What else do you have? A familiar question as producers, directors, and actors rummage through my scripts as if going through the clearance bin at Walmart. I try to stay one step ahead of the question (s), anticipating their every move. The proof of concept shows the strength and viability of a storyline, concept, or character. It is typically done as a brief video. But I am not a full scale production company. My proof of concept arises from twenty plus completed scripts that take the reader some place spectacular, far away from the ordinary, through dire or absurd circumstances.
The PILOT of a series teases the producer or viewer with what is possible. It must hook the audience and drag them forward. If not, everybody ends up stranded and disappointed on the roadside. Monty is more than a proof of concept. It is ...proof of life. Somewhere high in the Colorado Rocky Mountains, hidden in the clouds, is a viable and vibrant community. Life happens here. But things play out ...differently.
The attached document is the opening sequence to Monty Law, Episode Nineteen. This gives a glimpse into Monty's life and experiences. The hook was set in the PILOT and has dragged me through twenty two episodes. There is life up here. And here is the proof ...