Proof Featured as Top Conversion Tool in Entrepreneur Twice in One Week
Austin Distel
Former CMO @ Jasper ? Investor & franchise acquisitions ? Speaker ? Send opportunities at
Entrepreneur Article 1: "5 Tactics to Supercharge Your Website Conversion Rate"
Entrepreneur Article 2: "23 Sure-Fire Conversion Rate Optimization Tactics for Striking Online Gold"
Click on the links above to read the two articles from Entrepreneur on how to boost your website conversion rate and why you should use Proof.
Alright, so how did we get here?
Since our launch of Proof earlier this year, we've had explosive growth that I can only attribute to a highly skilled team, tunnel focus on our true priorities, and a heavy dose of luck.
If you've bought anything in the last 6 months online, there's a good chance you've seen our social proof notification. As I write this in late September, there are 32,480,914 people who see a Proof notification on a website every month... and it's growing exponentially.
Many of the authors and speakers whom I studied from many years ago when I was a green entrepreneur are now users of my product! Heros of mine including Dave Ramsey, Bob Proctor, and T. Harv Eker who I listened to hundreds of hours of audiobooks and paid thousands of dollars to see them speak at conferences are now my customers! It's the wildest feeling when your idols become your users.
There's something magical that happens when everyone on the team is in their strongest role. We have 3 engineers optimizing and developing new product features, 2 guys whose entire job is customer experience and onboarding, a stacked marketing team (I'm biased here ?? ) with Troyer as our paid traffic & analytics specialist while I build out the creative campaigns, affiliate partnerships, and funnel conversion. Dave, our CEO, is amazing at seeing all the moving parts working together and knowing what's the priority to focus so we hit our goals. Hiring talented people and putting them in ideal roles is key to our rapid growth.
Despite how hard we are all working every day and the talent of the team, luck plays a big part in our success. While I don't know who our first "famous" customer was, it's lucky that the Facebook algo pushed our ad in front of their marketing team. It's even luckier that they decided to give our product a shot. Then other iconic marketers saw it and in the irony of "social proof", they followed suit. Now we're in momentum and there's no stopping this freight train.
We're on a mission to help you increase your website conversions using honest marketing strategies. It begins with our social proof toolset, but we have a lot more planned in the pipeline that will change the very experience you have browsing the internet. Come with us on this journey to transparency & personalization of the internet.
Austin Distel - CMO of Proof
CEO, Agency Lab
7 年Damn dude! You guys are killing it.