Proof: 25 Years of Spiritual Study, Work and Discovery
Conversations On The Path of Light?
We Invite All Those Seeking The Light
“The spiritual journey is a lifelong process. There are many avenues that can be followed on one’s path to enlightenment. Through the 25-plus years of studying various religious and spiritual matters, I, Jennifer M. Irwin, have had the opportunity to witness many amazing demonstrations that have proven Life does exist after what we call death. The Spiritualists movement has had a World stage for thousands of years. Mary and Joseph were Essenes; which in modern times, would be the equivalent of a Spiritualist church or they would be considered Spiritualists. There have been many famous people who believed in this form of communication: speaking to loved ones who have passed. Some of the more famous would be Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Edgar Cayce, President Abraham Lincoln, and Lady Betsy Ross, to name a few, who have put faith in the belief that Life continues after Death. All main religions also profess the existence of Spirit, Guardian Angels, Saints, and other influences that are beyond the physical realm.
When looking at a genuine Medium there are three criteria that must be met; first, do they heal the sick, second, do they comfort the mourner by proving there is Life after Death, and thirdly, do they inspire the Truth Seeker. When an individual meets these criteria, it can be established this person is genuine. Having a background in Forensic Science, I have had the opportunity to witness such an individual. Taking this stance, as someone who is seeking scientific proof that Life exists beyond the grave, is no small feat. Many universities throughout the world including UCLA, Arizona State, Stanford University, and the University of Syracuse in New York, and many more such as the College of Psychic Studies in London and the University of Osaka, Japan have lent their expertise in proving beyond a shadow of a doubt that the Spiritual Realms which are discussed in the Christian Bible, the Koran, the Torah and the many Hindu and Buddhic teachings are real.
The Medium I am working with on the Conversations On The Path of Light has had over 50 years of parapsychological or Spiritual communication with the so-called “dead”. This Medium has demonstrated to me for the past 25 years that beyond a shadow of a doubt that the Spiritual Realms Are Real and that the hierarchical structure that is in place to guide humanity is unequivocally, Real. As the spiritual communion takes place, information that the Medium or I has no reference to is presented and can be verified after these communications. These compilations of spiritual communications are now being presented in various formats. We are releasing them on Social Media to present to this age of Truth Seekers, communications that inspire and uplift. The accumulation of these lessons and communications will be forthcoming in a book format.
I have taken on the responsibility of making sure that a strict protocol consistent with scientific rigor is followed. After each communication, I have access to the original recorded messages and transcribe what is conveyed. Seeing the Medium perform allows me to witness the mannerisms, body language, and voice inflections that would be his. Seeing and hearing the different voice and body inflections and movements which are not characteristic to the Medium give proof that he is being controlled by an outside influence. The Medium explains it as if he is a conduit between the two realms, allowing the Spiritual Consciousness to use his brain centers, vocal box, and physical body to communicate to the audience. As I have studied this Medium and have witnessed many others who profess to be psychics or mediums, I have witnessed a distinct difference to those who claim to be legitimate and those who truly are. I have witnessed genuine mediumship from various psychics in the areas of psychic painting, psychometry, billet-psychometry, spirit communication and trans-mediumship each in varying degrees of accuracy. I have been fortunate enough to study the teachings of some of the most famous spiritual communicators in the world. I am very excited to have the opportunity to present these communications to The World.”
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