeological findings are shown to be flawed and false.


Chapter 8

Where did the Water come from and where did it Go?

This chapter consolidates what has been said in previous sections regarding the source of the water that flooded the earth and also where it went to after the flood.


Visit the website and visit the Flood pages. There is an item on the Menu - Flood, just click on that or hover over that and you will find a number of pages including pages with videos, etc.


I have indicated that the mechanism that I understand to be responsible for the global inundation with water coupled to massive surface disruption so this section serves to consolidate what I have said.


It's really important to put aside one's preconceived ideas and one's prejudices and what we're talking about. There is so much wrong thinking and wrong teaching around it rained for 40 days and 40 nights. Well, it may have been unstable for 40 days and 40 nights, but as far as I can establish, Noah and all the people on the ark were actually hibernating or put into deep sleep by the Spirit of the Almighty, they were all strapped down because the ark was tossed around like a little cork in a massive sea and so all the animals were strapped down, all the people were strapped down and everything was put into a state of hibernation, deep sleep by the Spirit of the Almighty. And also the ark was completely enclosed, so there were no windows or anything. So I think it's unlikely that anybody knows whether it rained for 40 days and 40 nights, that’s just some tradition that’s been passed down.


I think it rained continuously throughout the entire period until the water had drained off the continent and I think it just was probably raining almost continuously because there was just so much water available and so much disruption to get the water up into the atmosphere, not to mention all the tectonic events, the upwelling of volcanoes and lava flows and granite domes, etc. where intensely hot lava, intensely hot magma were coming to the surface, contacting the water being cooled very rapidly but also at the same time evaporating huge volumes of water.


Ice Comet Impact

We will talk at some length about the point I am recapping. We have seen that there are a huge number of chunks of ice in orbit around the Sun in the Kuiper Belt at the extreme limits of our Solar System.


We've seen that Ice Comets are real. The photo of that comet called Lulin from NASA on the website, chunks of ice travel in space in the form of ice comets. Travel at huge speed, tails behind them of water being spread off; dramatic stuff. They're already in existence and there is a steady stream of them coming from the Kuiper Belt.


We've seen an ice impact crater on Mars, which has geometry, which seems to be the result of an ice comet impact. Why do I say that? There is a circular ridge and there is an indentation, but the indentation is not very deep and the base of it is flat. If you think of it, if a big chunk of rock had impacted there, the chunk of rock would be embedded in the surface. When a chunk of ice hits, as it makes contact with the surface of the Earth at intensely high pressure and temperature, more or less instantaneously melts that object and so it doesn’t penetrate far into the surface of the Earth or of Mars in this case.


So it's important to look at these things and I haven’t investigated these but I am fairly sure you will find that there are other craters on Mars, craters on the Moon, etc. which all have these characteristics and in fact, I think you will find that most of the craters that are on the planets are a result of ice object striking probably or pretty much from the Kuiper Belt and so it is probably quite a common thing.


The crater we're referring to is called Hellas Planitia and that crater would have a sizeable footprint on Earth. If you're familiar with Africa, it would stretch from Zambia to Cape Town in South Africa. We've seen that an ice object the size of this crater would have a substantial footprint, such that it would submerge the Earth to a depth of 11.75 kilometres.


We have also seen that an ice object this large striking the Earth and melting would cover the surface of the Earth to a depth of around 11.75 kilometres. That’s more than enough to explain the water based surface features that have been discussed in previous chapters.


In fact, this comet is probably too large -- a smaller comet would be more than sufficient to submerge the surface of the earth. Remember also that the mountains we know today are a consequence of the flood and did not exist before the flood.


We therefore have an entirely plausible and practical explanation for where the water came from.


I am hoping that as you think about what I have been talking about in the last few weeks and what I have just been talking about now, you're beginning to see that there is a need to think outside the box. You need to look at a dramatic event, radically different event, something that our life experience does not equip us to really visualize or interpret. Think about it. Look at the mountains, look at the seas. How on Earth did all this happen? They can't have happened slowly over millions or billions of years, it has to happen very rapidly and this is the explanation.


Impact Damage

We have seen considerable evidence of massive surface disruption.


How did that happen?


Well, as we have seen before, the impact of an object even smaller than that depicted in the discussion previously could cause a massive impact when it hit the Earth.


It is postulated that this would have knocked the Earth off its vertical axis to an inclination of about 30 degrees (it has subsequently rebounded to the present 23.5 degrees) and that it would also have knocked the Earth out of its circular orbit around the Sun of exactly 360 days resulting in the current annual cycle of 365.25 days.


So things we take for granted like the tilt of the Earth not the way it was originally designed. Originally vertical, spinning serenely, uniform temperate climate, there is a little bit of evidence that’s found, huge trees, huge mosses, huge ferns, huge animals, huge humans, benevolent climate, some form of water canopy which filtered the sun rays, insulated the Earth, very comfortable temperature, truly a paradise.


And then this event came along and all of that was destroyed. It is postulated that some of the water came from the water canopy that has been penetrated by the comet that disintegrated and so that’s how the initial rain came from. But as far as I can see, just the comet the size of a small of them is more than enough to do this.


Fracturing of the Crust

The impact would also have caused fracturing of the crust of the Earth as the shockwaves from the impact travelled around the Earth. So we have an explanation for the formation of the Continental Plates and the associated tectonic activity in the form of volcanoes, granite domes, lava flows, etc., some of which we've touched on in previous programmes.


Think about it. The core of the Earth is molten, it's liquid. There is some reason to believe that at the time this happened 4.5 thousand years ago, the crust was much thinner and you smack this huge object roughly 1.5 thousand kilometres in diameter into the surface of the Earth, it's going to send shockwaves all over the place, start fracturing and compress the core, all sorts of things that is very difficult to visualize but there were roughly estimated 20,000 volcanoes active at this time. Lava flows, granite domes, upwelling, tsunami waves ripping around the planet, material being eroded and laid down and eroded and laid down and domes etc. being thrust in them, rapidly cooled and materials being turned into quartzite and other metamorphosed rocks, just an absolute turmoil of instability and tectonic happenings and flood happenings. Flood is probably not the right word but I don’t know what else to call it. It's such a dramatic hydraulic event.


Hysteresis of the Core – the Force to Separate the Continents

These forces would act differently on the solid crust of the Earth versus the molten and therefore liquid core. The crust, directly impacted by the strike, would rotate with the rotation of the axis and the change in orbit of the Sun.


The liquid core would demonstrate the standard hysteresis effect that is experienced by any volume of liquid subject to a change in direction – it would do its best to keep moving in the direction it was moving before the impact.


This would lead to shear on the base of the Crust. So shear being relative movement between the core and the crust, that’s between the rough inner surface of the crust and the liquid core. Bear in mind that this is highly viscous, it's not a fluid, it's molten rock, so it's really thickened. And that would drag on the crust and broken the crust up into segments that we call the continents and drag those things around and then smashes them into each other. If you can imagine what was going on under the water and this is all happening under the water by the way, you can imagine what was going under the water, it's really, really dramatic stuff, and it explains everything that we see around us today.


Continental Impact

Once the continental plates started moving they would keep moving until they impacted something to stop them -- the other continental plates.


This gave rise to the major mountain ranges such as the Alps in Europe, the Himalayas in Asia, the Rocky Mountains in North America, the Andes in South America and other mountain ranges around the world.


This same movement caused tears in the ocean floor such as the Mariana Trench.


Where did the water go to?


We are left with another unexplained phenomenon, where did the water go?


The most probable hypothesis is that the Earth expanded. 


Exactly how it expanded is the subject of divergent theories but there is quite a large body of opinion that says that it did expand at some time for diverse reasons.


Consider the page on the "Expanding Earth" in Wikipedia.


The pointer to the Earth expanding is the fact that the continents fit into all one another. You can collapse all the continents back towards each other and you will see there is a most noticeable example is the East Coast of South America and the West Coast of Africa which if you cut them out a map fit together almost perfectly. So something happened to move the continents apart like that, and as I have said the hysteresis of the core rotating in response to the change in tilt of the axis of the Earth and the change in the orbit around the sun caused huge stresses.


There is a theory that following the impact of the Ice Comet, the swivelling of the axis and change in orbit and resulting disruption of the surface of the Earth leading to the Continental Plates being formed and movement commencing that this was associated with expansion of the surface of the Earth.


One theory says that if the diameter of the Earth is reduced, just conceptually and by calculation, you know, by cutting out the map of the sphere, that the diameter expanded by about 25% to arrive at the present diameter. So if you reduce the diameter of the Earth by whatever that figure is, it's less than the inverse of 25%, the continents all fit together perfectly. I have not found substantive documentation to back this up but it seems quite possible from a geometric perspective if you look at the continents.


So you could ask the question, how the Earth expands, and we've looked at that, we've talked already about the hysteresis effect that drag off the core trying to continue rotating in a way it was rotating before the surface of the Earth itself, swivelled on its axis and had its orbit changed and so that would get the continents moving. And the fact that the mountains are both on the West Coast of North and South America suggest that they were moving in the same direction. Very dramatic stuff!


Nuclear Reaction in the Core of the Earth

If we assume that when the Earth first came into existence the core was relatively small and relatively cool and that as time passed the reactor in the core became more active and the core became hotter, larger and more molten then the Ice Comet impact causing the fracturing of the Continental Plates may have paved the way for the core to expand.


It also seems possible that the massive disruption associated with the Ice Comet impact might have caused increased activity in the core leading to a substantial increase in temperature and therefore associated expansion.


The fact that matter was forced out of the core in the form of Volcanoes, Granite Domes, Lava Flows, etc. evidences that there was excess pressure in the Core from the commencement of the Ice Comet impact.


Again, just massive, massive disruption. It's important to understand that the core of the Earth is radioactive, is nuclear. Because we get radioactive traces in the igneous rocks on the surface and there is a piece in the presentation on the website where there is a video about the isotopes that are found in granite which points that the granite being almost instantaneously cooled when it came into contact with the freezing water that was circulating around the Earth. When you accept that the Earth is in fact at some level radioactive, then anything that works with dating based on radioactive levels is completely spurious, it's silly folks. It just does not make any sense actually.


Conclusion – the best theory I know of

This theory fits for me. 


It is entirely consistent with information reported by NASA in 2009 and 2010.


It made sense to me the first time I heard it.


I leave it to you to ponder and take a view on whether you have a better theory.


It certainly works better for me than to suspend my engineering intellect and training and believe that all the things I have shown you happened gradually over millions or billions of years.


Steady state theories just cannot explain what we have discussed in this presentation.


Massive external forces have to have been applied.


A massive external source of water is absolutely essential.


There are large chunks of ice in space.


An astronomical object or "Ice Comet" explains the situation perfectly.


Is there a better theory? I do not know one. What do you think?


I would encourage you to take time after this broadcast to really contemplate what you heard. I encourage you to go to the website. On the Menu there is an item called "Flood" which is about two-thirds of the way down the Menu. If you hover over that you will find a whole lot of child pages, one of the child pages is "Flood Video" and you will find all the videos there, all the slide share and have a look at that. Watch those videos, and ask yourself if all the other stuff that you've heard, all the other stuff that you've been taught really stands that test. I suggest for your consideration that it doesn’t.


Chapter 9

What is the Age of All this? Really?

We have repeatedly been told that the surface of the Earth is millions or billions of years old.


We read of archaeological finds with ages like this.


In the introduction to this series of teachings I made the point that nearly all things in the physical world follow exponential characteristics and that extrapolation, even by small amount is extremely unwise.


So, when did this flood really take place?


In considering the question of the age of the current topography and geology one must keep in mind that the surface of the earth was totally mashed up in the wake of the Ice Comet impact and therefore everything on the surface of the Earth today dates back to no earlier than the date of this event.


So, when was the event?


How long ago? Each stage of what has been discussed happened rapidly.


It's more likely to be weeks or months per stage rather than millions or billions of years.


There are written records that suggest this happened as recently as 2345 BC.


Other widely held opinions state that these events took place millions or billions of years ago.


Which view is more reliable?


The thing to understand here is that if you're coming from a base of either believing that it rained for 40 days and 40 nights, you cannot correlate that with what you see on the Earth, so the explanation of millions and billions of years then becomes plausible if you don’t actually question it. If you don’t understand the laws of mechanics, if you don’t understand that the mountains on this Earth could not have been formed without massive forces, you're likely to make the wrong judgment. So we got to look at how we get the age of it.


Exponential versus Linear

So we really mentioned that the difference between exponential and linear characteristics are fundamental to understanding the question of ageing of this event is to come to terms with the reality that most physical characteristics follow exponential curves and are not linear. This is particularly so with radioactive decay.


There are images in the presentation on the website.


So, we get a situation where if we assume linear trends extrapolation gives ages in millions of years but if we assume exponential trends then extrapolation on the same data gives thousands of years.


It's interesting. The key to understand this! We're so indoctrinated into millions of years and billions of years, we don’t question it. Folks, there is no possible way that it is conceivable that you can extrapolate back millions of years with anything approaching accurately and if you use something that relies on levels of radioactivity, and as we've seen, it just doesn’t work, it doesn’t fly. We're sitting on top of a nuclear reactor and at a point in time roughly 4.5 thousand years ago I suggest, that nuclear reactor was spearing out 20,000 volcanoes, innumerable granite domes, innumerable lava flows. There was radioactivity everywhere and when Noah and his animals and people got off the ark, they got into a radioactive environment.


The God’s Word Phenomenon

Another consideration what I call the God's Word Phenomenon.


This whole situation is clouded by what might be termed "The God’s Word Phenomenon" which relates to people who claim that the Bible is the "Word of God" and without error and therefore try and ram their beliefs down other people’s throats on inaccurate interpretations on the basis of "the Bible says!"


In fact, it turns out that a key aspect of the debate relates to ignorant insistence on the Bible as final authority with no understanding of physics or any other technical knowledge versus arguments against believing the Bible that then go off at a tangent and miss the point.


The brutal truth is that nowhere in any Bible I have ever read, and I have read many Bibles, does it say something like "I the undersigned, being the person who collated all the writings in this book, hereby testify that I was directly and intensely guided by the Almighty Creator and I therefore testify that this book is 'the Word of God'" – even if there was such a passage one would need to ask carefully how much reliance one should place on such a declaration by an unknown person.


Then, if one were to ask the Almighty His opinion one would discover that He is not particularly keen on the Bible because of the way people worship it and have relationships with it instead of worshipping Him, see "The Bible" page on the Website for more information on this topic.


So, bottom line as I see it is that the Bible is a useful and reasonably authoritative compilation of historical writings by a diversity of human beings who have had a variety of relationships with the Almighty, and that’s it, no more!


The "My Teacher Told me Phenomenon"

Corollary to that is what one might call "My teacher told me phenomenon" or maybe "My professor told me."


So, we get otherwise rational and sensible people who suspend their intellect on the basis of unwise beliefs about the Bible.


Then we get other rational and sensible people who suspend their intellect based on what some educator or other esteemed person told them.


The harsh reality, as we have seen so far, is that conventional wisdom regarding this event we like to call "The Flood" is that there is a lot of wrong thinking on the part of people whose opinions are, for the most part, considered authoritative.


As far as I can determine most of this wrong thinking relates to beliefs that they took on early in their careers from people they esteemed and greatly respected and therefore never questioned and, to question those people now, seems in some way disrespectful.


So we find otherwise rational academics making statements about the age of things that simply do not gel.


We also have the problem of Geologists, Historians, and other specialists who lack engineering training and engineering fundamentals who therefore make assumptions that are simply not valid and of course we get engineers who have trusted their professors and take on these things and don’t question. Because actually the vast majority of things that people do in this world, it doesn’t really matter whether this took place 4,000 years ago or 50,000 years ago or 500,000 years ago or a 5 million years ago. The fact is that there was a dramatic event. So people take on board beliefs about the topography of the Earth being formed over millions or billions of years without thinking and nothing really happens to really challenge that.


The Problem of Clean Sharp Corners

All over the world we find clean rocks with sharp corners.


Over millions or billions of years these corners would be weathered and rounded by thermal stressing and covered with moss and lichen.


So millions of years is improbable.


Are there other indicators of age?


"Reductio ad Absurdem"

We have spoken before of the mathematical and legal principle and technique of "Reductio ad Absurdum"—reduce to the absurd.


This is a well-established and well-proven deductive technique and I will use it presently.


The term is very well known and well applied.


At the time of delivering this Broadcast there were over 680,000 exact matches of the phrase in quotes on Google.


"Reductio ad Absurdum" says assume that a particular theory is valid and then argue that with regard to all pieces of information that come to you. Basically what it says is if a theory is valid, you will prove it and if the theory is invalid, you will eventually get to an absurd deduction. Very few geologists, may be no geologists really are schooled in "Reductio ad Absurdum" and it's certainly not applied to what taught in schools and universities about the history of the Earth, formation of the Earth and so forth. We will use that in a minute to discuss some of the things that we're looking at.


It's so important that you bring all your knowledge and experience in all disciplines to subjects particularly when it involves the Bible, the Almighty does not expect you to abdicate your intellect in order to believe in Him. He is the engineer beyond all engineers. He is the scientist beyond all scientists. He is the geologist beyond all geologists. He doesn’t need you to abdicate your intellect to believe in Him.


"Extrapolation should be avoided"

We also previously discussed the engineering and mathematical principle that extrapolation should be avoided.


This is so because it is not possible to predict the behaviour of materials and other phenomena outside the realms of observed data.


Searching for that text in quotes to get an exact match on Google we find 4,090 exact matches.


This is an important deductive principle, a principle that is totally violated by those who claim that they can age archaeological remains to millions or billions of years when all they are measuring is noise in data which is almost certainly exponential and which is subject to all sorts of contamination over time.


As an engineer designing things, you would get into serious trouble if you extrapolate beyond what you could measure, and if you did that a little bit out of extending what you're working with, you would probably get failure and if you got failure, you would end up in court for negligence and some expert witness would remind you that extrapolation should be avoided and would inform the court that and you would end up quite possibly in jail. These are principles that are absolutely fundamental folks, but they're not applied to any little subject we're talking about.


So that’s all for tonight. I just want to digress for a few minutes as I wrap up and ask you "Where are You in Your Relationship with Father Yah, the Almighty Creator of the Heavens and Earth, you may know as God or you may know as the Lord? Do you realize that it is possible for you to become the closest person to Father in this age of any human being alive today?"


I am guessing that that thought has never occurred to you. It's entirely possible. I have spent 26 years getting close to Father, 26 and a half I guess, and I am not nearly as close to Him today as I was a few years ago and I believe I am not nearly as close to Him as I could be! I have been through a lot, got beaten up spiritually quite a few times, I am still having to earn my living. I challenge you, please seriously consider today making a decision to grow closer to Father in Heaven, much closer.


If you're an ambitious result-oriented achiever, why not set out to get closer to Him than I am? Why not get out to be the closest there has ever been to Him in the history of mankind? It's there for you. We will talk in a minute about some documents that will help you get there, I am happy to help you to get there you by all means and we can talk. It's really a great opportunity.


The Global Flood that Changed the World -- Part 5 -- Review

We've looked at the explanations given earlier with regard to the source of the water and where it went.


We spoke about the reality of Ice Comets and the reality of an Ice Comet Impact Crater on Mars.


We noted that this crater would have a sizeable footprint on Earth and that such a Comet would submerge the Earth to a depth of 11.75 kilometres when melted.


We recognized that the entire surface of the Earth indicated massive impact damage.


It was stated that this impact gave rise to fracturing of the Crust of the Earth.


And it was postulated that the axis of the Earth swivelled and the Orbit of the Earth was deflected and this led to massive forces acting on the Crust.


It was surmised that when this rotation of the Earth occurred the Core lagged behind resulting in massive dragging forces which gave rise to shear on the base of the Crust.


Once the continental plates started to move it is asserted that massive impacts would result when they struck one another and that this would give rise to the mountain ranges all over the Earth.


This continental separation was associated with expansion of the Crust leading to rapid, high speed drainage of water off the continents with massive erosion.


It is postulated that the Earth expanded by 25%.


It is asserted that there is a Nuclear Fusion Reaction taking place in the Core of the Earth heating the core.


It is asserted that this is the best available theory that I know.


We went on to have a look at an explanation with regard to establishing the date of the Flood was initiated.


We talked about rocks with sharp corners evidencing they were young rocks.


We talked about "Reductio ad Absurdem" as the deductive principle to be applied.


We talked about the principle of not extrapolating and we talked about other things.



Wrapping Up

Five Key Documents – Main Menu Webpages

So to wrap up, five key documents that you might like to look at, they're all on the main Menu of the website.


"The Creator Desires a Deep Personal Relationship with You" – near the bottom of the Menu.


"Seven Components in Drawing Close to the Creator" – near the bottom of the Menu.


"Recommended Worship" – near the bottom of the Menu – songs that are strongly recommend.


"The Creator's Name is Yah the Eternally Self-Existing" – at the top of the Menu.


"Where will You Spend Eternity? – What is required in order to qualify to sit on a High Throne for Eternity?" – also near the bottom of the Menu.


All of this is available at


Transcripts of nearly all teachings in this series are available on the Website at the bottom on the "Radio" page.


Recordings of nearly all of the teachings broadcast so far are available on the Radio page and they are all available at Click on "The Show" and then on "Podcasts."


Books constituting a compilation of most writings published since 1998 are available near the bottom of the Menu at the "Compilation of Most Writings" page and are physically available.


I publish regular email articles – email to be added to the list, or to seek counsel or prayer or to give me a feedback.


Visit the website and use the Google Search, Article Keyword Cloud, Table of Contents and the Article Search to locate the information you are looking for. The website is designed to provide you with as much the sources as possible to help you in your journey of drawing close to the Almighty. I encourage you to use this, many of the articles have been written with a significant anointing, significant level of inspiration.



Thank you for listening!


Please send me your questions on the W4CY webpage, I will answer them next broadcast.


Please email me to join the mailing list at


If you decide to draw close to the Almighty, please let me know and we can connect by Skype, Zoom, email or telephone so that I can help you with your journey.


I hope to connect with you again next week when we will continue to explore how to become a Friend of the Creator.


If I can just make a point here, it doesn’t matter how wealthy you are or how poor you are, it doesn’t matter how clever you are or not clever you think you are, it doesn’t matter your age, it doesn’t matter your gender, it doesn’t matter your race, it doesn’t matter your tribe, it doesn’t matter your nation, it doesn’t matter the colour of your hair or the colour of your eyes or the colour of your skin, Father Yah, the Almighty Creator of the Heavens and Earth wants to be your Friend. It's there for you today to make a decision, read the article on "Seven Components of Drawing Close" or listen to the recordings of the broadcast a few months ago off the website, download them, they're there to download in a zip file. Start today to draw closer. I really, really encourage you to step out and do that right now. Please call me. Thanks so much.





James Robertson

Emissary and Spokesman of Yah

Broadcast on 13 December 2019

Published 18 April 2020




On Radio at 2 pm Eastern Standard Time every Friday in the United States weekly -- live Radio programme called “Creator Desires Relationship” which will discuss various topics relating to seeking a deep relationship with the Almighty. That is 7 pm in the UK, 8 pm in South Africa, 11:30 pm in India and 4 am Canberra Time (ACT) in Australia. The show will air live on W4CY Radio at


Recordings of all of the teachings Broadcast so far are available at: click on “The Show” and then “Podcasts” they are also available at


A set of books containing nearly all of my writings on matters of the Almighty are available at no charge for download at email me to request a physical set of books.


Please connect with me on LinkedIn at 


YouTube on the Global Flood 






Please email to be placed on the mailing list, there is NO charge.

Mohammed Alzahrani

Interested in research, monitoring, and investigation of everything related to the Earth, the Earth’s atmosphere, and the links with the universe, the hourglass

8 个月




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